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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. It's still connected; you can walk between every area in the game pretty much without a load screen. I'm pretty sure Dark Souls 1 had a simialr setup to this (multiple dungeons connecting together, but ultimately you return every so often to venture down a different path from Firelink Shrine). For all intents and purposes, it's the same. The only difference is that you can warp between bonfires. But only sadists would argue that that's a bad thing.
  2. Got the platinum trophy on this today...329 deaths! There is your benchmark, if you give a damn enough to platinum this. All in all it was pretty fun. They added enemies and bosses to NG+ and there's also quite a lot of optional content you can skip. New rings to get too.
  3. There isn't a right and wrong. You can define generation literally as consoles released in the same time period, or you can define it as a console that is as technologically advanced as people expect for the 'next generation' of consoles. When people are saying something is 'like last gen' they're not getting confused about when it was released, rather highlighting parallels between the console and specifications similar to the generation before.
  4. This only works if you adopt terminology that in this context lacks meaning, and truth. Many people do not view the Wii U as the next generation and their justifications aren't totally unfounded.
  5. What? So can PC users play online games together? What with almost every PC on Earth having different levels of performance.
  6. Almost certainly untrue. Sony made a £40 loss per PS4 selling by selling it at £350 (a cost they expected to recoup pretty quickly with one game and PS Plus 1 year subscription). For Microsoft to make a similar spec console including Kinect plus give away a new game for the same price, short of a magic hat I'm not sure how they could make it happen. Unless you mean the customers went on to buy games, which is kind of the point I've been driving regarding what Nintendo should do, heh.
  7. You're all still focusing on the loss hit they take from reducing the console. If they get customers for their future games then they make the money back and then some. Especially since their game prices often retain value. As it stands, if people aren't buying the Wii U then there's little potential to make money. It's all about building up an install base - that's why Microsoft took drastic action since they saw how much better the PS4 was doing.
  8. I can also recommend the case I have, the Antec 300 2. Great in terms of air circulation and the front plates are easily removable to clean. Tool-less installation, lightweight and looks pretty nice. Although not as nice as the other one in the table probably. Slightly cheaper at £58.49 too.
  9. You're right. Initially I looked at a comparison website which said the i5 was better, but on closer look it seems the differences aren't huge. I updated it. It's even closer to 600 now. Total cost: £611.34 Links to products: Part Motherboard RAM RAM GPU Power Supply DVD RW SSD Processor Case PSU cooler Windows 7 OS
  10. Unless the people who wouldn't have bought a Wii U otherwise then buy the Wii U, and continue to buy software. Kind of the whole point of making a console. Microsoft are doing it - from £430 with no game to £350 with a £50 game. It's all about taking a hit to get the customers to go forward with.
  11. Yeah it's about 100 quid less expensive than an Xbox One with Titanfall. Really not a good sell. Regardless of how much Nintendo can afford to cut the price a lot, in some ways they can't afford to not cut it either, if it results in it not selling much.
  12. @Raining_again here's a spec with more parts and some price checking done (good old HotUKDeals). It's £24.17 over budget but that's because Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium costs a whopping £70. You could skimp on the case to make it under 600 if you like, although the case I put looks pretty cool and makes it easier to install stuff. I chose the i5-3750K processor which will provide a big boost since it's easy to overclock (it's the one I have). This is a pretty damn good machine, all things said. As for an additional HDD, I haven't put one, but a medium size can be got for pretty cheap and upgraded later on as necessary. The SSD will hold your OS and some other necessary apps and some games. Total: 624.17 Links to products: Part Motherboard RAM RAM GPU Power Supply DVD RW SSD Processor Case PSU cooler Windows 7 OS
  13. I have slapped my preorder down. This is gonna be epic! Can't wait for Rainbow Road. You guys know about the Tesco Direct deal? The regular edition comes to £35 if you use the code TDX-PWP4.
  14. I would be if this was aaaages ago, lol. I kind of burnt out on it and did pretty much all there was to do at the time.
  15. They changed the story with Tyrion/Shae in that episode in a pretty drastic way. Not really happy with that to be honest.
  16. I've been thinking...the playground section never feels like it's as exposed to viewers as main boards and seems to be visited pretty much just by regulars. Aside from the Mafia and X11 topics which benefit from being in their own space to prevent being purged (particularly Mafias during night phase), would it be allowed to create playground-esque one offs in the general board? I have in mind some fun quiz type things but generally the idea of putting them in the relatively less exposed playground area is a bit off-putting. Just a thought.
  17. Oh joy! Another smashing outing to be had.
  18. I don't think it insinuates anything...it's the truth. If someone is using their phone in your presence then they're not giving you their full attention. They're looking at a screen and absorbing information such that they're only paying semi attention to you and others. Of course, if you both agree to this situation that you hang out but aren't actually bothered by this, that's another matter, but that situation has never arisen for me. It's always a case of people (such as my sister) texting away when the people around her would rather she didn't (because we're at something like a family meal and we're trying to socialise face-to-face, or I've gone home to visit for a short time).
  19. Ok, later on I'll make sure it's no more than 600. You need the OS?
  20. I can have a go at this later, one thing I'll ask though - why prebuilt? You will get a much better value / performance rig if you build it yourself.
  21. Not looking to the lightning game when I get the airship to go back there. At least a trophy will ping now telling you when you get 200.
  22. Yeah there's some miner grunts in Harvest Valley, some guys sitting around in Hunstman's Copse and one I think in Shaded Woods. There's also the knights in white who carry Heide Knight equipment and sit around waiting to be smacked silly.
  23. Oh right. There's some like that throughout the game as well.
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