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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Yep, it was officially confirmed the other day - it's set after X-Men 3.
  2. Spoken like someone trying to save his team mate :p Vote: Jimbob Plenty of things could happen to night. I suspect I'll die, but having just done the maths of the situation, it would be silly for another mafia to kill me as it would ruin their only chance of winning. I'm kind of trusting you to not kill me either, Cube but I know its a possibility.
  3. Why do you think? Why would I come out as mafia and make myself a target for another mafia wanting me gone last night? I posted all those posts about how it was awesome because the other two mafias had to target each other only to try and convince them it was the only thing they could do. In reality they could kill anyone - and revealing would put me high on their list. Remember that the other two mafias will want me gone as well. Lynching me means you're not lynching one of THEM, so they'll be fully behind it. Plus, seeing as I can kill, they know I can kill one of them tonight. Like I said, if I kill it will be obvious in the writeup and I'll be immediately lynched. I have nothing to lose, so might as well side with the town. I'm by far the weakest team now, and am offering my services to the town. Plus, if you lynch me today, consider that the othe two mafias COULD choose to kill two tonight's tonight, basically removing the chance of a town win completely and leaving it between the two of them. I can limit that, or at least give you a chance to match their night killing powers. And, of course, if you really want I can target the mafia but if you don't believe me Cube can swallow my kill power and use it on someone of a townie's choosing. He's done it before to kill Marc, so if you want I can say that I'll activate my kill power and then Cube can direct it. Or you could trust me. Like I said, I have nothing to lose. Oh and I don't want powers from everyone, just characters. It won't really tell us anything about your powers, but it might reveal an alignment. For example, would you have gotten all of Magnus' powers if he'd just said 'I'm dark link'?
  4. Not sure I believe Magnus Peterson, but unless mr-Paul was being honest about Poke trainer and EEVIL is in the fire mafia... Basically I think it's between Magnus or mr-Paul for the last mafia member. Need a claim from everyone really, including Rummy and Cube I guess just to be sure, but I doubt they're mafiosos. Obviously Cube. What's your character, EEVIL?
  5. If I kill will be obvious. I can kill the other mafia, or use my power to help. I have nothing to lose at this point. I will side completely with the town if you leave me alive. I kill without the towns approval? Lynch me. Of course, I can help the town wipe out the other mafias with an extra kill and never threaten the town by gaining majority. Full disclosure, anyway. Hopefully it will make you trust me a little more. We didn't kill night 1. We decided to see what would happen as clearly there were multiple mafias. We have been told that our third member was unknown but that they were our 'uber killer'. They could kill anyone, but they chose the target and they could potentially kill us. So far the water mafia hasn't killed anyone so far this game - we gave the option to Yvonne and he went for Jonnas. The rest of the mafia, aside from the 'uber killer', only have the ability to kill 'certain people' (in DuD's words). We aren't guaranteed success when we try to kill. With this in mind I thought it was better not to kill tonight, and seeing as my power is basically shit at this point I thought I'd go for a Gaddget instead. So the other mafias won't always be successful if they choose to kill. Worth bearing in mind. When Marc was killed it said he had 'no specific power'. That didn't mean he changed powers every night. DuD gave us two powers - alignment investigation and tracker. If we killed, we sacrificed the alignment investigation. If we didn't we could use both. Now that Marc is dead I have the power to use either, but they're pretty pointless really so I went for a Gaddget. I don't want to die when there are two more powerful mafias. I am literally at your mercy, so my options are side with you and do what you want me to or just die. What would YOU do in my position? I can try and kill a rival mafia member tonight to help the town, or you can lynch me and lose a slight advantage. Yesterday I was obviously defending a team mate but at the same time it was fairly obvious that lynching Yvonne was a worse choice than lynching, say, heroic. They both had double votes, they were both admitting to being mafia, but you took out a weaker mafia member and left a powerful mafia team at full power. Anyway. We know three of the other four mafia players. Diageo is ice Jimbob is fire Mario EEVILMURRAY is mafia of unknown type So the last mafia member is Magnus, Cube, mr-Paul or Rummy. I know we've had claims from some of you but the rest might as well claim to try and weed out the last member. I know how the kills work. Obviously. We had the power to kill, but only certain characters. It wasn't explained which we'd be able to kill. Basically it's a gamble for normal mafia members to kill. The third member of the mafia wasn't known to us. They could kill anyone but we couldn't give them targets, so they could've chosen us. Either way, we HAD to use our third killer at least one in three nights, but we could use them more if we wanted. Now that they're dead there's no rule about them, the mafia kills don't pass down or anything, the normal mafia just have to kill themselves if they want. If the other mafias match mine they won't be able to kill everyone. Shit that's a long post. Double merge makes it worse
  6. It didn't. Jimbob is Fire Mario. Oh, and I also know for a fact that EEVILMURRAY is mafia, but I don't know whether he's ice or fire. Oh and also also I wasn't trying to kill anyone. I used a Gaddget last night and had a character investigator power, but annoyingly it seems that because it was a Gaddget the information was just revealed to everyone. Either that or it would've appeared anyway, in which case I might as well have done something else.
