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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I need more. I need the kickstarter. Come on
  2. Yup : peace: Remember to set the console as your primary PS4. Is Anil your first name? Are you an Indian? If not, here's the obvious AnalPee joke :p
  3. 1. Your lady should just leave now 2. PSN ID - GIVE IT! 3. Have fun. Best console currently on the market!
  4. Titan Souls is out. While I'm pretty sure it will be free on PS+ in 2 or 3 months I still bought it just now because I have been looking forward to it for so long : peace: Downloading both the PS4 and Vita versions. Need something to play on my trainride today
  5. It's still not a good reason to hit an innocent spider That poor fucking horrific thing Kill it, kill it with fire. I guess Jim is just a peaceful fella. :p
  6. I consider "the door is closed, wait for it to open and fight lots of enemies" being "Horde Mode". I don't know the exact definition of Horde Mode so I simply went with that :p And as long there isn't more enemy variety (and loot variety, i.e. more weapon stats which are randomized) and there aren't procedurally generated areas I don't think I'd enjoy a Horde Mode Arena for long. I do agree that Destiny needs it, but a simple arena + random enemy spawns...won't do the trick. But, I'd be happy if Bungie surprised us. Edit: Something akin to Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons would be incredible.
  7. I swear to God, if I don't see this thread exploding with posts once this has been released I'll...I'LL...get mad.
  8. No thank you, Bungie. I'll play it, because I have the Season Pass, but in the future I'll think more than twice about buying anything Destiny related. Rumor has it that it will be a Horde Mode arena. Destiny has basically always been 'the Horde Mode game' so I hope this rumor isn't true.
  9. Not playing it at the moment. I'm out for now.
  10. You only need to give the soundtrack a listen and it should be an instabuy. Audio Beat the third boss a couple of days ago. Man, I have to get back to Axiom Verge but Bloodborne takes away every second of the freetime I have.
  11. Since I was going to start Destiny from scratch I highly doubt I'll get back into it since the Witcher 3 will be released on the same day.
  12. YES! Hope we can also create our own Bonus Stage. : peace:
  13. You should totally post that in the Nintendo Board. :p
  14. If this runs at anything higher than 25 fps while looking this good on PS4 I'll be majorly impressed. I'm very skeptical about the game's performance. Still getting it though
  15. Bloodborne has an amazing soundtrack itself, but listening to other music during fights can be awesome, too. This was on during my fight against the final Boss of the first Chalice Dungeon. : peace: Dat breakdown. Man, Stockholm Syndrome must have been amazing. :awesome:
  16. I bought this shit Hoping to juggle both Bloodborne and Dark Souls II but I fear that playing one will destroy my skill with the other
  17. Unseen Village can fuck right off Those fucking asshole bell-bitches. Love this game
  18. @Zell please don't ever post again. Your avatar makes me cry. I need Zero Escape 3. :weep: keep posting <3
  19. Same here. And he only still has it because his girlfriend likes Mario Kart 8.
  20. Because you're usually the one who brings peace.
  21. Since Minecraft early-access has been on the rise and has become a business model, procedurally-generated games have exploded/been improved upon and Minecraft basically started the indie-boom which in turn helped with early-access, the importance of independent developers, etc. Why exactly did you mention AAA gaming now?
  22. Agree. Good/solid games but nothing really revolutionary. To me, the last generation (or rather genre) defining game was Demon's Souls. And then came Minecraft which revolutionized/changed the video game industry as a whole.
  23. There's a difference between "trying to win" and "wanting people to understand your point". Nobody here except @Glen\-i and @Hero\-of\-Time have grasped what @Sheikah tried to convey. But hey, he said something negative about Nintendo (and basically every other video game company there is but this gets overlooked, of course) so what do I know.
  24. Hm, I read somewhere that you can "play" it cooperatively? If so, is it difficult? Could it be something for someone who basically has never played video games (bar the occasional round of Mario Kart or Mario Party)?
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