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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Peaked outside and saw a couple, put the clouds keep covering over the majority of the sky so my chances of seeing more are low. I think after I'm done at the pub tomorrow night I shall find a nice piece of grass and lay on my back for awhile.
  2. The first season is pretty average. I basically only kept watching it for Strahotski. But it gets good after a while.
  3. Well, who didnt see that one coming.
  4. I know this wouldn't stay dead.
  5. My top 5: Chelsea Manchester United Manchester City Arsenal Spurs Edit; No offence MadDog.
  6. Okay so assuming Cube is mafia, so is Jimbob.
  7. Well given that we know Nintendohnut to be trustworthy, surely we can all agree on Cube now? Also Diageo is reading the thread at the moment so it shall be interesting to see if we get a reply from him. Apparently I took too long to post.
  8. I just did the "stage" part of Alan Wake. Omgwtfbbqawesome.
  9. Heroes beyond season 1. Prison Break beyond half way through season 2.
  10. Now I remember why I stopped playing these games. People are too damn cautious.
  11. So long as it's not Hamilton I'm happy. Webber preferably, since this is probably his last chance, whereas Vettel will have more chances down the road, and the rest have all had their turn :p
  12. God damnit people. Read the thread with it in mind that Cube is mafia. See how clear it is and then vote for him.
  13. O'Neil to take an advisory role at Celtic to support the inexperienced Lennon? Pretty sure I called that months ago.
  14. Seriously guys. Cube is mafia. Just go with it.
  15. I'm 90% sure that Cube is mafia. If you look over the entire thread, he's made a few too many attempts to say something about being good - something like "its always nice when a neutral dies instead of a good guy" is unnecessary fluff. He's been pushing for more information when it's not really necessary, and he's yet to contribute anything actually of use. I'd bet my in-game life on him being a mafioso, if you guys would follow my lead on this one. Change Vote: Cube
  16. Yeah, but simply the fact that Moogle would be doing so is strong evidence to Dohnuts innocence. Theres always the chance it was a double bluff but I think at this stage we can trust him.
  17. I withdraw my suspicion on Nintendohnut now, given that it was Moogles claim that he targeted Jonnas. Also, just based on the style of his posts I'm looking at Ellmeister right now as a possible bad guy. Just entirely based on the posts he has made, I don't have any real proof. Vote: Ellmeister
  18. Gizmo


    The extent of my current career plan extends as far as "start uni, finish uni, decide somewhere in between what actual career I want". I'm studying Physics, which leaves me pretty open to going into Engineering, Finance, IT, etc. At this point though, unless I decide against it on the way, I'm thinking I'll probably end up a researcher of some sort.
  19. I own both, but I'm afraid majority wins.
  20. I guess I'm getting it on PS3 aswell then
  21. You do realise that "revealing my power will get me killed" and actually revealing your power amount to the same thing? The mafia now know your power is good enough to make you say that so of course they are gonna kill you. Probably in 2 nights time, since it will be assumed there will be a protector somewhere. Not revealing your power either a) makes me more inclined to think you are mafia or b) helps the mafia by making them know you need to be killed while at the same time distracting the town. I'm inclined to think if you were town you would be smart enough to have seen option B by now, ergo I'm also inclined to think you must be mafia.
  22. All I know is I've been in a mafia with Dohnut before and he was always a good liar... Vote: Nintendohnut
  23. Uh, what? I said myself MadDog is probably a townie. Roleblock sounds about right to me, I believe that.
  24. The vote was only to get a discussion going. If others started voting for him and my vote was going to become important, I'd remove it. I'm saying I don't know what his power is, only that he targeted me, and it failed. That may have been an investigative power (most likely imo due to my post yesterday), a killing power, a blocking power, anything.
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