  7. I'm pretty sure majority has already been reached, so it's not that there's no deal, it's just that it's already happened. Just been through the thread. The only possible players with a double vote are @Jon Dedede and @Jimbob. Please could one of you remove your vote and vote for yourself? That way when the day ends we'll be able to put this to bed and work out who is the final double vote.
  8. What's awesome about tonight is that ice and fire both have to kill each other to stand a good chance after this night phase. One of them goes for water or townie and the other team is instantly in an advantageous position. It's really only the remaining water mafioso the town has to worry about, and to be honest I can see them going for either Rummy or Magnus just to prove Diageo wrong :p Still, if they don't we're still in with a chance.
  9. So why were you found to be Charmander then, @Mr\-Paul? Were you using him last night? Why would a character investigator get your pokemon instead of your actual character? It seems unlikely. Why would that affect his team mate in this game? I'm really not seeing your logic. You're saying that because in another game he outed a team mate, in this game his team mate shouldn't back him? Was it you that he outed? I really don't remember the game(s?) you're talking about. Regardless, I don't see why that should change his team mate's mind... He hasn't thrown his teammate under the bus in this game, so why would there be hard feelings?
  10. What mafia members has he thrown under the bus? Are you implying that he's outed his own team mate? Or that he's outed a load of other mafiosos? If it's the latter, why would that be a reason not to revenge kill? I'm not having a go, I'm just trying to work out your logic.
  11. So who is it that you think is going to be revenge killed tonight, Yvonne? From what I remeber it started off as Rummy then you switched to Magnus after Rummy couldn't vote?
  12. You would say that. You're a member of a rival mafia and you know that there's a good chance that you could be in a winning position after tonight if nobody kills any member of your team. Tonight: The fire mafia HAS to kill a member of the ice mafia. The ice mafia HAS to kill a member of the fire mafia. The water mafia should really go for a mafioso as well. Killing townies is absolutely pointless and will only make the water mafia lose more quickly. That's not even a 'try and benefit the town' situation. If fire don't kill ice and both ice and water go for fire tonight, the ice mafia is in a massively powerful position. And water killing a townie would be really stupid, even if it is to get revenge for Yvonne Tonight there will be three mafia deaths, that's my prediction at least. What I don't understand about today is why everyone went for Yvonne, who came out with all the information and helped us understand heroicjanitors role, but nobody went for heroicjanitor, despite him having the same power, the same double vote and being on a more powerful team. It seems like a really strange choice. Obviously a lot of it was guided my the other mafias, but I can't believe the town (or at least those claiming to be town) were so easily led.
  13. I'm pretty sure Magnus Peterson is lying about being town. I believe Cube is. Who confirmed Rummy was town? I thought it was mr-paul, which immediately calls that into question, too. Or was it someone else? I'm very confident of this because I'm town. And I know that's a pointless claim, and other will doubt it because I wasn't the first to say it, but so far about 8 people have claimed so I didn't think coming forward with it was going to do anyone good.
  14. We don't know how it was used. He might have taken it for himself or given it to someone else. Are you still ignoring the rest of my point though? Are you just ignoring the fact that voting the wrong way could end the game? I am also wondering why you are going for Yvonne when there are two other mafia members who have come out in the thread? Heroic has admitted he is mafia with a double vote, while Diageo has come out and said he is a member of the ice mafia. Why are we trying to get rid of all members of one team - that's simply playing into the hands of the other two! The fire mafia still has four votes with heroics double, and I assume the same can be said of the ice mafia. Instead of trying to decrease the advantage they have over the town and the water mafia, people are voting of a member of the water mafia to make two strong mafias, a very weak mafia and a weakened town? To me, cube is making the most sense. We should now concentrate on weakening the other two mafia teams to the same level as the water mafia. I'd be more willing to vote for Diageo, Jimbob or heroic than Yvonne.
  15. If we lynch Yvonne and there are three night kills tonight the game will probably be over tomorrow. If the fire or ice mafia survive the night without any deaths but there are three deaths elsewhere, they'll have majority. We need to lynch a member of either the fire or ice mafia if we want to actually have a chance of winning. It's not 'optimal playing', it's just maths. How is everyone ignoring this?!
