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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I got the 0.0 time on the chocobo race earlier. I like to think there is a special place in hell reserved for the guy/guys who designed this game. Such a remarkable piece of shit of a minigame. Anyone else who has got this I'm sure will agree. But hey ho, now I can get Tidus's ultimate weapon, heh. Also did the 5 chests open and win the race at Remiem temple. God damn, that was also tricky with Vita control sticks. The chocobo seemed to snap to moving in one direction which made handling curved sections somewhat inefficient. So many times I'd drop down and the other chocobo was just in the way enough to prevent overtaking.
  2. Started for the 0.0 challenge, still hate it so much. The worst minigame ever devised. Got 3.6 seconds so far.
  3. Try getting a decent bow (maybe Dragonrider bow by trading a demon's soul with Strait in the Bastille). Then some lightning or dark arrows. Hang around corners and pop our to fire the odd arrow at these guys.
  4. I've heard it's the best of the three and I liked the others. The 360 version was on a flash sale for £15 the other day, waiting for the PS3 version to get there before I buy.
  5. Here's an idea. If you think the forum is run badly then why not find another forum? That is a really insulting post, actually. Suggesting that someone should step down and that they do a poor job when they actually do a great job is just offensive. Shame on you.
  6. Picking up the gamecube pad then immediately picking up the gamepad, I can tell you the gamecube pad is much more comfortable. Ergonomically they got the gamecube pad spot on, even if the button arrangement isn't ideal for many modern games. The gamepad is similar to the 3DS XL for me in that the edge (usually most noticeably the bottom left) juts into your hand as you play. For prolonged use, I don't find it comfortable. The gamepad has a good idea for off TV play but really I want to see my games look as good as possible, which is why I pretty much exclusively played Wind Waker on TV. The quality of the gamepad screen just doesn't do it justice. I would like if they could somehow incorporate the curves and shape of the gamecube pad into the gamepad, while reducing the overall bloat of the thing (and upping the screen quality and resolution, but I guess that is no longer possible).
  7. For One Piece (the only thing I keep up with really these days) I watch the anime. Luffy's voicing and general demeanour put across in the anime simply isn't worth sacrificing, and I'm not one who likes to go over the same ground by also reading the manga. Saying that, I hadn't watched any for about 4-5 years so I've recently been catching up on a lot. I'm on something like episode 520 right now.
  8. Exactly...you've got to risk it for a biscuit. Sequels are all well and good but the real killers are usually risky new IP that people haven't seen before.
  9. What was wrong with the gameplay? It was one of the best hybrid action/command battle systems ever.
  10. Shit, speak of the Devil, Easter Sale... Great value right there.
  11. True, it's hard to feel intense desire about something that doesn't exist yet versus a new entry in a series you have been excited about in the past. But I'd love to see them start up some adventure type series like their existing big franchises but with a gameplay type I've never seen before. Maybe like a new Nintendo-like character but in a world builder type game.
  12. Damn, that sucks. I got some nasty flu/cold variant (never know what to call this kind, it's worse than a cold but flu sounds a little melodramatic) about 2 weeks ago. After it mostly went I was left with an itchy cough which was so annoying. I would take being ill to the point of lethargy over having an itchy cough. So freaking annoying when you can't sleep over it. My advice is to become a hermit and avoid all mankind. They are nasty plague-bearers.
  13. It depends how you look at it. If you're the kind of person who doesn't tire of Nintendo's games and likes new polished versions in their series then you'll like it. If you're like me and what to see more new content/IP from them then you'll be disappointed. It's has gotten to the point where people are mostly saying "I want another Metroid" or "I want another F-Zero". I actually want them to make more new stuff than just keep delivering sequels.
  14. Sorry but there's just no way that could be true. It's not just quantity but also what's on show. I'm very much feeling the mood in the air that Nintendo isn't 'it' right now. Contrast this to when they were showing off the Wii, which had audiences really going.
  15. Oh yeah, these too. Journey as well.
  16. Dat texture on the substitute. Looks nice.
  17. I'm not suggesting you play them all at once (not sure why you would), rather that they are some of the best and worth picking up first.
  18. Miyamoto jumps in with Hylian shield and Master Sword: "I am not Link!!" I'll always remember that. Absurd but funny, Nintendo should do things like this again and definitely be present at E3.
  19. If you go with a PS3 (which I heartily recommend) then you'll be able to pick up a ridiculous number of top tier games for next to nothing from the likes of CeX and GAME online (preowned). We're talking sub-£5 here for most games. For your starter kit, let me recommend Dark Souls, Uncharted 2, Ni No Kuni, Fallout 3 (and New Vegas if you take to it), LittleBigPlanet 2, Portal 2, Skyrim, The Last of Us and Red Dead Redemption. Except for the Last of Us, and to a lesser extent Dark Souls and Ni No Kuni, most of those should cost next to nothing.
  20. Could be pretty good, but they really need to confirm this for PS4/X1 first.
  21. That you did. I voted for you in that. @The Peeps I voted for the Insane Asylum Mafia, shame it didn't get more! @Hero of Time got my best member vote, thought he'd be a runner up at least. Teh shock.
  22. And Ho-oh! Maybe.
  23. Man, I've no doubt you will. :p I tried to do loads of the extra stuff in my playthrough that gets you killed a lot (covenant PvP, optional areas, lava dashing, etc). Also assisting people as phantoms, pretty sure dying there counts as a death.
  24. So there's still more to come? What do people think of the chances of at least one more new character from the following: Fire Emblem, Golden Sun or Xenoblade?
  25. I'm only about 2 hours into NG+ due to being a bit busy the past few days, but I absolutely cheesed through so much of it. The last thing I did was beat Ruin Sentinel. It's kinda fun breezing through it with your uber equipment.
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