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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. If it's an old joycon then it sounds like the usual blocked/weak signal issue (e.g. a character will carry on moving after releasing the stick). Even though you're likely out of warranty try contact Nintendo and explain the issue. They fixed mine, albeit that was in warranty way back when. You can fix it yourself with conductive foam.
  2. I’ll be getting this for Christmas I reckon. Just hoping it holds a candle to DQVIII!
  3. How much do you value party chat and being able to invite friends?
  4. Let’s be honest, nobody can ruin his life any further than what he has done, and continues to do, off his own back. It’s easy to chalk it up to stupidity, but in truth he must know what he has done but refuses to actually admit to it and apologise. It’s less stupidity, and more plain being a jerk. I won’t say any more on the matter, as obviously his career is pretty much done and he suffered for it, but this guy seems to be a sucker for punishment. It would be good for everyone if he took a break from t’internet.
  5. It’s one tastelessly stupid comment after another with him. No need to justify him.
  6. Good lord. What a clown, surely a person cannot be this stupid?
  7. I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.
  8. Yeah, you easily can. 50Hz games run about 17% slower than 60Hz games, so the difference is pretty remarkable.
  9. Yeah it's pretty dumb. Mind you, you only really see the wire going to the headset since the rest tucks behind the TV.
  10. It's a box partway along the wire coming out of the PS4 that you then slot other PSVR cables into. It's a bit untidy basically.
  11. A bit like you then.
  12. This looks fun, I hope it turns out to be good. Not surprised to see purists moaning about the use of realistic designs. [emoji38]
  13. It took me way too long to make anything so I wanted to just have everything ready before even beginning the game. I've seen before in games where there have been delays and always thought that was a shame as it clearly took people's attention away. It also helped that I had a good idea and wanted to make a video about it before losing interest. [emoji14]
  14. The plan was to make everything before the game began, so the order of making stuff (e.g. ending) didn't matter. It would have taken too long to make them as the game went along.
  15. It looks really bad value to me. Mind you, all of these mini consoles seem pretty bad value. Usually there's not more than a few games I'd want to play, and if I did I'd rather play them on Vita or something.
  16. Thanks. Hard to believe it's been that long!
  17. Well you could just as easily argue that Microsoft are focusing on all the wrong things rather than it being a case of Sony sitting back. Given Microsoft are behind on quality exclusives you'd think they would spend more effort on that front rather than working on "nice to have" but altogether completely unnecessary features like BC.
  18. I don't think I could disagree more in the sense that all you stuff is secondary to great exclusive games, which PS4 has in spades while X1 is by comparison severely lacking. Rather than just sitting back, Sony have clearly put effort into cultivating great first party studios and giving them everything they need to succeed, as well as getting third party exclusives. Look at games like God of War and Bloodborne; Microsoft haven't produced a shred that even comes close. Literally could not disagree more about sitting back!
  19. Ah man, I was going through my YouTube channel and saw the videos I made for this about 6 years ago (using RPG Maker). Unfortunately it took me quite a long time to make these individual videos so I never got around to finishing it, and the Mafia scene here sort of died now. Apart from the intro video, nobody ever saw the other videos I made, since they mostly deal with roles that each player would have received. I also made a video for the bad ending, setting up a second Mafia (boy, that was ambitious). I thought some of you might like to see them anyway since I got as far as making videos for @Cube, @The Peeps, @Tales, @Zell, and @Mr-Paul. Here's the original intro: Roles: Bad ending, and a hope for the future:
  20. Yeah I meant physical version of RDR2 was (in real terms) £50, same as what Smash seems to be for preorder on various sites. Sorry, I was more referring to a general high price for some games regardless of physical/digital, but those games tend to be big ones.
  21. Fair enough. RDR2 was £50 after all. I don't mind paying more sometimes as the way I see it, not all games were made equal.
  22. £60? That's crazy steep - the last time I remember paying that for a game at launch was Conker's Bad Fur Day! I am in two minds about this. No Smash has held my interest since the epic Melee, partly because I feel like they have not done enough new each time. But on the other hand, they've got all characters returning, and this more or less seems a definitive version.
  23. I'll definitely be getting Dead Cells, it's just a matter of when. Too many games.
  24. I have been more than civil here, with some genuine (detailed) chat about games, and I can't say I agree with your stance. I like to discuss games here but at the same time it sucks that people have to be disrespectful and unnecessary in their responses. I think by just letting it continuously happen without acknowledging it, that is probably more harmful in the long run.
  25. I realise I'm creating my own definition here but seeing as it was me registering concern about the kinds of games already released...by "big hitter" I wasn't just referring to games that sell well. I also think Nintendo games often have high attach rates in part due to the nature of the console - if you buy their console for whatever reason, you almost certainly must like Nintendo games. My opinion of course but what I was really getting at was big scope games, not your biennial Kirby romp. Games with big potential, often system sellers that may try new things (but not necessarily always), rather than treading very familiar old ground like I saw with LM2, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and Pikmin 3, or any of the NSMB games (although I did enjoy Pikmin 3). I believe there is a big, observable difference between games like Mario 64, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Smash Melee, Splatoon, Metroid Prime, and the games I previously mentioned. Even sequels to these games interest me for the most part (except maybe Smash), as I'd say there's still life and ideas there and the games are of great scope and quality. Games like Metroid Prime might not do as big numbers but they are big games that push the boundaries of the console, and I've no doubt they generate more excitement and do more for the Switch in the long run. I think generally these sorts of games are those that are just better games than the middleware titles Nintendo also push out, and you can tell they are big games with hype to match. They're the games I get excited about and the games that sold the Switch to me. They're the games that make me want to come back to the Switch. Obviously opinion, but that's more or less why I feel like there's not as much left for me that I want that's confirmed to be coming. I have played countless Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Pikmin, Animal Crossing and NSMB games over many generations, and I feel these games mostly retread the same ground, and churn the same formulas. Pokémon is for sure one of Nintendo's big hitters, possibly its biggest, but I must confess that I struggle to see how anyone maintains an interest in these games anymore on account of them being some of the most ridiculously conservative and recycled games going. I also played LM2 and found it genuinely boring, and more or less a middleware game. I'd be going through the motions if I carried on buying these games. Of course if they do something impressive with these series like BoTW did as a shakeup to the Zelda series then I'll go back on my words, but somehow I don't see that happening. Or if those torally new games turn out to be big and exciting critically acclaimed games that's also potentially something. And Ronnie if you disagree with this that's totally fine, we all have our opinions on what we look forward to, but citing your list of upcoming games that you always seem to have on standby is not going to change my mind. I acknowledge there are games coming but I do see Nintendo as having played most of its big guns already, aside from a few games that will probably be released very far apart. Also: There is literally no need to be crass and sarcastic like this when discussing topics with people.
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