  16. If we get the lynch wrong today it could be over tomorrow. 11 players and a majority of 6 today. Lynch today and there are ten players left. Three kills tonight and if it goes well for one of the other mafias (ie none of them die) then they have a potential four votes (three players, one with a double). Three kills would leave 7 players, majority of four. Game over! I suspect that those pushing the Yvonne lynch will likely be members of one of the other two mafias wanting to get rid of a rival mafia. Mr-paul's reasoning is particularly poor. I'm not voting yet.
  17. I don't believe you either. Your claim seems very overpowered. You're a roleblocker, so automatically you stop someone from completing their night action (that's the point). However, you also have the CHOICE to 'spin them around' which stops them receiving details of what happened in the night. However, when you did this to Marcus he DID receive information on what had happened to him. And why would that be an optional power? Why would your power not just be 'you roleblock but it's not obvious that it's you that's doing it' or something? Why have the option to send someone information on them being roleblocked by DK? And then you also have the ability to track on top of that? You have a three-tiered power, which seems massively overpowered and the whole spinning around thing doesn't really make any sense. Vote: Sheikah
  18. Can't even muster a 'sorry' I have read the thread, as I clearly stated in my original post. Yvonne's information at the start of the day said that he couldn't reach you. He made no mention of others, and simply said when he tried to get near you you had turned into a star. What he did NOT say was the he had received information saying you were untargetable. The post you quoted SPECIFCALLY refers to his own inability to target you, not your general untargetablilty. So while technically said words along the lines of 'you were untargetable', the implied meaning was '...by me'. Yes you found a post that said it, but you haven't taken the context of his other posts into account. I'm trying to lay this out in simple terms so you understand. Yvonne couldn't target you. You were untargetable BY YVONNE. That doesn't mean you were untargetable by everyone, and it also doesn't immediately mean someone is lying. This is how you make a point politely. Maybe try to post like this in future, rather than letting your feelings come into it and insulting people. It would be very much appreciated by myself, and probably a large proportion of the other players in the game. Also please try and remember at all times that its a game on the Internet, and that we are all actual people. Do as you would be done by and all that jazz. I take the first sentence of the last post back. Thanks for apologizing, it's appreciated.
  19. Im actually a person. I know it looks like I'm nothing because its on a computer but when you say something like I actually have to sit here at my computer and read it and feel like shit because you didn't even consider what I would think. Quite frankly if you're going to get this insulting about a game then I'd rather not play, and I never thought I'd say that about mafia games. I'm not even going to vote for you because then you'll make out I'm taking advantage of the situation or something. I want to be clear, however: you have been incredibly rude to me, and I am absolutely not okay with it.
  20. Dude, putting a smiley at the end of a post doesn't stop it being insulting. There's no need to a dick Seriously. I just can't even begin to understand what made you think saying something like that in a game like this was okay.
  21. Oh my god. Yvonne DIDN’T say you were untargetable. Yvonne said he couldn't reach you. Rummy could reach you. Stop assuming that means someone is lying! What flavour do you have in your role, Sheikah? I'm trying to see a way to adequately explain why DK would drug someone rather than smash their face in as a roleblocking tactic.
  22. I've just read through the whole day phase. Has nobody actually considered that Yvonne's telling the truth about not being able to target Sheikah, but that the power only affected certain people? The star may not affect characters from the game Rummy is from, for example, but may affect players from Yvonne's game, or something. Why are we just assuming that if one person couldn't reach someone it automatically means somebody is lying? I find this part of Sheikah's arguments suspicious, I feel like he's shit stirring and trying to imply people are lying when there are other explanations. I find two double votes interesting, at least if we're working off a multiple mafia idea. Might be worth getting everyone to vote for themselves to see how many we have? Not really sure about the roleblocker info, but from reading through the day (and based on no 'evidence' apart from my own gut feelings from posts) there are a few people I suspect. I won't say who as they are purely based on hunches that I feel I should explore a little more before derailing a day with arguments (why do you think I'm suspicious, well shut up because I find you suspicious too, why are you accusing me, I'm just posting, you're being stupid and I hate you Vote Nintendohnut etc.) This post has been a pretty random stream of consciousness. Sorry.
  23. I think I searched for something like 'nintendo news' waaaaaay back in the day. At first I just checked the main site every now and then. Eventually I ventured into the forums (possibly after seeing comments on news stories that mentioned it) and lurked for a long time. Eventually I signed up and after spelling my username wrong the first time, and having to sign up again with a different email address to get the right one, here I am! And my info tells me I joined at the end of 2006, which makes this my seventh year, but probably my 8th if we count lurk time.
  24. Stupid forum still didn't tell me about the PM but luckily the thread was on the main index page. Win! Vote: No Lynch
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