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Everything posted by Nintendohnut
I'm the one giving out truth serum, and your reasoning is absolutely retarded. My truth serum forces people to answer the question asked truthfully. If I ask a question, you must answer and must do so truthfully. My truth serum DOES NOT force people to do things they say they're going to do. If I asked someone a question and they said they would kill me if they answered, would they have to kill me? No, as long as they answered the question. You claiming that you've now said you'll do something and not doing it would make it a lie is just stupid. It's not the question I asked, so why would you have to do it? You're just threatening me with something you think I care about. Well, for the last two day phases I've been close to revealing my power anyway, so you threatening me with that doesn't bother me at all, and only serves to make me ask more questions of you. As DuD, and others who have been serumed, have said, a player can volunteer false information without any problems. However, they MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS TO THEM truthfully. You can say "I'll reveal your power" and not do it, and that is a lie but you won't be punished for it because it doesn't answer my question. Still, I know that if I ask you direct questions, you MUST answer them, and you MUST do so truthfully. Peeps has said as much to me, so I know that this is something you're going to have to do... Sheikah, answer the following questions, which I am asking you specifically: - What is your night power? - Who have you targeted during night phases so far in this game? - Have you killed another player during this game? I've revealed, and so should you. You know my power, you can work out my targets, and now its your turn.
Oh so apparently now you DO know my power. But if you know what my power is, you also know that revealing it would be foolish. If you're willing to threaten that, then I feel that I'm certainly right to be questioning you. What is your power, @Sheikah? I do want an answer.
What's your power, Sheikah? Sorry, I know you've probably said this during another day phase but it's been lost. Will help with updating the list, as it's a bit vague at the moment - thanks! Also if anyone else is willing to share their power I'll add it to the list as well.
I know it's already been said but for some reason I can't remember or find the post in the thread. Who did you target last night, Sheikah? I should also probably mention @Sheikah in case that isn't seen...
I am not part of the minority faction that are able to perform a kill each night.
That's not going to work, though, because the mafia is the town in this game. Much like the truth-serum'd player, it needs to be a question/statement that doesn't confuse alignments. I'm happy to post a statement like that but it needs to be watertight so there's no loopholes that could be used. How about something like... "I am the same alignment as the players who have been killed during night phases" or "I am not allowed to communicate with any other players of this game outside of the thread to discuss the goings-on of the game" Something like that. If we can come up with something that works I'll happily post it.
Bearing in mind I haven't been keeping a list, this is what I can remember off the top of my head today. Let me know what I've missed and we can update it. DuD Yvonne - Tracker/Protector? Nintendohnut - IT'S A MYSTERY! Diageo - Roleblocker Sheikah - Information gatherer of some kind EEVILMURRAY Cube Jimbob Rummy mr-paul MadDog - Power stealer: Investigator? Magnus Peterson So yeah, feel free to fill out the rest of this list. We need to work out who is who. I'm not sure that Diageo is the silencer, unless he can choose to do one or the other. I was silenced on the first day but not roleblocked. I was roleblocked on a separate day but not silenced. Who is the one going around electrocuting people, by the way? We should really work that out. It doesn't seem to have negative effects...
Not idiotic. You kept telling different people you could tell if they were lying. You implied that you could tell when everyone was lying. Which you can't. I'm not roleclaiming. You can mention me, threaten me, whatever, but I'm not roleclaiming. Have fun getting to the bottom of it - everyone who has worked it out so far is just as unlikely to claim my role for me, because they know it's stupid to do so. If you work it out, you will trust me. If you then post it in the thread, you're an idiot. Who else do we know nothing about? Perhaps put equal pressure on them, rather than focusing all your attention on one person.
Which I don't. There's no point in me revealing. I think Sheikah knows what my power is, and I'm very confused as to why he wants me to reveal it. What we DO need is a list of all the remaining players and their claimed powers. Then we can work out who needs to be questioned. I know, of course, that I will be on that list, but I can't really understand why I am the focus of all this attention to get me to reveal my power when there are certainly others who haven't come forward with theirs. We need to hear from everyone else today. We should also find out who has been truth serum'd - nobody has come forward yet, so either they just haven't posted or the player is keeping it quiet. The only reason for that would be that they are evil I would think, so we need to track down who it is. Oh and Sheikah is clearly bluffing with his 'I'll know if you're lying' claim. He can lie detect every single post of the day phase? Not likely!
