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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Not sure it's worth trying to work out how Cube balances things when you guys are being punished for talking in the night phase. Obviously that's what it's for, so I don't think we can assume anything about the two players involved tbh. Getting too meta will mess everything up! As for this vote, sounds good but there's no need to rush. @Rummy what is your character and power? I say we give him a chance to speak. If he doesn't answer by tomorrow night (24 hours from now or so?) then we lynch him. I he does, we decide whether or not to lynch him based on his information. That way we learn more and can still get the lynch, but we can use the day phase as well. Thoughts? I just don't see the point in rushing a lynch - stay at three votes and get some info. I'll vote and I'm sure someone else will if he doesn't answer.
  2. Well why don't we all just agree to polite and go to sleep? Two wrongs don't make a right and all that. Wouldn't it be nicer if we all just said we'd be polite rather than saying "well I think you're rude too, so I'm not going to stop because you aren't going to either!" It's only a game after all, there's no need to get personal as it will really just stop people enjoying the game. Might as well just all agree not to be rude/condesending/whatever when it's unnecessary, right? It's not like it's a massive effort - let's all just try not to say anything that people might find insulting. Then we don't even have to have the discussion. I'm not siding with anyone, just saying that we could all just agree rather than being rude just because other people are also doing so. AAAAAAND...SLEEEP!
  3. Yeah, providing your information isn't something your fabricating. :p
  4. Suggests his 'wings' are going to be entirely CG, though. Don't know if that's a good or a bad thing tbh.
  5. @Jonnas Weirdly, while in any other game I'd be happy to lynch Jimbob based purely on inactivity (why does he even sign up?!), in this game I have reason to trust him - Sheikah's message about roleblocking him being a bad idea means I think he's probably good. Surely if he was evil, roleblocking him would be a BAD idea? So yeah I trust him for now. Interesting thought: if Sheikah AND Jimbob are both mafia, it would be a bad idea for Sheikah to block Jimbob (in Sheikah's eyes). So either Jimbob is good, or both Jimbob or Sheikah are mafioso, based on this random and slightly strange logic. Anyway, I'd rather go for someone else in this game.
  6. Precisely. The mafia aren't getting kills, so either they're just not killing or they're being stopped. There's no point handing them free kills based on speculation. We are not in the game to lynch neutrals. We are trying to lynch mafiosos. Have we got anywhere near finding a mafioso today? Absolutely not. So the mafia are happy for this to continue as it's keeping pressure off them. Lynching a townie or a neutral helps the mafia. I don't think the evidence for Yvonne is strong enough to lynch him, personally. Well, there is no evidence tbh, it's all just coincidence. And Sheikah - there has been a role like that before. Long time ago, possibly in one of Cube's other mafias, where a double vote only showed up on majority.
  7. That's an odd question Sheikah - why do you think I would be protected? For the record no, but why do ask? As for my target, it was Peeps, which is why he got the message about what was going on. So far we have two captains, and both are redirectors. Why so many in a game? Also, Cube knows mafia redirectors are massively powerful, so I'm not sure how he would balance things if one of them is mafia.
  8. Trailers are going live at 4pm GMT tomorrow. Just so everyone knows
  9. No luck, still didn't work. What the devil is going on?!
  10. I accidentally checked it in the same browser, @Fierce_LiNk Can you send me one more and I'll check in Firefox this time? Sorry
  11. Next time I get a PM I'll give it a go, but it's hard to test when I don't have one!
  12. I'm having a PMing issue. On my User CP I've set new PMs to pop up with a notification window. However, I'm just not getting them at all. When I get a PM it appears in the top-left but I don't get informed. And obviously if I have a mention or quote, the PM doesn't specifically show up, it's just added to a list of notifications, so I often don't see I have one. I'm not sure if I've just ticked something wrong but I don't think so. I haven't changed any settings and it worked before, so... yeah. Any suggestions/is it a bug?
  13. Sorry, been a bit busy and only just been online Lynch Magnus Peterson Incidentally, everyone now knows everything about my role, so it's unlikely I'll be able to reveal any information to get a discussion going unless I target myself again and get some information to reveal.
  14. SECOND POST: just double checked my PM. The title of my role is literally The Sisko. It refers to me as a prophet (note the lower case). Apparently in the show he is actually half Prophet (upper case - a race of beings) and is the only human who can communicate with the Prophets. At night I can pick a target and they are 'given guidance' (that's the specific wording in my PM). It doesn't say wheth I give the guidance myself or whether the Prophets do it. That's all my role really says, side from some stuff about a Bajoran Orb that has appeared and caused me to return to 'help things go smoothly'. BTW I'm posting all this because there was no way of being sly about trusting the information given in this white corporeal zone that Sheikah went to. It's better that I just reveal and then people can decide for themselves whether to trust the information they get. Plus with such a passive power I'm not really a mafia target. Ah, I didn't realise that. Seems like my power really is pointless then :-/ what's the point in advice that you literally cannot follow? Urgh. From the wording of your post I thought you meant that you'd chosen to ignore the warning, rather than it being forced upon you.
