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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. I'm confused about your targets. I don't mean to be a bitch, I just can't tell whether you targeted Magnus, and which night you're referring to when you refer to the toasted-products-offerer. Did you target the toasted-products-offerer night 2, and then separately receive a not about the chef on night 3? I just want to be clear about what you're saying.
  2. Why does everyone keep getting messages about the chef? Was it Moogle who got one the previous night? I found out last night that my power does something different to what I actually thought it did from my original role PM. The first two nights this wasn't clear from my PM which is why I didn't immediately notice, and my original role PM was a little confusing. However, after some clarification I now know what my power actually does. Sadly, it's less useful than I thought. I just thought I should share this information with all of you.
  3. I have to agree with everything you've said. Plus, some of the locations they found were absolutely incredible. I mean the
  4. Why did you post that? Do you want some toast, or something?
  5. Did you get a name? I'm not asking you to reveal it, obviously, but from what you posted it sounds like you just got some information saying that someone good is near you.
  6. All this "I was successful but have nothing of interest" stuff would annoy me...if it weren't for the fact I'm in exactly the same boat. I'm assuming that at SOME point someone will learn something... if a role blocker isn't even going to come forward we have literally no information for today. Will vote later, no point shortening the day when people haven't posted yet.
  7. Also suggests that those two aren't in the mafia, because the mafia would have sent all their targets together/you would've posted in the mafia forum. Basically, I'd delete that post and PM them. *sleeps*
  8. If he just taps a PDF in Safari or Mail it will open the PDF in a new tab. If you want to save it to your device, iBooks would let you save it. It's free, and when you have it a 'Add to iBooks' button will appear in the top-right of the screen when you open the PDF. You can also save it to Dropbox etc. But yeah, just to read it you should be able to tap it and open it up. You definitely don't need a downloader app! @bob the iPad is two and a half years old, so it's processor struggles a little with 5.1. It's a bit shit really, but there's not much that can be done sadly! However, what might help is closing the apps completely when you're not using them - it might POSSIBLY have been crashing because the RAM was full of things, so double tapping the home button and closing all the apps might help with that problem. Apart from that I'm not sure what you can do...maybe try the Facebook app and see if that runs any better?
  9. Win! I now have a role. Thanks Jimbob! Aaaaaaand Vote: No Lynch
  10. To be fair that price isn't confirmed for the Nexus 7 yet, but if that is the case it's a big selling point for the Nexus. We'll have to wait and see I suppose! When's their event? Friday, right? Could be a huge week for both companies.
  11. I DIDN'T WANT TO PLAY ANYWAY I know I missed the sign-ups but I was busy and it was only up for about a day!
  12. In a way....but remember that the resolution for the iPad mini is the same as the resolution for the iPad 2, so in reality nothing has changed. All the apps designed for iPad 2 will work perfectly on the mini. And RAM shouldn't affect things too much - the RAM is primarily to keep other apps running in the background etc, so the varied RAM won't completely fuck over developers, thankfully. Also, Apple include a tool in their iOS dev kits that allow developers to very simply change aspect ratios between their devices. You'll probably have noticed how quickly apps have been adapted for the iPhone 5 - in actual fact the dev kit makes it incredibly simple to change an app's aspect ratio. But yes, I agree abou the processors. I'm really not sure why they went for an A6X chip. What was wrong with the A6? Doesn't make much sense to me. I think developing for all of these variations in design must be easier than it first appears. Because you're right, from the outside it looks really difficult.
  13. iMac is ridiculous. iPad mini is not actually what I was expecting, and I can see it selling extremely well this Christmas. But yes, highlight for me was definitely the iMac, and the MacBook Pro with Retina. Just beautiful machines. Few people at work who bought the iPad 3 were pretty pissed today Also found it interesting when they compared the 7.9" screen to the 7" screen of other tablets. 38% more screen space is a hell of a lot when you think about it! It's $329 in the US, £269 in the UK. It's basically £70 more than a Nexus 7 - make of that what you will! And yes, there's a new iPad with Retina Display. It's replacing the iPad 3 with a new processor and Lightning connector. Nothing massive, but enough to annoy those who bought an iPad 3. Not bad if you were holding out for an upgrade, though. I just don't see why they couldn't wait until March, which is when they normally do iPad announcements.
