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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. drahkon


    People seem to understand the game a lot better. There's still the occasional "4 Bastions + 1 Genji + 1 other hero" team and some morons who think that it's Team Deathmatch, but overall it's a much more enjoyable experience. Zenyatta is a very cool support. In the right hands (in my hands :p) he can be devastating to the enemy team. Somehow I'm not very good with several offensive heroes, like Reaper and Tracer. Genji and Pharah I'm pretty good with, though. I avoid playing with McCree because he is OP and I hope the balance update will come soon.
  2. [tweet]740412510654898176[/tweet] At first I was afraid ,I was petrified it was just another "youth rebellion boring shit". Now I have hopes that this is an indication that the game/plot doesn't take itself too seriously which will in turn bring some wacky hackings with it.
  3. Plague Inc. doesn't either. You need to pop some "bubbles" but they stay on the screen for one or two seconds. On PS4 the cursor automatically jumps to one when you tilt the analogue stick into its general direction. I think it would be fine with the track pad.
  4. I'd battle the chick from the beginning and tear that dress from her body...because it's hideous. In all seriousness, I'm really looking forward to new game announcements.
  5. It's available for Mac via Steam. I haven't played the PC/Mac version, so I can't compare. It works really well with a controller, though. A mouse would most likely be - for lack of better term - "better" for obvious reasons.
  6. I still don't think the games looks like that
  7. Disagree, but each to their own.
  8. You should get your eyes checked.
  9. Yeah, you basically just make your disease harder to cure and attempt to kill everyone before a cure is found. Everything before that point is really strategic. The end game, however, is almost only waiting. But it's so close to the end that it's not that big of a deal. An improvement in that area would make turn this 9/10 game into a PAX-12/10.
  10. Cool. Looking forward to it. : peace: I'm very much interested in the XCOM Vita port. It's supposed to be very good. SO MANY GAMES. Also: It's not E3 yet...slow down with the announcements, developers
  11. It was breezy. However, when going lethal I always go for coma and, if I have the necessary DNA points, for total organ failure. The Neurax worm is awesome Was a lot of fun. A couple of days before extinction Argentina commenced the search for ET and banned laughing and clowns I love the news. Even though they become repetetive they still make me giggle quite regularly
  12. I already hate the character design...
  13. Wow, he has great ideas. And they are soooo simple. Nintendo needs to see these videos...
  14. That's exactly how my first fungus run went I thought that making it incredibly lethal would kill everyone fast enough, but noooooo. Haven't tried it since, but the only logical step forward is - as you've said - make it harder to cure. : peace:
  15. I'm interested but not sure if I have the time to commit...is it very time consuming? Does it have fix dates I need to be online? Is it easy to learn (don't know anything about Xpert).
  16. How dare you say this... I kinda agree. The art style and creativity in character design is absolutely astounding. The latter is something Mario games lack. It does need some polish, though, but there's a lot of time until the release I'll stick with the PS4 version because I will soon sell my Wii U No idea what Team 17's reputation with porting is, though.
  17. I love pre-E3 rumours The Dead Rising franchise doesn't interest me. A Skyrim remaster would most definitely interest me : peace: And Read Dead Redemption would be the best thing ever.
  18. I actually liked Ignite for the gameplay. If they "import" what they have done there to Frostbite and improve it further I'm happy.
  19. I fail to eradicate all of humanity time and time again. There's always one country that my disease doesn't reach at all. I think I have to slow my runs down a bit. Use the pause button more, assess the situation and choose my mutations accordingly. Edit: YES! Humanity is eradicated I played it as "stealthily" as I could. Devolving every symptom that randomly evolved helped. The disease was found very, very late and I was able to infect everyone without a cure being developed. Then I just made RAD-1 lethal and watched as humanity died out.
  20. I'm one of the few people who really enjoyed the first game (never got the Platinum, though, as I traded it in before a patch that made one near impossible trophy easier to get was released...) Looking forward to Watch Dogs 2. : peace:
  21. It looks lovely.
  22. How fucking cool is Plague Inc.? Saw @Daft and @somme play this and since I never heard about it I looked it up. Seemed like a game for me so I bought it. After my first playthrough I can say: I love it. My first desease (RAD-1) broke out in Brazil, figured it might a good place to start. Slowly but surely I've mutated the bacterium so it could survive in hot and humid areas. It spread to several contries in Africa, Europe and Asia. What I didn't think of: Cold countries Sweden, Norway, Canada and Greenland were not infected at all until the bacterium escaped the research facility in Sweden. It was too late, though...all the hosts died but 5% of the world's population was alive and healthy. Next time I'll make sure to infect every climate Edit: Well, after starting in China and focussing on transmission, I infected every single country...but RAD-1 wasn't deadly enough. The cure was distributed when half of the world's population was dead. Damn, killing every human being is hard
  23. That conversation at the end is probably made for certain people here Can't wait. That trailer has got me HYPED!
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