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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Wtf. Just got an email about my accomodation for Uni next year. Despite accepting an Unconditional offer and applying for accomodation pretty early I still managed to get only my 3rd choice flat - no large room with a couch and no en suite for me. Really disappointed. inorite.
  2. Holy crap. So lucky he just walked out of that.
  3. Pretty sure when my friends asked who you were I replied something along the lines of "that retard from comedy rainbow" to which my friends stared at me blankly for a few seconds. Which reminds me of another moment of the night: me playing COD sitting on the bed, with 3 people sitting beside me watching porn on the laptop. It was weird...
  4. -house party last night -freaking awesome -apple sourz is awesome -got a phone number from a very cute girl -my friend cheated on his girlfriend, but its ok because she has cheated on him three times -epic laughs came from the entire incident -drunkenly using the self service at tesco at 2am is difficult -woke up inside a tesco shopping trolley in my friends front room -one of my friends lost his jeans, they are nowhere to be found in the entire house or garden and nobody is owning up to stealing them -he was wearing them at the time he lost them -playing football in an hour, not good -never been sick from alcohol (vomit free since '03) -writing like this is fun -i think i might STILL be drunk -shredded all the skin off my fingers from playing guitar too vigourously -think ive run out of things to say -alot more probably happened but its a bit fuzzy edit: oh yeah, we also invented the word "goocken". which is a goose/chicken crossbreed. Goocken can now be used as a substitute for almost any word and it will still make sense. double edit: oh, and i also drunkenly waved down a police car thinking it was a ned in a saxo. my friend proceeded to get shouted at while i walked in the opposite direction.
  5. Dr Wu-man continues to be completely rubbish. Other than that I tend to enjoy it more than most other people who post on here.
  6. Isn't Japan currently having trouble with dwindling population?
  7. No. But unfortunately these days it's unavoidable, especially in America.
  8. £5 says in the west they are released as "Dark" and "Light" or something similar.
  9. I wonder how this will affect sales in Scotland...
  10. You big jessie.
  11. Are you for real Dyson? You don't see a future, because shes a vegetarian? How many interracial couples are there? How many couples of different religion, country of origin, political alignment? Just because your a protestant doesn't mean you can't fall in love with a catholic.
  12. What the bill is intended for and how it will be used are two seperate things: how are you legally going to differentiate between me watching Lost, and someone else who you described? The fact of the matter is I still illegally downloaded Lost.
  13. Pirating is bad yadda yadda. I don't have Sky1, I'm not going to pay for Sky1 just to get Lost, so I download Lost. Theres no loss of revenue anywhere, because I wouldn't spend any on it anywhere down the line. No advertisers lose money, because I wouldn't have seen the adverts anyway. Even more to the point, if I hadn't downloaded Muse's first four albums illegally, I wouldn't have paid £50 to go see them live. So rather than losing out on £50 of revenue from 4 albums sales like people would like to believe, they have in fact gained a fan (who will spread their music to others, such as my friend with whom I went to see them - another £50), made money on the tickets and tshirts I bought, and lost no money on the album downloads I made, which I wouldn't have if it was gonna cost me £50. The same has happened with countless other bands. Yes its illegal blahblah, but maybe thats a problem with the law, and not the system? I'm not saying it works like this all the time, but what I'm saying is that it's far less of a problem as they would have you believe, due to the reverse effect as I have described above. I would say that with this in mind, the con's of the bill far outweigh the pro's.
  14. If they were going to do it, it would have happened about 12 months ago. As is, they can't get rid of him before the election. If they do well, he will stay, because it will be taken as a sign that he is popular. If they do badly, then he will step down / be pushed, but we will have 5 years of David Cameron.
  15. If he wins the election he won't get binned.
  16. I just squared off against Red. I didn't realise what I was going up against Some serious training is needed!
  17. When I first saw that I thought it was a shop taking the piss out of ManU by putting a Liverpool badge on a Bayern shirt.
  18. Whiskey drunk straight makes my insides tingle...
  19. Apparently not, because I fought it twice. The first time it wasn't shiney, the second time it was.
  20. Womgrubzsun rhmxqdhkyd n I just caught a shiney Suicune! Little bugger wouldn't let me catch him the first time, I rest and try again and it's a shiney! Was prepared to use my masterball if I needed but managed to get it with a dusk ball. First shiney I've ever caught too
  21. That quiz was really helpful for me, considering I got * Labour 25.00% * UKIP 25.00% * Conservatives 25.00% * Lib Dems 25.00% So other than the rascists and the eco-mentalists, I agree with bits of everything.
  22. Tbh, Labour without Brown is probably the best option. But the only way to get rid of Brown is to have Labour lose the election. On the other hand, that means 5 years of the Tories. YAY FOR DEMOCRACY
  23. Too lazy to watch the whole video or read the whole thread, because I already know how it goes. "blabla war is bad soldiers are evil blabla" *one person defends the soldiers* *everyone else attacks that individual*
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