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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Yeah it's all server-sided saving. Means if you go to someone else's house, as long as you're logged in on your PSN account on their PS4 you'll carry on playing with your account with all your unlocks available.
  2. This doesn't really wash as an excuse. On other systems, plenty of games don't use the normal cloud backup system to log valuable things (e.g. MMORPGs) despite cloud saves being OS-level. Pretty sure PS4 has some data files that are "locked" and can't be copied via cloud save too.
  3. If you're reinstalling to the same machine you needn't worrying about running into licensing issues - your machine is registered with their servers so it will remain activated even if you wipe everything.
  4. Good to hear you enjoyed it. Genuinely one of my favourite games of all time.
  5. Yeah, it's pretty much impossible to argue against what you said now. Jason has done a great job in revealing the extent of the situation, as have the tipsters. Seems incredible that this moron dared Jason to dig deeper on him. What a fucking clown, lol.
  6. @drahkon If you're able to go back to it I would definitely recommend that. The plot really does become quite something and it's easily one of my favourite games. No worries if you've given up, but this is something really special. Then you can also play Chrono Cross (the PS1 game) which is on the US PSN store. Now there's another stellar game.
  7. Edited within 5 seconds (on Tapatalk so it's not natively supported). Cat's already out the bag anyways.
  8. You said that everything in the story had been leading up to that point, and you asked me to confirm in the topic that you were at the end of the game. You're not sticking this one on me. 8-)
  9. I think the problem is that any information of this nature could be considered a spoiler. I have played RPGs (and I can think of one in particular) where the focus of your enmity switches the very last minute. The same game has you believe there is a main villain only for that person to become your ally halfway through.
  10. Arguably it is. Anything that tells you about what/who the end boss could be considered such.
  11. This guy is actually infuriating. By refusing to admit his wrongdoing by apologising he has made everything so much worse.
  12. In other news: Thanks used up.
  13. Chill out man. This forum isn't worth getting riled up over. It's admirable that you're standing up against the troll brigade against this guy, but I think for him to get any real sympathy from anyone he should at least properly own up to up to what he did.
  14. Not too much more, you're definitely nearing the end. Bear in mind there are a few ways to clear the game though.
  15. Best way I reckon is emulate but use a dualshock with your phone/tablet. Can be done without root I believe if using a cable. Are you able to cast your phone screen to TV? This would allow you to play full screen at home.
  16. Nah, he just said what we were all thinking. You are being oddly defensive of this guy in this topic, it's weird.
  17. Brilliant. [emoji14] Ronnie have you even looked at the FIFA example Jason dug up? It is more pretty damning evidence that this guy plagiarised. Literally no idea why you have an issue with Jason regarding this.
  18. No, I’m with Goron and killthenet here, the guy comes across a massive prick. It’s pretty obvious from his video that the only thing he’s sorry about is that he got caught. Throughout that video I noticed that he never actually admitted to ‘plagiarising’; he in fact goes as far to suggest his methods are similar to that of other professionals in the industry. His attack on Jason Schreier was desperate and only made him look more of a jackass. It goes without saying that the usual troll harassers are bad and nobody deserves that. But those mobs also have the unintended consequence of changing the conversation to one of sympathy, which he doesn’t deserve. This guy has only himself to blame.
  19. Even if you like the NES games more you're still not getting half the important online features or value of games for half the price of the PSN sub. The price of Nintendo's sub is simply a poor deal - and I think you'll have a hard time convincing anyone else here otherwise. Should also be worth noting that people don't usually pay anywhere close to the £50 RRP for their PSN subs unless they literally don't know how to shop around. I recently got 15 months for £20. I find it difficult to believe there will be similar reductions for Nintendo's sub though, it's just not Nintendo's style.
  20. Sure you can compare them, just scale it. Nintendo charge half, they should give half as much. Right now their paltry offering is not even an eighth. It's an embarrassment.
  21. Oh man, dem feels. Everything that involves Magus was so well done.
  22. To all you guys playing Chrono Trigger fully through for the first time...man, I envy you. This is genuinely one of the finest games ever made and also what makes me vent a bit when I talk about how S-E have massively regressed when making games like Bravely Default now. The weaving together of timelines, ability to actually impact the plot, characters and battle system make this one of my all-time favourite games. If it hasn't clicked with you yet, stick with it.
  23. Tell me that's not one of your guinea pigs.
  24. Don't forget Chrono Cross! What a game.
  25. When I was a kid I watched an episode of Rainbow that had Humpty Dumpty in it, which was this eerie projection of a guy’s face onto an egg. That spooked the hell out of me. I also found the scene where the witches in the Roald Dahl ‘The Witches’ film adaptation captured the kid and turned him into a mouse pretty scary.
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