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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Am I right in thinking that @Aqui1a targets two players and they both are forced to target each other in his bar? Or is that someone else?
  2. Vote: Magnus Peterson Can't help but feel like you're stalling for a reason that's more than just information gathering. You hoping for a mafioso buddy to come in and help you out in some way?
  3. Much like yesterday, however, we learn more from lynching you either way. If we lynch you there are two outcomes: 1) You are evil. We lynched a mafioso. Awesome! 2) You are not evil. We wrongly lynched a townie, which tells us that someone in the mafia has the power to make a player appear evil. We learn not to always trust investigations. I obviously am hoping for the first, both because it would continue to ensure I am cleared as good, and because we'd be another mafioso down.
  4. Just a bit of a slut then? Last night I was successful, and I am also glad that Cube's information has been proven sound, as I would like to remind everyone he got a good result on me
  5. Well that's good, because I am. I'm willing to follow this one to see how it goes. Vote: Sheikah I have to say, I really hope Sheikah is evil, because if he isn't Cube has also put suspicion on me :-/ Do you have literally no power now then Cube?
  6. I didn't as far as I know - I didn't receive a PM. However, I didn't send a target last night. Once again, like in the last game, the goddam forum didn't inform me that I had a PM so I didn't know I even had a role. I think I need to fiddle with the settings on my user account because I'm not getting told when I have notifications. I've only just checked into the thread and discovered it's already the second day >:-( I didn't get a PM anyway, and I assume that I would've been informed of negative effects despite not sending a target.
  8. I loved my power. Wish id been online to use it night 1, and not been power-cutted! Still, I AM extremely pleased that me giving the vote census power ultimately confirmed two mafiosos. I'm not sure if this is the case (interested to know, in fact) but after I died it felt like the mafia were very confident, and not too worried about being brash with votes etc. I had actually suspected Yvonne - in fact I sent a PM to DuD to roleblock him, but changed my mind at the last minute and sent a correction PM for mr-paul instead. But I felt like the whole mafia were acting a little over-confident. Was that the case, or was that just my imagination? It wasn't a bad thing necessarily, but following the game I thought there were a few occasions where you guys could've gained some trust from the town, but instead made yourselves look more suspicious. Perhaps it was part of an overall plan or I was just missing something, or I just misread the whole thing, but I'd be interested to know! Good game though, DuD, really enjoyed it, both playing and following it after I died. Was willing the town to lynch EEVIL and Cube, it was so obvious but saw a few people being convinced by Cube towards the end!
  9. Tweet from Ricky Gervais about what you're talking about. And he wrote it, so I suspect he probably has the casting vote in this one
  10. I saw this the other day too, really enjoyed all the game references. Incidentally, there was a feature in the film in this months Empire magazine. They interviewed the producer or someone, and he said that Nintendo offered Mario and Luigi as well as those that are included, but they didn't fit into the story and they didn't want them just in the background. He said that if they could've fitted them in without it feeling like a forced line they would've done it but they couldn't. But it would've been nice for them to appear!
  11. Who was your intended target last night, @EEVILMURRAY?
  12. Is anyone willing to come forward as being roleblocked in the same way as Diageo or Jonnas were on night 1? Obviously they may have been stopped if electrical, but it's worth asking.
  13. Same. That's now three role blocks that we know of - two from the first night (apparently) and then the new electrical roleblock last night. Seems like a lot to me, but I'm assuming the powercut was a one-off.
  14. Sounds like a lot of people couldn't do anything. Mass roleblocking? Seems pretty powerful, probably a one-off power. Still, unless a protector got lucky, I think it's FAIRLY safe to assume that the killer was one of those affected. Well, not safe to assume, but a good line of enquiry.
  15. Watched the making of documentary last night on 4od. It's only available for another day, but it's well worth a watch. Not just an opportunity to poke fun at Karl (although that does happen) but also a genuine look at what the series is about. Apologies if I'm wrong about this but it sounds like several people are judging this without having seen the pilot or anything else, simply because its by Gervais. Its not at all like his other stuff.
