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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Thats such bullshit.
  2. Yeah I fully support their right to be disappointed, I definately would be. But that doesnt then give them the right to go making complaints, surely?
  3. Far as I see it...it just so happens that there are 2 spaces left. These spaces need to be paid for, so the school may aswell send somebody in them...arbitrarily that would be us 2, just because of the status. If there were 4, it would include them, if it were more than that, then it would be more difficult to be picking people from the general group. But it's two, they have a 2 person "group" with status above the rest, so its the logical choice...I understand they are disappointed, I would be too, but at the end of the day theres no need for them to be getting pissy about it and complaining to the school over it.
  4. So my free holiday is causing quite a stir...the deputes are not happy that they aren't getting to go aswell. Me and the Head Girl are getting the last 2 spots, so the 2 deputes can't go...and they aren't best pleased.
  5. I'm getting a free holiday! My school has two places left on an 8 day water sports trip to France at the end of June...since they need to pay for them anyway, I'm getting to go for free as a reward for being so damn sexy and awesome as the head boy this year. Finally, being a nerd has paid off. (To the tune of £580!) Suck it Jamieson. I finally found some today. Good stuff, but not quite up to the american standard. Having said that I can feel the extrs caffiene because I'm quite buzzy right now.
  6. Awesome. I had Orange Box on 360, so I'll be having me some free Portal. Its due another play through anyway.
  7. Kinda funny how the protesting has been for a PR system, yet they are going for AV even though in many cases it exacerbates the problems of FPTP even more...
  8. Today was the last day of lessons in Gizmo's high school life. It was pretty cool. I've really been waiting for a good 2 years to have this high school thing over and done with, but the last 6 months or so have been pretty rad. I'm going to miss not seeing the same people every day. After school we went to get supplies for tomorrows official last day where we are going to the local country park for a barbeque. We bought a basketball, 3 super soakers, an awesome frisbee, and far too much vodka. We then proceeded to go play basketball, making a drinking game out of it due to the excess we had created. Then we went for pizza for dinner. When I got home I went to mix my drink for tomorrow (vodka lemonade disguised in a 2litre 7up bottle) but I made it far too strong and had to pour some into another bottle and dilute it down again. I've been drinking the excess and combiend with the drinking at basketball I'm really tipsy. I feel like I'm writing in a more exciteable way than normal so you cna probably tell. I've tried to keep the typing errors to a minimum though. TL;DR - high school is over, much booze today, much more booze tomorrow, good times. Edit: Wow, vodka lemonage is a really good drink. If only straight guys could drink it in public.
  9. Dave Miliband would be my choice for Labour leader. I really don't want Alistair Darling or Ed Balls. And not just because of the ridiculous of their names either. Or how about this guy as a dark horse:
  10. Theres another game been addded to that Humble Bundle...those of you who've already bought it should have an email with a download link.
  11. Considering I don't even remember posting that I think it's safe to say I didn't really analyse your word choice too deeply...
  12. Uhoh...shit's going down in Gizmo town! Far too drunk to deal with this now...I'll think it through in the morning... Why is there a pee-stain on the front of your converse.
  13. Well its my last day of high school on Tuesday, so we'll see how it goes.
  14. I've already completed World of Goo, but that was on my old PC so I'm gonna buy that bundle anyway if it's for charity. Gish and Overture look like good indie puzzlers, which I always love. The other two have got to be worth a go at least.
  15. My house went UKIP (Dad), SNP (Mum), Lib Dem (Me), too lazy to vote (Sister). So definitely a hung parliament then! :p
  16. I've been laying on this bed for a good 3 hours and still I cannot sleep
  17. I just had a thought: I'm voting in this election for my home constituency, which I am going to then move away from 3 months later. For a full 5 years. This seems somewhat silly.
  18. Yeah, I'm usually one of the more positive people about this but that was definately the worst yet.
  19. Friend of mine has a seat like that in her front room...she had a house party about 6 months back. Naturally I chose that seat as my spot to crash. It was awesome.
  20. Mt Dew was released over here in BP garages today...I think my "car" needs "petrol"...
  21. I just had a thought: I could do something similar to what I'm doing for the Rage factor gig, travelling down overnight on the Friday (arriving at like 7.30am in London), and leaving late on Saturday night (23.15 departure from the bus station). Which will cost me like, £10 on megabus plus whatever the tube cost will be. (Ganepark, sounds like you'd be leaving from the same place I would if you want to do that aswell and save on the hotel!) Are there any plans for any N-E pubbing that night that I'd be missing out on? I could also leave early morning the next day, probably roughing it in the bus station (though I'm not sure how easy it would be to get there after going to the pub, tubes will probably be finished for the night...probably not the best idea actually). Oh to be young and willing to rough it like this... Only remaining problem would be getting it past the 'rents, though regardless of what they say I'd manage to get there anyway. Just that its a kinda awkward conversation:laughing:
  22. Today was lame. Date cancelled on me, and then after an hour of chatting, decided the best moment to stop replying was after I asked when we were going to reschedule to...maybe theres an innocent reason but doesn't look good from where I'm sitting. I should have known better than to think it might all go to plan this time.
  23. I'll sponsor you, but only if you use rope instead of bungee cord. Do that, and then you'll deserve my cash. l*awaits reply about being insensitive and whatnot*
  24. Neither.
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