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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Nintendo having more hardware power to make their software better. Both graphically and mechanically (i.e. better AI, larger and more vibrant worlds with better quests, etc.). I want Nintendo to push their limits and hardware's limits. We all know that they are one of the best when it comes do software but I want them to be THE VERY BEST...ehem. I'd like to see them push boundaries. Edit: @Retro_Link used the exact words... I personally don't care much for portabilty. I do, however, see the Switch's appeal. But I'd much rather have a new Nintendo home console with a lot of power. I also see how the Switch will most likely fly off the shelves (mainly in Japan) because of its portability. It's just that I don't care for everything I've seen so far.
  2. Will probably buy a gym membership tomorrow, unless the gym looks like crap. It's supposed to be a quite good gym for the price, though. Looking to do the StrongLift 5x5 program as a start. I also need some alternatives if the barbells aren't free when I want to work out. The gym also offers a lot of courses. Will try to find one that suits me
  3. Played through and Platinumed Day of the Tentacle Remastered today. I don't care much for point-and-click games. This one was funny sometimes, though. Not too shabby for a PS+ game. Quick Platinum, too, so can't complain Now there's Steins;Gate to play through on the Vita, which will take quite some time. It's supposed to be one of the best visual novels out there and I highly enjoyed what I've played so far so looking forward to spending more time with it I'm still not very good at Seraph but it's incredibly fun. Not sure if this will be a difficult Platinum, as I haven't looked at the trophy list, yet
  4. Nah, it wasn't. I never joke, just like @bob.
  5. He will tell you it was but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. He's always out to call me out on my "snarky gifs". It's ridiculous. You can't make jokes about Nintendo...not here. Edit: I mean, the gif in itself is funny, especially in the context, but that stupid addition of defensiveness is unnecessary. It's what makes the post ridiculous.
  6. To me that gif always shows Nintendo trying to catch up with the competition.
  7. Well, as long as it's only one level... I'm very thankful for not going to have to play through the secret levels. I was thinking about 100%-ting the game but fuck no Did in on my first try... Well, Platinum get for Color Guardians. A mediocre game at best. Nothing more to say.
  8. Have made my way through the first three worlds of Color Guardians (PS4). Thank God, there is no trophy requirement for getting 3 stars in every level, especially the extra ones. They are too reliant on memorization and virtually impossible to complete on your first try. I hate games that do this. It's not a kind of "difficulty" it's just bad game design... Really hope that the remaining "normal" levels don't include patterns that have to be memorized. It's a solid game but this one issue is such a pet peeve of mine.
  9. Where is it now? /bobjoke
  10. Have to agree with @Hero\-of\-Time, great purchase. : peace: To every PS4 owner who likes high-octane 2D-action: Get Seraph! It's only £4.99 in the January sale. After playing the first two levels I can recommend it to anyone who thinks that trailer looks good.
  11. Titanfall 2 Platinum get! Everybody should play this During my collectible run the following happened...It made me laugh out loud but also left me quite impressed with the enemy. A true "surprise motherfucker" moment Now I'll focus on Color Guardians and the recently purchased Seraph which, based on my first 30 minutes with it, is bloody amazing.
  12. It's working again now. Not sure what the problem was
  13. Is the PSN store down for any of you? Can't access it anywhere. Edit: Nevermind...it works now. But only in my webbrowser... Edit #2: Buuuut I can't access the login page...
  14. Just looked through the January sale and gave myself 8 more € to spend So I bought this for 6€: Completely missed its release. It reviewed great and seems like a game I'd enjoy.
  15. Sorry, but with your record I don't think it's surprising that I took your post as hostility. Apologies if I offended you, then.
  16. Never said they wouldn't try anything new. My point was that I'd love to see Nintendo to spice things up in the sci-fi FPS genre. I was actually thinking of the posts' tone. Which is much more reasonable than yours and Ronnie's. Come on, man.
  17. Using Titanfall 2 as an example: It felt nothing like a generic space shooter. It is an FPS, a first person platformer, at times a very tactical shooter (don't want to spoil a gameplay mechanic, but look up information about the mission "Effect and Cause" if you'd like to know what I'm talking about) and, most importantly, it has a great story about friendship. It is far from generic and Respawn Entertainment proved how you can spice up something that people here are oh so sick of. Nintendo can pull off something similar with that kind of setting. With their track record it's an easy assumption. And instead of another Mario game I'd love Nintendo to step out of their comf ort zone and try something that is kind of new to them. Edit: Thanks @Mr\-Paul, finally some reasonable posts.
  18. Why do I even post here...Having a nice discussion with dazzybee and then there are these kind of responses. Unbelievable.
  19. I want a full-blown sci-fi FPS with epic space battles, robots, humans, etc. from Nintendo. We all know Nintendo could do something special with this. Much like Respawn Entertainment did with Titanfall 2. This is the likes I want to see from Nintendo. Obviously, games like Zelda and Mario can/have to still be in their portfolio, but I'd like to see much less from Mario and much more from new characters.
  20. Played Splatoon and it wasn't my cup of tea. It's a good game (like basically every Nintendo game) but I don't really like 3rd person multiplayer shooters. That's why I never played any Uncharted multiplayer. With "new" I don't mean another iteration of Mario and Zelda. I want more new IPs straight from Nintendo. After Titanfall 2, a game about many said that they felt like playing a Nintendo game from time to time, I'd love for Nintendo to try something like that. Yes something that is despised in these parts of the forum: Another FPS with a sci-fi setting. I want them not to release another Mario Kart but instead a completely new racer. No idea what, but I would trust Nintendo to do something special.
  21. Anyway... I just hope that when I'll think about getting a Switch in two years there's enough new from Nintendo software-wise for me to warrant a purchase.
  22. Not sure what me enjoying the PS4 Pro conference has to do with this but yeah...I don't find anything interesting about everything I've heard on the Switch. And from the rumours and leaks it looks like there's no need for me to stay up/wake up for the conference, especially since I have unversity stuff and work to do.
  23. Thankfully I don't have to watch the conference anymore If all of those leaks come true there's still nothing that's particularly interesting to me.
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