Fair enough. Who did you target last night, Sheikah?
Why are you voting so early, Sheikah? Who did you target last night?
So what happened to you stopping anyone get anywhere near me? I'm being sensible, it just seems that you're either lying about your power or you didn't target me. Did you definitely target me last night Rummy? And if so, why could Jimbob reach me? Were you trying to kill me?
I don't know! That's what I mean. I thought I'd gotten through because I didn't receive a PM, but I'm no longer so sure.
@Rummy - does your power have any negative effects on your target, such as roleblocking? Earlier on in the thread I said I'd been successful last night but I didn't receive a PM. I assumed that meant I wasn't stopped, because when things have stopped me on the last two nights I've been informed. But I'm not so sure now, there's a chance I didn't complete my action. In just don't know :-/
Indeed, much like my question yesterday about communicating outside of the thread. Finding the right question, and ensuring there is no loophole, is the best way to catch the serum'd player out.
I was successful and have no associates also. I'd like to hear from the people who haven't posted yet today, or who have been very quiet. @mr\-paul, earlier on you questioned why MI6 would try to kill me last night. Why wouldn't they? I'm active in the thread, I'm posting and discussing things. I've also not been outed as anyone 'important' yet. Important players get protection, so MI6 won't risk killing them in case they fail. They'll go for less obvious targets, but still targets that are working against them, such as myself. If Yvonne is right, I was very lucky he protected me last night.
Out of interest Sheikah, what do you think Peeps meant when he posted that message about asking questions of people you know can't lie?
Right I've got an idea. We ask every single player the same direct question every day. The player who has been given truth serum will respond and will have to tell the truth about the answer. While the truth serumer hasn't come forward this is the only way to make sure we ask the right player the question we want answered. Now, can anyone think of a question that is worded in such a way that there are no loopholes? We can't ask whether a player is mafia or not (well, we could, but not even we really understand the alignments in this game) so we need something else. We also need to ask a question that doesn't paint a target on a townie if they have been truth serumed, but does out a mafioso if they have been. So, for example, we don't ask for a power because if a townie investigator or protector has been given the serum they'll be a target. We need to work out a question that will incriminate only the mafia, and has no loopholes, basically. Thoughts? SECOND POST: We can post all the questions in a single post, in a list so as not to take up loads of room. Alternatively, we post a standard question (e.g. what colour do you get when you mix yellow and red?) and tell everyone to lie about the answer. The one person who tells the truth is our serumed and we can question them during the day. Although I prefer the first option, as it means we don't have to get a reply from everyone saying "PURPLE LOLS"
First of all, I was successful last night. Secondly, @Sheikah, there's no point mentioning people more than once in a post. They'll be notified whether you mention them once or 100 times. Thirdly I guessed that Thanking would be disabled for the next target because during the day phase on which I was silenced, I thought being allowed to Thank posts basically ruined the power. In my PM it wasn't mentioned that I couldn't Thank posts, only that I wasn't allowed to talk. I knew that Peeps wouldn't kill me for Thanking posts when it was sort of his own fault for not including the rule in my PM (love you Peeps ) so I took advantage of it, but clearly it rendered the silencing power obsolete. So yes, I guessed that the next player to be silenced wouldn't be allowed to Thank posts, but only because it made sense and made the silencing power not completely useless. Thanks for the protection last night Yvonne. I'm also guessing, Sheikah, that you think DuD is lying about the truth serum? Or do you think he's telling the truth, thus clearing Magnus? If he were mafia, why would he tell the truth about that and clear someone as town? @DuD - it's interesting what you say about the serum. Are you suggesting that someone who has been given it can still lie unless they're responding to a direct question? We need to be very careful how we phrase things if so. Quite a lot of Magnus' posts yesterday were saying things like "I'm not part of MI6, I'm working with the rest of the town/mafia" (or however we're referring to them), without them being responses to our questions. Mine was the only direct question about his alignment, and it was simple a question of whether he could contact people outside of the thread. However, he must've been telling the truth about his targets. Incidentally both of them died the night he targeted them.