  16. So for some reason the forum didn't notify me that I had a PM, and I didn't see this thread as it wasn't at the top of the page. So I only just saw that this game even started. Obviously I didn't send a target last night. If it was someone else I would find this suspicious, so I will understand that, but there is little I can say really. I had notifications but I already had some left over from the previous mafia game that's just finished (I don't regularly clear them because during games they stack up quickly) and despite my settings being that I should get a pop-up message when. I get a PM, the forum just didn't do it. So yeah. Will be more active starting now, but didn't even know it had started until I just came in to see what people had said about the last game.
  17. I couldn't have found out DuD's power, he was immune to the truth serum. I fact, half the mafia were immune! Making my entire job to basically out townies :-/ I thought my power was extremely awesome when I got it, but by the end of the game I thought it was relatively pointless. Obviously I was targeting the wrong people, but seeing as there were only two people out of 16 that could have actually been a useful target for me I can see why. Still, good game, I was second guessing myself the entire way through and was never really sure what was happening. It would've been nice to get some alignments when players were removed as we were never sure how far from majority we were - at one point in the last night phase I thought there was only one mafioso left and that we would likely win the next day with me questioning Yvonne and it being him or DuD, but that's your decision Peeps so its not really a problem. Enjoyed it, just wish my power had been as useful as it first appeared!
  18. The fact you didn't even know that at this stage of the game doesn't paint you in the best light... *sleeps*
  19. @Jimbob has been online several times today. If he doesn't respond by the end of tomorrow I think we should vote him off - if he can't be bothered to play/defend himself, he should be lynched.
  20. And, just so it's got full coverage and it's the same as everyone else: has your character caused the death of another character during this game? Thanks I guess @Cube hasn't seen this yet, so I'll mention him just in case
  21. The alternative is that Yvonne and DuD are covering for each other, but that's just a random thought looking at the list. Just to properly confirm this: Cube, who did you target last night? It was a toss up between the small number of players who I haven't targeted yet and I just went for you. It's worth bearing in mind that I've now targeted you and EEVIL. I'm obviously good, so that leaves DuD, Yvonne and Jimbob untargeted. The problem is we don't know how many mafiosos are left, but it's fair to say that it's got to be between those three.
  22. Urgh, I meant to say 'has your character killed another character in this game' but failed to type the word. That was awesome. Nobody really contributed to that list I tried to make the other day with powers etc. As I said, I doubt it will matter now, but it might be worth doing anyway.
  23. But that's a stupid reason to vote him off. If he wants to be removed he can simply resign to Peeps. We don't need to waste a day phase voting for him. If we think Diageo is a silencer, why aren't we voting for him? That seems ridiculous. I get that Rummy is annoyed, and he absolutely should be - Sheikah went too far and basically cheated. However, that doesn't mean that the rest of use should waste the day phase by voting him off. He can PM Peeps and complain, as I'm sure he has done, and ask to be removed. Meanwhile, we can vote off the person we think is evil. It's fairly clear that Rummy isn't evil. The mafia wouldn't let him kill himself so late on, when they're so close to victory. This whole game has been fucked up by Sheikah. Cheers mate!
  24. Well, I don't think neturals are the 'mafia' in this game. Maddog was neutral, and his win condition was to be night-killed. That's not really a mafia win condition. I think that, unless we're right about Rummy, this is game over. And I'm not convinced that we're right about Rummy, because the votes on him stacked up so quickly based solely on the fact that Diageo claims he has the same role as Rummy so Rummy must be scum. We haven't even asked whether Diageo could be a mafioso If Rummy is MI6 that's awesome, and we've bought ourselves some time. If not, we've lost I think.
  25. I'm not sure about Rummy. @Rummy - can you point out the post where you were truth-serumed and answered questions about your role, please? If you're telling the truth about those posts, I'll believe you're telling the truth about your role and not vote for you. @EEVILMURRAY I have two questions for you: - Has your killed any other characters during this game? - Who have your targets been during this game's night phases?
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