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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Just watched the first episode.
  2. Yeah, very funny...
  3. I didn't see any indication that he meant that with his wording. But if he did then I apologize.
  4. You really can play these on your PS4? How? I'd love to play Baten Kaitos on mine. And ToS. And Eternal Darkness. And Turok. And Harvest Moon (okay, I'll give you that, Stardew Valley recently arrived on consoles).
  5. Can't comment on that. I don't read through this thread that closely anymore.
  6. Because having 3rd parties and their games on board will make the device more attractive which in turn will make the device more successful. And I think many gamers here want Nintendo to become successful again. As @Hero\-of\-Time said: We want Nintendo to do well in the market again.
  7. And it happened in our country. Lorry attack at the berlin Christmas fair... Nothing specific on whether it was a terrorist attack but what else could it be. Thank God 2016 will be over soon. Fucking horrible year.
  8. So what's the point then? I mean, releasing a trailer with PC footage is nothing new but not even having a Switch dev kit? What that means to me: This is no indication of what the game will be like eventually. For all I know the graphics are way too good.
  9. Soooo...that Japanese exam. The one with my incredible brac blackout. I passed. Quite good actually...83/100 points I guessed most of the answers for a couple of exercises so I got very lucky. : peace:
  10. It's not that difficult, though. Not to brag, but I did it without a guide in an hour. I've looked at some video guides for the trophy just now and I definitely got the right idea for my run Double jump to gain/maintain speed and to cut corners is vital. Arc grenades to finish up groups of targets and the rest is just well timed movement. This might actually be the easiest route for the trophy. I've tried his route and managed to beat the time after my third try. If you can be frame perfect with your jumps you could do this:
  11. I think I'll just do the stuff necessary for the other remaining trophies and leave the boss rushes for later. Still, I'll definitely take a break from this. Haven't been burnt out like this by a game for a long time...
  12. I'm very close to finishing the story of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. Only what appers to be a boss rush remains. And now that I've looked at the trophy list I have to do the boss rush three more times. Normally I'd say that's not a big deal but this game pushes the "how can we elongate the playthrough with using the same assets/environments/enemies over and over again"-theme to the limit. And what makes this worse: The bosses are so fucking tanky. It took me 12 minutes to kill the first one and he didn't even come close to beating me. I toned down the difficulty to easy in the hopes of reducing my remaining play time but nooooooo...the tankiness remains, only the bosses' damage gets reduced. I think I'll finish the game now and then just leave it be for a couple of days...
  13. Characters 3 and 4 of Odin Sphere Leifthrasir are done : peace: Will finish the playthrough with the fifth tomorrow. Think I'm close to finishing the story. I've also finally spent an hour with Stardew Valley. It's overwhelming. There seems to be so much to do...I've spent one ingame day exploring the town, planting some seeds and playing an arcade game, another was spent with fishing and exploring some more, the day after I cleaned up my farm a bit (i.e. cut down trees, removed stones, etc.)...oh man, I will spend so much time with this Really hope this will get a Vita release somewhere down the line. It's a perfect fit. As mentioned in the dedicated thread: Managed to grab the two gauntlet trophies in Titanfall 2. Also completed the first mission. I have high expectations for the campaign after all the impressions I've come across.
  14. The art style is beautiful, isn't it? Oh and that story...mymy. It's one of my favourite stories in video game history. I'll definitely get the collection sometime. Mainly because I still have never finished the first two Bioshock games but also because I just want to experience Infinite's story again.
  15. Started the campaign and decided to tackle the Gauntlet trophies before moving on to the real missions. Took me the better part of an hour. I decided to do it without the help of a guide. @Hero\-of\-Time messaged me during my trials When I saw the pop-up I was in the middle of a run and only saw his name. I thought he wrote a cheeky message like: "Lol, still on that gauntlet? Noob." :p He didn't, though. Missed opportunity. Three minutes after I responded I managed to beat the target time for the "...becomes the master" trophy : peace: Went on with the first mission and I had to stop because this is already one of my favourite FPSs of all time. Why? Simple: I picked up a sniper, used my higher ground to take out some drones and enemies and I didn't immediately get spotted and shot by 8 million bullets like in pretty much every other FPS. (I'm playing on the highest difficulty, which makes this even more surprising) I always hated the fact that when you use a sniper, every enemy knows exactly where you are and in a matter of 0.5 seconds after your first shot you die. It's the first FPS where this doesn't happen and I appreciate it It reminds me of the Metal Gear Solid games. You shoot with a sniper and enemies react, of course, but it takes some time for them to spot you. : peace:
  16. It looks bloody gorgeous. Can't wait for the PS4 version That music Oh and the guy/girl (?) who seems to be the main character looks a little bit like my ex girlfriend.............
  17. So data usage varies from 40-60MB per hour. Bloody ridiculous when you consider that you have to be online. Well, I was thinking of buying the game as it seems to good, albeit a bit light on content, but unless data is used much less it's a no from me. Good to hear people enjoying it, though
  18. Finished Episode 8 of Minecraft: Story Mode (PS4). Have to say, the first 4 Episodes were the best. The other 4 were a solid addition but nothing special. I enjoyed the whole experience, though. Telltale do know how to tell a story (or several in this case). Finished the second character playthrough in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. The game is too easy Thank god it looks so beautiful so I can still enjoy it.
  19. Not sure if you already knew but: If you have songs as local files on your PC you can create a playlist on your Spotify PC app and then sync it with your mobile app. Once downloaded you have Tool on your spotify phone app. I didn't know about that until yesterday. Now I'm a happier man
  20. Depends if the lady is out with her friends or not. I'll let you know if I'm around Speed seems to be really important in Titanfall 2. The first game I've just sprinted through the map and got killed so many times Once I started to use wallruns and the grapling hook I stayed alive much longer and also got more kills. : peace:
  21. So what's the data usage like, then? I've read different reports. The first time it takes like 75MB? After that about 4MB per hour of gaming? Anybody here with some data? And what about the content? Enough to warrant 10€?
  22. I didn't play much either. It's a shame you can't just join someone on your friends list or request an invite (unless I just didn't see it). Played attrition, amped hardpoint and one match of CTF. Attrition and hardpoint went ok. I kept thinking the jump boost was like CoD, i.e. a constant boost/gain of altitude for a short time, but it's just a double jump. Fucked me up more than once CTF was horrible for me. Didn't know the map and I had no idea of good routes. That was to be expected, though. I still don't understand why I keep getting wrecked when I'm in a Titan. Even when I'm engaging only one enemy Titan of the same class. I seem to do no damage with my hits but my health bar drops so quickly... Enjoyed it, though It's definitely much more mobility focused than Infinite Warfare. And thank God there are (almost) no campers. As I said: Will definitely play the two current CoDs most, but whenever I'm frustrated with campers I'll switch to Titanfall 2 Will start the campaign once I'm done with the final Episode of Minecraft: Story Mode.
  23. Well, I'm better at gaming than you so it'll take me at least one hour less :p Probably not going to do it on Christmas Eve. Will spend the day with my mum and watch the NFL Christmas Games.
  24. That's lacist.
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