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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Lol oh this is hilarious. You did this today? I want to be hearing about how it turned out. Make sure you post the outcome of this! Was friday the best day to do it though? I would have thought that they would get cleaned up pretty easily after college? Who knows. Anyway, hope he gets thoroughly rinsed for this! EDIT: What's all this about a ten character thing?
  2. I saw the first week with Mourhinio at the start and thought it was just awful. I didn't laugh once in the whole thing. Disappointing, I'm afraid
  3. That new Harry Potter trailer looks pretty damn good, even though I haven't been huge fans of the films before... Actually, so does the Bourne Ultimatum, but sadly that one won't get as much press as Potter. Ah well, I'll hopefully see it!
  4. There's no point replying to Oxigen waste's comment, the only reason he posted was to see everyone on here get really angry with him. Don't rise to it guys and girls, lets remember this legend, his amazing playing career, and just the great man off the pitch. My dad told me today that he saw him playing for Everton once where at one point he sat on the ball in front of two defenders and waved at them to come at him. That is the mark of a true lover of the game when he can have so much fun playing. Rest in peace.
  5. Name was Gemma, we went out for almost two years but towards the end we were arguing and things weren't going so well. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I was in love with her, that feeling in your stomach just thinking about your other half is something I would say is love. I wanted to spend every second of the day with her and was so happy to be around her. Nobody can tell me that it wasn't love, because I can't imagine being happier than that. But yeah, we broke up and she went off and decided to sleep with someone else while we were on a two week break, which I only found out about later. We got back together, then after a few months broke up again, that time for good. That was when I found out. That was pain, I can tell you now. Ah well, took me a long time to get over it but now happily with someone else so I gues what doesnt kill us makes us stronger?
  6. Did anyone watch the link to the Halo fanfilm under the video? If not you should get some of that action, it really is absolutely brilliant, especially for just one guys work. And the Nintendo cameo was something I was NOT expecting but was incredibly cool. I assume this has been posted before though, as it was fantastic, but if not then someone needs to start a thread. The link is here if you can't be bothered with the whole 'clicking under the modded mario video' thing: http://endangeredgamer.blogspot.com/2007/04/best-halo-movie-ever.html
  7. i say roffle and le-mau (lmao) and lol in a joking way, ive never heard anyone say it in seriousness. Maybe thats just my school...
  8. Confused My ex just called round and although she has a new bf decided to make a move on me. Now I have no idea what's going on. We had a serious two year relationship (which is a long time at my age) and we broke up and now this...........
  9. Scottish! Gotta love Scottish people, some of my best friends are Scottish!
  10. I see, clearly I just misunderstand your sense of humour... anyway....erm.....nice tie, and i really like your shoes. Are they new? Oh my god I love that top too, and have you done something to your hair? Love it!
  11. Everyone seems to be saying that they spend it all on bus fares/train fares, so why don't the government just lower public transport prices for students/teenagers? Would that not make more sense?
  12. @ Ashley: who do you think you hired? And what did you hire them for? Also, love your avatar, takes me way back. What TV show was it from? @ Iun: love your avatar too, same question! @ JonSt: Come on dude, lighten up! I like the engineer guy from Enterprise, good old english accents adding a bit of class...
  13. Fail to revise for physics exams that might be tomorrow Feel tired Be on here Love my computer for it's shinyness And now seriously: See friends Surf the web, this site frequently Read/Write/talk an awful lot Be really loud Play on DS/GameCube Erm..........probably other things but I'm too tired to remember also: rofl @ McMad and Rummy
  14. ^^^ This is probably true, but nevertheless.... You should read some of the stuff posted on the news section (US sales reach 1 million I think the story is called, from the other day. It got *slightly* out of control), I know not everyone is always this nice, but this topic helps them to think of nice things to say, which is always nice. I like your sig btw, I really want one to do with Link and/or some for of deku scrub holding a nut, or even a dohnut! (obviously) but I dunno how to make them/where to get them... Nice three times in one sentence....oh deary deary me
  15. I like you cause you're funny and have cool pictures all around. They're very pretty, and so are cats. Who else likes cats? Kittens especially? Anyone who likes cats offiially goes on my favourite people list, and trust me when I say I don't actually have one. My posts are making less and less sense as time goes on...
