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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I actually meant which of the map towers you were talking about. What a coincidence, by the way. I just reached the Faron Tower and climbed it.
  2. Which towers are you talking about? I need to activate 6 more. Two in the west and 4 in the north.
  3. Enjoy : peace: Just came back from the physician. Nothing too worrying but I'm not feeling too good right now. Looking to get some sleep and I hope I'm well enough later to play again
  4. A bit late to the party but to everybody who gets a Switch today: Enjoy, have fun and remember to eat and drink : peace:
  5. Wow, that is really impressive. : peace: I might (most likely will) get the game sometime next week...
  6. That's the thing. Those little "secrets" don't feel like secrets to me because the reward aren't anything to write home about. As for what I'd like to find: If weapons weren't breakable I'd be happy to find some weapons with unique abilities or stats. But as it stands I don't really use any good weapons because they break...too good to use syndrome, I guess. Heart pieces would be great to find, too. But not sure if it's such a good idea in a world this big to have heart pieces scattered around. Might be a pain to find them.
  7. Anybody here with non PS4 Pro impressions? Mostly interested in the framerate.
  8. You're right, I totally forgot about the fast travel mechanic. I think I'll go back to unlocking them travel points again Don't it is not worth it in my opinion. I upgraded stamina twice hoping to get a good chunk but that extra bar is depleted soooo quickly...I actually regret not getting extra hearts. The framerate is what caused my deaths so far. It can get pretty annoying. Oh my, it's been ages since I've played TP. I don't think I can reliably compare BotW and TP, sorry. I do question my awareness when apparently there are so many secrets at every corner and I seem to miss all of them...? On my way from a shrine to a quest marker I've come across one additional shrine, a group of monsters guarding a chest (which contained a weapon that broke after one !!! fight; I don't consider that a secret) and the occasional wild animal. And I deviated from the path (which was quite lengthy) to my destination a lot. I like to think of myself as someone who is perceptive enough to find secrets, especially considering the amount of exploration games I've played, so I don't know where the problem lies.
  9. I've deviated from that approach. I followed one of the main quests and am trying to reach a certain point. Not sure if this is a good idea as I still only have 3 heart containers but that may finally ramp up the difficulty Something I noticed: The framerate can sometimes get pretty bad during fights against 3 or more monsters. That makes it almost impossible to excecute evasive movements.
  10. That's my biggest gripe with BotW so far (besides breakable weapons...GOD, I hate that ). I wander around a lot without doing anything really...I spot a shrine and on my way there I fight the occasional monster and that's it. It got stale very quickly. However, I do enjoy a massive world to explore (even though there's not a lot in it) and I will continue doing that tomorrow as soon as I come back from the physician. : peace:
  11. The game could've benefited a lot from a much smaller map/world. Also:
  12. You can and I did. But complete button reconfiguration would be better, at least for me. Yeah, I can see how it will get worse. Which may become really annoying as I fear you have to rely on your inventory a lot. But I guess it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I was only joking Way too early to judge the game. Yeah it is. Got annoying very quickly... Could be but I have to agree even though I haven't played Nioh in a while.
  13. Played this for an hour. Can't believe it got so many 10/10s. Should've gotten 15/10s To get this out of the way, some things I don't like: Inventory management, both in the dedicated inventory menu and the quick menus. It's a bit clunky. Stamina - I understand that it's used as a device to limit your traversal and it's a nice design choice. However, you should be able to have unlimited sprint distance. Getting around seems a bit slow for now, but that's just my personal thing. Button configuration - I'd love to change things up a bit Very minor things, though a little annoying. Other than that it's been a blast so far and I can't wait to see what this game has to offer.
  14. @Hero\-of\-Time enjoy. I'll join the madness in a couple of minutes. Downloading the update and it takes aaaaaaages. Can't wait to play this in apparently 20 minutes. Still not feeling too ill to play video games. : peace:
  15. Eurogamer.net Uh-oh... In more positive news: I just hooked up my mate's WiiU and I still despise the console But I can play Breath of the Wild much earlier than expected so that's nice.
  16. Looks like I'll be able to play this tonight. My mate is on his way to bring me his WiiU + BotW. I really hope I won't be too ill to play...think I'm coming down with a fever again.
  17. Damn nightwolf...wish you all the best I have an exam tomorrow but not sure if I can take it...currently suffering from gastro-intestinal problems (don't want to elaborate) and knowing how my body handles these I'll be bedridden during the weekend. In the last 3 semesters I couldn't take the first exam because of health issues. After that it's been fine. No problems when the other exams came up. Always the first...
  18. [tweet]837257820840030208[/tweet] Love it Echoes my sentiment. Made me chuckle
  19. Fucking Christ, 2017 has been an incredible year for gaming so far and it's only March
  20. Reviews coming in. As expected it's incredible Not going to read any reviews because I've been spoiler free so far. Only seen one trailer and nothing else besides the odd screenshot. If everything goes well I'll be able to pick up my mate's WiiU and his copy of BotW tomorrow night as he's going on vacation on Saturday. : peace: I need to power through the game as much as I can on Saturday and Sunday, though, because I have to study from Monday on
  21. Wow, spectacular month. Especially for Vita. Lumo is apparently a nice isometric adventure. Severed is a must play for every Vita owner Oh and motherfucking DISC JAM :awesome: YIIIISSSSS
  22. Call it what you want, but it's the truth.
  23. I don't dare post this in the "actual" Switch thread because I would get slaughtered. Reviews for the console are coming in and they mostly say what I've been worried about. To me CNET summerized it perfectly: Seems like a great kit with a lot of potential (which coincidentally describes Nintendo as a whole ) but there's not enough to warrant a purchase (especially at that price) for non-hardcore Nintendo gamers, which - sadly - I've become part of. The sensible choice for me is wait for either a great second hand offer somewhere down the line or the inevitable redesign. Really happy to hear that the general perception is that the Switch is a nice console/portable. It has some issues which should've been ironed out but well, you can't always get what you want. I still think that the launch feels rushed.
  24. Ah, didn't think of that. Would be pretty cool. Not really, but I don't have much time to game these days and after I finish a game I'd like to experience another one instead of dabbling around with trophies.
  25. I wouldn't use that system unless maybe for luck based trophies. I HATE luck based trophies for obvious reasons. Other than that I don't really care. These days I don't even go for Platinum trophies anymore...
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