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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. If anyone is interested, Final Fantasy XIV is £6.85 including the first month of play for PS4. You buy the PS3 copy here then follow these steps to upgrade your PS3 copy to a PS4 copy for free.
  2. Zelda Wind Waker HD (Wii U) £24.98 at Zavvi.
  3. I'm going to agree with you here. Looking young doesn't mean you look immature; actions do a far better job of that. Shaving makes you look young in a good way, I think. Given our society is generally obsessed with looking younger, there's just something inherent about our comparisons between age and looking attractive (not that older people can't look attractive, but more people aim to look younger once they reach late 20s/30s than they try to look older). Admittedly some people have made it work for them, but far more often it never seems to work, in my opinion. Regarding beards, I generally don't like the look of them, with a few exceptions. A few times when people I know have chosen to shave a beard they've had for a while I've thought 'wow, that really does take the years off you'. It would also be a massive turn off for my girlfriend if I had a beard, who I know doesn't like them. And who can blame her? A wirey bush on your face that she could feel upon contact. There's also the possibility of food getting in a beard which is just gross, although not exactly unavoidable. But, yeah... I really don't like beards. Both the look and feel, I don't like.
  4. I've always seen it as meaning Japan vs America and Europe. I think a lot of people many games are made in Europe too. I don't think it's xenophobia, rather lack of cultural variety people are expressing.
  5. In complete contrast to this, I'm always left with the impression that they are very Japanese in terms of their quality output. Which has always been fine for me, since I don't expect Nintendo games to be Western. But if people are looking for that in the Wii U, they're going to be disappointed. At least if they're looking for Western titles that are as good and numerous as the Japanese games they produce.
  6. lol, who writes these bots? Fucking useless.
  7. I still think 220 is a bit steep to the average consumer; ideally if they could have got it all somewhat under 200 then it starts to look better to casuals, who are probably aware this is on a different level to the other consoles.
  8. Banjo Kazooie, the tree in Click Clock Wood. One of my favourite levels in a platformer, no doubt.
  9. Good to know, will probably watch it after I catch up with One Piece.
  10. Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but in this part are you saying that complaints can be invalidated or devalued based on someone somewhere else having it worse? Because I can't stand when people do that. We otherwise wouldn't really be able to complain about anything, really. Someone else always has it worse. Apologies if that's not one of the points you were making.
  11. By that do you mean you don't ascribe to the same line of thinking, or that you actually don't understand it? If it's the latter, it makes perfect sense to me. Why wait for some new piece of tech that you can fiddle around with and download titles for if you're only going to buy it within a year anyway? If the cost will be the same, which it likely will, then it makes no difference.
  12. Parents letting them watch? Letting them play is more likely around here. Yep, Britain isn't short of bad parents.
  13. Is it worth watching this newer Hunter X Hunter 2011 series if you already watched the old one and the 3 OVAs?
  14. But they have, they have Plus content. And maybe downloads too.
  15. But he has been presented with those answers already. People in Japan are buying it in anticipation (there will literally no other way to play most non Nintendo games over there other than PC). As well as that people will be playing Plus content in the meantime and/or their upgraded copies of FFXIV.
  16. Because there aren't any games out for it yet. And by any, I mean hardly any. :p
  17. When you're done with the game you can just uninstall it anyway. Or just bunch together these sorts of apps in a folder.
  18. Zanmato that bastard into oblivion. :p No. I got everything without doing a single battle in between. Yep, that. You only need to do it for about 20 minutes. I failed the first few times but then it becomes really easy. No encounters is a must obviously (you get a weapon with this from the fish at Baaj temple). Basically from the crater, walk south and a little west enough until you're near the lightning tower (basically not far at all), then walk back to the crater. Don't want too little away from the crater since occasionally the bolt won't trigger. Better to play it safe and walk slightly further away from the crater than necessary. I got like 536 bolts dodged, so it's definitely doable once you get in the swing of it.
  19. I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck if people here get irritated by me. Just saying. If they want to work themselves up about what I'm saying, so be it.
  20. Hell yes, that's exactly what I was going for. And it felt good, too. Why waste too many words arguing what is obviously true? If people want to believe that Zelda is not at its heart a traditionalist nod to its existing fanbase with its conserved mechanics and remakes/sequels then let them. If they want to believe that the implemented motion controls really shakes the series up then, again, let them! It's a waste of words convincing people that are utterly determined to shun reality.
  21. Really? I wouldn't say SS/TP deviated much from the established formula at all. Sure you're using motion controls, but does that really change the game content? Do people think Nintendo are currently making games like never seen before because they are controlled via Gamepad? The answer to the last one is obviously no. Despite what changes they had, they're still using OoT's dungeon formula, aren't they?
  22. Why would I consider the untrue? It is as I say. I'm not trying to be confrontational here, it's just the way it is. Zelda is a series that sells mostly to existing fans and as such delivers a familiar experience and remakes to please them. We've had 2 remakes and one direct sequel in this generation alone, possibly more if Majora is confirmed. Don't get me wrong, it's a great opportunity for a new gamer to try these titles out, but let's not pretend that the main reason these are being done is anything other than fan service.
  23. Nintendo may have had a new idea with the wall merging but there's no question that by making it a LTTP 2 they were heavily gearing it towards the fans who loved the first one. And the remakes they do also add to this - Zelda is more fan service than new player grabber. If it wasn't, they'd make more effort to change the formula they use for nearly every game. How many times now do you go through a dungeon and grab the small keys, then the dungeon item, then the boss key and the heart container? Then the Master Sword at some point? It is blatantly a familiar nod to fans of the service. While Galaxy had its semi transformation by 'bitesizing' its levels, I believe Zelda has yet to do something similar to make it truly appeal to the new gamer.
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