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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. What about download content though? It would seem really odd to me if they blocked all the content we've been able to download so far (PS3 games, remade PS2 games, PS1 games). It would be like starting the store again from scratch if they wouldn't let it play these games. Unless you mean only PS3 content would be blocked. But: The only way that'd work is if they blocked playing PS3 discs. I'd imagine they'd still want to keep people buying PS3 games through the store. But given a Blu Ray player is a near certainty it wouldn't make much sense for them not to be able to play them. And for it to be able to play PS3 games that were downloaded it must be able to actually play PS3 content, so it should be able to play discs. Its not like the Vita where the actual hardware to play UMDs was no longer present. To me it would seem an insult if everyone with a PS+ account could no longer download their content. /complicated subject.
  2. The thing is though, I've seen similar 'odd' people in real life and they had strange and awkward mannerisms like Derek (hunched back, sticking out their head). In our town there was the slightly off bag lady who acted a bit like this. No doubt he is going off something for this. It's not like we can say it's bad acting to be like that if people can actually be like that.
  3. I'd say seeing M I as 'my' and A L Y as 'ally' is as much as a stretch as seeing M as 'am'. I don't see how reading something backwards is ridiculously convoluted as well... Either way, the first way is much funnier. :p
  4. @Rummy I meant more in terms of showing specifically console Zeldas were quite conserved by excluding the handheld versions to make the point. There's no denying that more time and effort is put into the main console versions and those are the versions that people have the highest expectations for and want to see come close to the OoT, MM and WW days. But they constantly recycle game elements so it isn't fresh anymore. A big reason why OoT was so revered was because it introduced a ton of features and brought Zelda into 3D. I did however love LA and the oracle series. Kinda a shame I felt that they tried to make the handheld versions like lite versions of the console games.
  5. Hahaha that's ridiculous. Surely after the first time they would say "right guys, make SURE no messages are being hinted at this time" Better yet, you might have thought they'd ditch the small stars altogether.
  6. The stars highlighting the letters "U R M R G A Y" on the Super Mario Galaxy box deserve a mention:
  7. I came here to kick ass and play Ni No Kuni. Looks like we're all out of ass.
  8. I played them to form this opinion. :p
  9. Oh I'm not counting the recent handheld titles. I don't consider them to be on an equal footing/importance and they always feel more spin off cash generators with a gimmick mechanic than anything else. I would also argue with the flaming orange hair and same voice actor used for Ganondorf used for Demise in Skyward Sword that this is essentially proof of what I'm getting at with Nintendo. Even when 'it isn't', it still kinda 'is'. :p
  10. I actually thought he acted pretty well in terms of producing a believable dim-witted character that lacked the capacity to be mean to others. He's going to get hate on account of constantly using terms like 'mong' outside of this, but I ignored what he's done previously and watched it without expectations. I'm going to see how it pans out anyway. Also I think Karl's inclusion was justified if only by some of the funny outtakes for the series they've shown in the series trailer: 2:22 onwards (particularly the joke about his hair). Would love to see any more outtakes like that.
  11. I have Zero. Ca'man, he had a freaking sword and can go invisible. Commando looked like your target audience catcher alpha male type. I must say, disappointed with the loot I got from the end boss in True Vault Hunter mode. Fuck that, a couple of purples which were all worse than stuff I got from the golden chest. I also don't see how it's possible to solo the warrior in this mode without picking him off before you drop down into the pit. One death and he's full health.
  12. @Jonnas Even if there is another villain in the newer games, Ganondorf somehow often returns at the end. And when they don't seal him away he just comes back in another generation. The Ganondorf thing was just an example anyway, there's lots of things they keep re-using that waters down their impact and makes the series stale.
  13. In terms of nomenclature I would say 'chubby' is overweight or slightly overweight (it doesn't take much to become overweight) and 'fat' to be obese or nearly obese.
  14. Ha, this is U R MR GAY all over again.
  15. 10 years would be a minimum. Considering you get a Master Sword, save Zelda and 'seal away' Ganondorf in nearly every one you need at least 10 years to make it somewhat fresh. In fact they should just kill Ganondorf. They need to stop sealing him away, he's just a pain in the tits.
  16. I'm quite good with money I think. I was at home when I went to Uni before the topup fees tripled the first time and had a part time job and as such have no student debt. I save well and switch my savings to the best ISA available periodically to get good interest. I've never has an overdraft and think it's mental that people see this as their money to buy frivolous things. One girl in my lab was complaining how she'd already gone into her overdraft this month buying clothes. Seems weird to think about always living on the edge of having money or not. That's probably why sites like Wonga prosper.
  17. I would be quiet happy for Zelda to have a 10 year break from any console, then release a high budget, non waggle assisted gimmicky title for a main console.
  18. Definitely Pokemon and Zelda. And to some extent Final Fantasy (but that's more to do with S-E taking a poor direction with their series). Mostly Nintendo because of their cookie-cutter conservative approach to their large cash generating franchises. Just like a tomato isn't technically a vegetable. Yet really for all intents and purposes it is.
  19. L1 to switch between Oliver and his familiar, then you select either attack, defend or their special attack (the latter costing MP). And if you're Oliver you can do spells too. Seems like it's quite simplistic but more things get added in as you go.
  20. So I played the demo just now, it really is cool. The world map looks so well done, it's amazing. The combat works well, one thing I've noticed is that it feels a lot like Dragon Quest VIII (the way in which the monsters are animated and look). Although in this case you're able to move around too when you don't control your familiar. I like how there's a bonus for defending and attacking at the right time, it gives you something to play for. And I really like the lack of currency/exp inflation - the EXP you get is in single figures to begin with as is the dropped cash. It makes it feel like the battle rewards really matter.
  21. I can see why some might not like the podcasts/Ricky Gervais Show. On the face of it, it looks almost like 2 intelligent people belittling someone who's a bit dumb and has silly ideas on things. You soon realise though that to some extent it is put on, and that some of the things Karl says are so utterly stupid and/or ridiculous that you can't help but laugh. The Idiot Abroad series is more humorous in the sense that you know Karl is a little Englander that hates to be taken out of his comfort zone, so watching him navigate the jungle or travel around India makes for some great viewing. Sometimes his simplistic way of viewing things can lead to brilliant remarks as well. For instance in the second season of Idiot Abroad he visits some kind of jungle tribe and learns that all of their words begin with 'N'. Trying to comprehend this in his own way, the first thing he asks the guide is "But how do they play eye spy?" Cracks me up.
  22. You don't burst out laughing at Idiot Abroad or their podcasts/The Ricky Gervais Show? Stone hearted! The latest Idiot Abroad series where Karl takes Warwick with him to Venice and they have to dress up traditionally and go to and old fashioned party, I was in stitches. Love it.
  23. As in people who aren't haters of Gervais.
  24. A 'massage', 5 dollar? Sounds legit.
  25. The latest offering from Ricky Gervais, starting Jan 30th on channel 4. I saw the pilot last year which was pretty good. It stars Gervais as a guy called Derek who's a bit simple and works in a care home where Karl Pilkington also works. I quite liked the pilot; it's not obviously a comedy, more mockumentary with funny moments. I like almost everything Gervais produces anyway so I'm probably biased. Karl's inclusion is great too because he's absolutely hilarious. Any non-Gervais haters going to watch this?
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