  15. I'm just going to come out and say that the first part of this was me. I'm 'The Sisko' aka Sisko from DSN. I can communicate with the Prophets and when I target someone they speak to my target and basically give them some advice. I targeted Jon Dedede night 1 but he died. I was suspicious of my own power because my role description was pretty vague, and I was worried that it was in some way the cause of the death, so night 2 I targeted myself. I got information that I posted about the traveller also being known as the Crusher. My worries were alleviated. Last night I went for Sheikah, pretty much picked at random. I don't get to find out the advice that is given and I don't get a PM (so far I only got one on night 2 because I targeted myself). However, it looks like I got to Sheikah without any problems, and it also looks like I just give advice dependent on what's happening on the given night. So yeah, this is what I meant when I said yesterday that my power is a bit vague and changes depending on who I target. I don't get any information from my role, and all I can really do is send the Prophets to people to give them advice. Clearly, as Sheikah chose to ignore the advice I'm not forcing anyone to target anyone else (another worry I had) I figure its in the town's best interest to know this. Obviously Shiekah had no reason to trust the information last night, which is why he ignored it. At least now you know where it's coming from and that it might be worth following. Of course it's completely up to you, but you have a better chance to make a decision. I'm happy to answer questions about my role but hopefully I've made it clear. From my POV I'm slightly more inclined to trust Jimbob if it was a bad idea for him to be Roleblocked last night, but that's all I can really get from the nights actions.
  16. My role is relatively vague, it doesn't really have one fixed outcome and the wording suggests it might be different depending on who I target. It doesn't clear Magnus, though. I've never heard of his character, I only know Dianna Troy. Anyone know who Magnus is claiming?
  17. Unbelievable goal from Van Persie. He's got a hat-trick in 33 minutes. It's over, but it will be interesting to see how many they get now!
  18. Unbelieveable! Spurs just scored three in six minutes. If they can hold out for the last 8 mins, United could win the title tomorrow at Villa. I don't want Spurs to get fourth (I was hoping for a draw today, tbh) but I'd happily take the title tomorrow!
  19. I've recently reviewed the Mamba 4G at work and it was really nice. It was large so should be comfortable in your hands, and has both wired and wireless options with a rechargeable battery. It's not MASSIVELY expensive either, and there are plenty of customisable buttons. I haven't tried any others, but I thought it was pretty good
  20. I have some interesting information on the Traveller. I found out that The Traveller and The Crusher are two words for the same man, and that he is "not what he seems". So it's likely that the Traveller is Wesley Crusher, if anyone knows who that is.
  21. I watched some of the original series when I was young but have mostly forgotten them. I watched a lot of TNG when I was a little older when it was on TV, and Voyager afterwards (am I right in thinking they turned into lizards because they travelled at warp 10, or something equally as weird?) Anyway, nothing happened to me last night.
  22. Few early April fools were going round suggesting Benitez had been sacked. My Chelsea-supporting friend tweeted that it wasn't funny because he'd believed it for a second and been excited. I know the team aren't doing well but I don't understand how the fans think hating him so much is going to suddenly make them better. Get rid of Terry and you're immediately in a better position.
  23. @Diageo have you tried to kill a member of the ice mafia and been informed that you can't? I want to know how you know about my inability to kill you, please. Answer me or I'll (potentially) waste my kill on you tonight. You're also assuming that the other ice member won't be lynched tomorrow if I survive. You can't guarantee the threat will be carried out, and even if you do go though with it you know that killing me will lose you the game. It's an empty threat - I'm going to lose either way, it's just a case of whether I take you down with me. Seeing as you're opening threatening me, I starting to suspect I might not be inclined to help you out.
  24. It's an interesting proposition, but I doubt all three mafias would agree when they could instead lynch a rival mafioso. If all three townies vote Jimbob, the ice mafia could finish it off quite easily, for example. Alternatively, if a townie was lynched today I would probably die tonight, which wouldn't make me all too inclined to follow this path. And even if I DID side with you now and survived the night, the town would want me to be lynched tomorrow for betraying with them and are you honestly telling me you wouldn't vote for me? It would be a game of trust, and frankly with us all trying to grab a last-minute win in that situation it makes it hard for me to trust you. Your plan might make sense for the mafias with two members each, but for me it's better to side with the town. I could be killed tonight either way, and I have just as good a chance of winning whoever I side with, so I might as well align myself with town for now anyway. I'll Remove Vote for now either way as the day has plenty of play time left and the ice may hammer to end things fast, but for me he's still the best choice. I seriously doubt you'll convince the ice mafia to go along with your plan, anyway.
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