We often go to the Odeon and ABC in Bournemouth, but it's reached a point where I will check which screen a film is in before we decide on a time. Screens 1-3 are fine - if it's any of the others the room is too small and not tiered, which ruins it. Those screens are great though. ABC is the same. Empire is brilliant - not necessarily the normal screens, which also aren't tiered too much, but the studios that you described Flink. They're FANTASTIC. There are usually only around 4-8 rows that are REALLY tiered, and the screen fills the entire front wall. Because you're so close and the seats are so tiered, anything from around the third row back is absolutely perfect. We saw MIB3 in there a few months ago and loved it so much that as soon as we came out we asked when TDKR was showing in the studios and booked seats for it. That was probably the best experience I've had in a cinema, for comfort, screen size and location (two rows from the back, middle of the row meant I could look straight forward and see nothing but the screen). I'd go to empire every time if it was closer, but we're a 15 minute walk/5 minute drive from Odeon and ABC, so it's hard to justify!
You guys are missing the point, though. If the truth serum player is real, coming forward isn't a good idea. If they are real, coming forward to save Magnus would make them a target. And, if they are real, it means that Magnus is telling the truth and isn't part of the mafia. In that situation the mafia will be jumping on the vote bandwagon - it's win win for them. Either they get a townie lynch or they out the truth serum player who is a danger to them. I think we should give Magnus the benefit of the doubt for now. It's a lead for tomorrow but right now I don't think he should be lynched, because for all we know he's telling the truth and the truth-serum player just doesn't want to put their own life on the line. It's selfish in a way, but I think I would do the same in that situation. SECOND POST: I other news anyone know what this is? erpe ghwrqdwlrq lq irxu gdbv It was at the start of the write up. We haven't investigated any other lines of enquiry today, so lets see if anyone knows what it means. Code? Work just garbled language?
True. To be honest they only need to come out if they're real and they DIDN'T target Magnus, but in that situation how would Magnus know of such a player? Until they have some information they want to reveal, might be best to stay quiet and we'll give Magnus the benefit of the doubt for now.
If Magnus is telling the truth (lol) about having a truth serum... then we can clear him I would think. Unless anyone else can see a loop hole in my question that would help a mafia member escape? I tried to frame it in the best way possible, but it's hard in this game. Obviously if he's lying about the truth serum it's a different story, but why would he lie? Unless it's an extremely awesome mafia ploy that they came up with - they could each pretend to be given the serum each day and 'tell the truth' about being townie. Oh who knows. If the truth serum person comes out this would make things much easier. We could immediately clear Magnus and give us a player worth protecting.
@Magnus Peterson can you please answer this question then, seeing as you have to tell the truth apparently - Have you contacted another player/other players of this game while the game has been in progress? I.e. can you communicate with other players outside of the thread? I'm trying to ask a question with no loopholes, in case that wasn't clear with the confusion over good/evil we need a better question to ask! As for my suspicions, @Sheikah, I'm slightly suspicious of Cube after yesterday and a few things he's said today - he seemed to be pushing towards a lynch on me based on the apparent evidence of Jonnas saying I was the one Jon Dedede investigated. The post just sounded a bit scummy, reminding people about the 'evidence' but nothing more - not asking me questions or voting. Seemed a bit scummy. But as the day has continued that has lessened slightly. I'll report back on other suspicions after Magnus has answered some questions.
SECOND POST: Yesterday, when I was silenced, my PM said I wasn't allowed to post at all. It didn't mention Thanking, which I thought was a little strange, but I used that to my advantage to let you all know that I was silenced. To be honest I suspect that was an error on Peeps' part, as it basically renders the silencing redundant (apart from sharing information, obviously). I suspect that whoever was silenced tonight (if anyone was) will not be able to thank posts as a 'fix' for the loophole I used. HOWEVER - If the silenced player can still thank posts, I will make a short post in a moment that they should thank. That way we will know who has been silenced. Yvonne if you could create a filler post below this one, or just one that the silenced player can thank to let us know, that would be awesome