  16. Why thankyou for that luck-wishing Everyone on here seems exceedingly nice, what a brilliant idea for a topic! Woooooo! (I'm really not drunk, I swear)
  17. Why thankyou! See, you're really rather nice yourself I feel very welcome, and more than a little bit panicy (if that's how you spell it) - physics retake tomorrow. Anyone know everything about A level physics in regards to nuclear physics and waves? Yes, I am spending my time on here rather than revising...what of it? :-P
  18. I love apples! Not only the computer but also the fruit. They're so very shiny! Erm...running out of things to say about you spirited away, so we must all love you for the happiness you impart to us all (I'm talking nonsense again) OH! I like your avatar, people look happy in it. Yay for happy. I'm in a very strange mood, sorry about all this
  19. Aaah, see thats a mix of nintendo....and dohnut. People spell it differently in different places but that's how I think it should be, so there you go! And yes, I do try to be rather friendly when I can want a hug? :-P
  20. @spirited_away: Gotta love the way he's a male. Always helpful when females are around. Also loving the spirited away sig, one of my friends loves spirited away like nothing else in the world, so i applaud you for that *applauds* Hurrah for showing love to people! *big manly group hug* damn! too slow! Ah well, what a lovely looking dog!
  21. I love scrubs, I really need to get every series on DVD. Also this is a test of my avatar, really hope it works cause my computer is being annoying
  22. I have to say even though the book always described Mrs Coulter as having longer black hair, I always imagined her as a blonde. She also didn't look anything like Nicole Kidman, her hair was longer, much longer and not tied back. But hey, not everything can be like my imagination, right? :-P I can't wait to see a picture of Pantalaimon, anyone know who will be voicing the daemons?
  23. Thanks Andy, sorry didnt read your reply before i posted again I rang up everywhere and couldnt find any shop that you mentioned that will have them in tomorrow, at least not within the distance I can travel Looks like Im going to have to wait a bit, but I'll just keep checking at local stores and hope! Thanks anyway for the help. Oh and that studio 24 site apparently only delivers in the new year. Nice though if you want to be guarenteed! Cheers everyone
  24. Looks like we're just going to have to wait now. There isnt exactly much I can do, frantically rang up all the nearest stores, including sainsburys (i was desperate) but basically all of them have been preordering and they wont have any tomorrow morning to buy in-store Where do you reckon the best place is to order now? Im thinking of somewhere that is likely to get a few more shipments of concoles, but that wont have hundreds of pre-orders already (i dont want to be like 150th on the list or ill be waiting until march!) Can you think of anywhere? I'm basically ruling out Game and Gamestation and the like, cause theyre bound to have loads of orders, right? I just really am so desperate to get this damn console now, I know I was stupid to not pre-order and I know I will be punished accordingly with all you guys going "its fricking awesome!" for weeks Ah well, help would be greatly appreciated guys, thanks!
  25. Hey everyone, I'm new but am goddam desperate to get a Wii on friday or sat. My mum told me not to waste my money but then she saw a dvd i had showing wii sports and then something on the news and was like "wow, that looks brilliant. Have you ordered one?" I was angry. Anyway, no i havent so now I'm looking for somewhere I can go to get one. So yeah, i live near Poole and Bournemouth, anywhere you can recommend in that area to look? There is at least one of all these shops in my area: PC world, Comet, Currys, Dixons, Woolworths, plus some supermarkets and maybe some others ive forgotten. oh and then Game and Gamestation, but obviously they'll be sold out. Do you know if that "ring up on thurs night or turn up on fri morning" is applying to all the PC world shops? Or are some taking pre-orders? Also sorry this is a huge post. My first one, its late so I'm quite tired and a little over-excited
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