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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    Oh, so now you shape your argument to maintain the 'I'm right' stance. You really should become a politician because you're such a slimeball. You said there's nothing on the Wii that looks better than those 2 games; not true, SMG does. As well as lots of other games. You can't even tell how good PSP games really look because the screen size is so shrunken in comparison to console games. At the same size, no doubt PSP games would look pretty crap.
  2. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    You're like a politician. Instead of addressing the fact that something about it is bad, you just compare it to other badly priced things to get away from the issue. The PSP Go IS overpriced. Fact. The PS3 is just marginally more expensive to prove this point. Actually, no. There is nothing that looks better than Mario Galaxy on the PSP, and there never will be.
  3. That was a great episode! Here's hoping the rest of the series are like this.
  4. Not stuck at all, lol. :p
  5. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    It is definitely overpriced. Proven by how they PS3 is only about £20 more expensive. You are a deluded Sony fanboy and everyone on this forum knows it.
  6. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    Not really...just tot up the cost of components and deduct the fact it's using somewhat old core technology that surely should be quite cheap now (given how long the PSP has been around). It's obviously overpriced. The PS3 is just a tiny bit more expensive but has a far, far better specification.
  7. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    It must be the same basic spec in that it plays the same games. It has additional features, but they certainly don't justify the cost.
  8. I think it means you're not allowed to knock him down. :p
  9. You can never have enough.
  10. Yeah, absolutely. You can do any trick you like and keep it a secret, or even explain that it was down to magic. But if you decide to say you'll reveal the secret and instead come up with some lengthy nonsense that has been factually disproven, you're just being a nuiscance. Especially if you spread the waffle out over an hour.
  11. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    Umm, no. The majority of the technology for the PSP already exists inside current (and cheap) PSPs... besides that you are not getting an expensive, likely £150+ Blu Ray player like with the PS3. Does it fuck justify the price, lol.
  12. Harsh to who? lol. You'll get no sympathy from me! [ike]
  13. Well while I said I was originally going to this, I actually went to Alton Towers probably less than 2 weeks ago now with someone else. I really don't think I could justify the cost to do something I've just done so recently again. Sorry!
  14. It has been a while since I last bought one of these. I hope I can still remember what last happened... :p
  15. Sheikah

    PSP Go

    I think people would just stock up on UMDs before registering tbh. Still seems like a terribly hard to implement system.
  16. Did she think dinosaur bones were just practical jokes planted by people?
  17. Could have sworn I posted about this game somewhere on the forum, so it mustn't have been this topic... I agree with nando. I, too, fully completed this again not so long ago (within a year I'd say) and you get left with a feeling of disappointment. It's really tedious, especially since it involves so much backtracking. The worst thing is that you need to change characters and retrace old ground since you might come across purple bananas, an orange blueprint guy and a red balloon in just a short stretch of a path. Banjo Kazooie, in contrast, is great. You don't have to keep backtracking through levels and although it's shorter, it's far more enjoyable. Banjo Tooie was quite tedious, too, but not as bad as DK.
  18. Yeah, when I first saw this I was convinced it would be a PSN title. It will have to be quite long for it to warrant a retail price tag for me, I think.
  19. I know...cheer up. Try have a positive outlook on life.
  20. Isn't this a full game? As in, not like a small game on the store?
  21. Oh no, fair enough; he's free to make up anything as an explanation to his tricks (magic, willpower, psychology). But when he uses such a ridiculous explanation that has been completely debunked then people will think he's taking the piss for thinking we're stupid enough to swallow it. The fact he got 24 people to take part in this is actually laughable.
  22. Definitely the halls, as this is where you'll meet people. Not that I went in halls. But yeah, halls. :p
  23. The deceit is in the act...ie. him predicting the lottery numbers is a lie. What has made people hate him is the fact that he said he'd reveal the trick (as many magicians have done for some of their tricks) yet lied in his explanation. Essentially wasting an hour of everyone's lives that will never be returned.
  24. It's because he said he'd reveal the trick but then waffled nonsense to everyone for an hour-long episode.
  25. I noticed this. I thought it was pretty obvious that THH was much more likely since any tails popping up means you could still be on track for THH (due to the recurring chain) whereas a HHH chain would be completely broken. To be honest, the weird way in which he revealed the numbers and the fact he stood quite strangely and away from the balls (can't remember if they left the camera) had a lot to do with it. I think all the explanation crap they're doing here is just filler and shrouding the truth. Just a trick, really.
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