If your power didn't work then you yourself could have been screwed with.
^ Aimed at DuD
I absolutely knew I would. People should really be RNGing their N1 out of courtesy.
Anyway @DuD are you the animus 2.0 creator?
Nothing Paul? Hmm
If true, it would reason that someone intended to target DuD to afford him some level of protection. But they went to me instead like you must have.
Then obviously everyone targeting me got sent to DuD instead of me. Including DuD himself.
Come on people, it's all there. There's no other way for everyone who targeted me to go to someone else.
@DuD are you the animus 2.0 creator?
Interesting that you would suggest that after you were a town target switcher yourself just a couple of games ago.
Like I said, if someone target switched me then anyone who targeted me would have ended up at someone else.
Easy way to confirm - where did you guys all end up?
If he was untargetable to everything then that should be roleblockers too. Only way he could have died is if he used move 2 instead, he did nothing, or Jimbob made a mistake.
That'd be epically ridiculous. The ability to never be killed all game would surely be preferable.
@Jimbob are you sure Cube could not be targeted by anything? Including killers?
Apparently Grainger Games tweeted that they sent all their copies today (well, Thursday). Weird, mine still says processing. Not overly bothered if it comes tomorrow or not really, just find it a bit silly that these updates aren't automatic.
They don't really need their own home console hardware, especially when for the last 2 generations they have put out some really low spec devices (comparably). Everything they're trying to do with their games can be done on other consoles (even off screen play on the PS4, which I've never really seen as a game changer anyway). It's more of a presence thing really. Wanting to be important.
Grainger Games order still 'processing', has been for the past few days. Luckily I don't really care since I've not been exposed to any hype and only bought it on a whim.
Yup. They lost their way with DQ when they went with a considerable downgrade but a popular console to make more cash. Then an MMO of some sort...bleeding hell. And now this.
We've heard so much about her over the past couple of years. The stuff she is doing and saying to him is just not what someone who loves you does. She's using him as a meal ticket, puts him down constantly and now even physically abuses him. He already left her once, so we know it must be pretty bad and not just a case of us hearing snippets of over-exaggerated detail.