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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I wish Gordon Brown would talk less about the problems with Tory policy and more about why I should be voting for his party
  2. So the desires the one to get then? Is there any chance of getting that on a ~£20 contract without having to pay a fortune for the handset?
  3. I usually say something like "A guy I know online". Its honest in its explanation but also deliberately avoids the word "friend".
  4. Whats the difference between the Nexus One, the HTC Desire, and the HTC Legend?
  5. Did I seriously just see a TV advert for a beta test?
  6. Gizmo


    I did a thing at the gym recently that put me just 3lbs under my ideal weight. I think it was around 11st 7lbs or something, and I was 11st 4. (@ 18 y/o and 5' 10") I've been slacking recently so went today and really pushed myself. Felt good.
  7. Newwwb. Sheffield <> Up North I'm not looking for contributors, I'm looking for a car to which I can contribute
  8. Still unsure about coming or not. It would probably involve taking a 9 hr coach journey to get there since I don't think my car is reliable enough to risk taking it all the way to London. Anybody up north roadtripping down and want help with the petrol?
  9. How about a Stop sign...at what point can I stop Stopping?
  10. The third game of this generation will be called Pokemon: Squinty Eyes BET ON IT
  11. Booked my bus tickets to get me to Rage Factor way down in London. A 9 hour coach journey, eww. But should be worth it!
  12. Yeah I'm quite happy with the touch. My main concern with the iPhone is the camera being rubbish, and I like to have a good one on my phone since I don't own a proper camera, let alone have one on me at all times. Edit: Oh, and Flash would be another nice thing to have if possible, which obviously the iPhone doesn't offer.
  13. Went through to see my accomodation for next year today. Looks a pretty nice place, a little farther from the main campus than I would like but theres a shuttle bus there for those lazy / rainy days Also went to see my cousin while I was through in Glasgow. Friend bailed on our plans for this evening though So it will be just me and you tonight KNEEE! Edit: Just me or is Facebook down? Nevermind, its working again
  14. Yeah, Miles is cool. But Hurley really bitched all over his central purpose so hes now basically just a regular character that can be there as an extra pair of hands whenever needed.
  15. Jack has never allowed himself to be burdened by intelligent decision making, so it's nothing new.
  16. Well thats up to the makers of Harry Potter to make an infringement claim. Also Youtube have some sort of system where the copyright holders can make a claim for a portion of the advertising revenue gained from the hits on any video containing their material (as opposed to having the videos removed)
  17. So I want a new phone, but I have no idea about phones. I already have an iPod touch, so the iPhone is out. Also because of the iPod, I'm not too worried about app stuff. The things I do want are internet anywhere, a good camera, good sound quality (my hearing is awful as is, I need the phone to help me out not make things worse!) and a good battery life. My phone bill atm is £10 a month, for some 200minutes and 400 texts. Preferably I'd get unlimited texts / internet, but I don't need much in the way of minutes... if it could remain sub £20 a month, that would be good. Erm...I think thats about all the info I can provide. So! What phones are around that fit my criteria?
  18. I do hope we go to Alternative Vote after the election and not PR. If anything, PR will be worse than FPTP. Yes votes aren't wasted, but a PR parliament is ridiculous.
  19. I had two of these bad boys the other day. One for lunch, one for supper. It was a good day. You can't beat good old Ready Salted for a crisp sandwich though. The fatter the crisp, the better. McCoy's Ready Salted therefore are the holy grail of crisp sandwich.
  20. I have an exam tomorrow which I am going to absolutely bomb in unless I do some work...but I really, really don't care about it and physically can't bring myself to do anything.
  21. I have a rad t-shirt of it. Its so awesome I have two, because I was given one as a gift. But I didnt wanna exchange it, because double the awesome.
  22. Wtf. This is ridiculously scary. Today a girl brought back a can of Mtn Dew for a few of her friends, after being on holiday in NY over Easter. Then, I discover an empty can of it in my car after my sisters boyfriend discovered a can of it at his friends work. So TWICE today already I've seen it. I was actually thinking "I bet theres a Facebook petition to get it brought back over here...I'm gonna join it". I'm spooked right now.
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