  14. We didn't actually get YOUR PM Marc, we just got the one that Yvonne sent to you. S all we got was basically "your mafia team guess was wrong" and the info you got on mr-Paul, which obviously panicked us a little
  15. Great game Yvonne, really enjoyed it. I basically agree with what Paul said. Obviously both of us missing day phases for IRL reasons didn't help our money situation, but it was unavoidable. Was suprised to see how the town were so willing to lynch and end the game when they hadn't completed their win conditions...in the mafia we put our individual win conditions first and worried about all surviving second! Loved the idea of rewarding posting, too, although Jimbob didn't really help out cause. Sorry mate, but in a game where you have to post to help the team you really didn't bother. After the first day phase mr-Paul and myself were top of the post counts, and after that posting without saying anything was good fun I do love being mafia to be fair, Sheikah. I much prefer it to being townie. I think I am happiest when I have a little more information than the majority and people to discuss tactics with. That's not to say I dislike being townie, but if I've been mafia 4/6 times that's fine with me! One day we'll be on a mafia team together and on that day the town had better be afraid
  16. It was studs up, after the ball had gone, and if his foot had been planted it would've broken his leg. I think it was the right decision. And Alan Shearer just said the same on MOTD2, tbf.
  17. Well that makes ME feel slightly better, at least. Good luck everyone*! *except the town :p
  18. Daaaaw fuck. Had no Internet connection cause I'm in a car! If I had that post would've been 20 minutes earlier. Typical. EDIT: you should feel bad!
  19. It's not contradictory, it's part of a challenge. Everyone else that we've heard from has a win condition that is hard to achieve. My power is directly related to how much I post, so part of my challenge is to earn no money for two days, limiting my earning and stopping me using stronger powers. I would also like to point out CLEARLY that I have been posting a LOT on the other days. Check out the first day phase, for example. I posted LOADS. People even commented on the fact that I've posted a lot without saying much. So you saying that I've barely posted is just plain wrong. Can I just make clear that I am ONE VOTE from majority, and several people have said they are voting me to pressure me into revealing me role. Well, I've done it. Now you're just offering the mafia a simple way to lynch a townie. I've revealed my entire role and I'm still apparently going to be lynched based on what? Pressure votes? Doesn't that seem a bit shifty? Gives people a perfect excuse, too. "Oh man I didn't want to lynch him, I didn't get online to remove my vote"
  20. First of all, I'm sorry I didn't post at all yesterday, but there was a good reason for it! I basically have to post as much as possible, as posting earns me money. I'm Rhonda Pearlman, and depending on how much I make in a day I can use different lawyer-related powers at night. If I don't post I don't make any money, but I can also save up money over several days by choosing to do nothing at night, then have more choice the next night as long as I've posted and earnt more. I don't really want to reveal my powers, but basically the best/most useful ones cost more. And the reason I didn't post yesterday is that to fulfil my secondary win condition I had to go two days in the game without earning any money at all. I had enough saved up so I decided to go for it yesterday (the other was day 3, but that was luck on my part, purely because I couldn't get online that day and the phase was shorter because of the quick lynch). So yeah, I'm coming out now in part, but I'd rather not reveal my power(s) just yet. I haven't used a power every night, though - I saved up on some nights. I also want to know what me-paul ACTUALLY did on the nights he claimed to target me, because he sure as hell didn't roleblock me. I know for sure that I successfully completed my action on (at least one of) the nights he claimed to have targeted me, so what were you actually doing, @mr\-paul? Because you didn't target me.
  21. So...what does that make you? You know as well as I do that there are people on the forum that specifically don't like Apple and their products. I was simply suggesting that if an anti-Apple image was posted, they were the most likely to thank the post. How is that having a go?! And I can't think of any occasions when I've actually had a go at someone for criticising Apple. I may have discussed or even argued with them about their points (if they say the iPad is shit, for example, I would argue that it really...well...isn't) but I don't think I've ever just had a go at someone for it. Can you find an example? And prove that I am 'quick' to do so repeatedly? Because I feel like you're unfairly judging me, simply because you disagree with me. Am I right in thinking you're not Apple's biggest fan? And, more importantly, should we transfer this discussion to the Apple thread, or Android thread, or whatever...just anywhere else so that we don't clog up the Funny Stuff Thread with something that is clearly not very funny. Did someone do that? I need to keep a track of this so I know if I was wrong in my assumption
  22. But that won't work! If I predict people, they specifically won't thank the post to prove me wrong :p Haha Maybe this was [Joker]all...part...of the plaaaan[/Joker] Where did I whine, precisely? I thought this was Funny Stuff Thread, not Vaguely Insulting Thread. There's no need to make things personal
  23. I reckon I can predict at least half of the people who will 'Thank' this post... :p
  24. I never for a second said he was shite. However, you said that he is great going forward, and that the best defenders in the world are great at going forward. What I was pointing out is that the best defenders in the world are brilliant at defending, AS WELL as excellent going forward. To me, Johnson is not good enough at defending. You were making out that just because he is good at going forward it makes up for his inabilities in defence. I'd much rather have a right back who can defend brilliantly and is terrible at going forward than the other way around. Our winger can go forward - we might have less overlaps, but at least we are confident that we won't let in goal after goal because of mistakes from the right back. Do you see what I mean?
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