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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. You're a terrible combination of rudeness and ignorance. As I already said, the Wii U is not the console of choice for people looking to buy FIFA. I honestly, like, have no clue how you don't buy that explanation as to why there's no point in them bringing it to Wii U. Not only that, but you continuously bring up the fact that the Wii U has sold similar numbers of consoles to something like the X1 despite new titles releasing on the newer consoles continuously charting higher than those released on Wii U. It doesn't matter jack if you have loads of consoles sold if people aren't buying the software on it (which aside from MK8, seems to be the case with most games). Just look at how the Wii ended up; huge install base, but their games weren't selling. And we can do nothing but ignore your last comment, for it does nothing but scream ignorance. If EA were going to make money they'd probably do it. How you can say it's guaranteed profit when Pestneb has already posted that only 1% of FIFA 13 sales were on Wii U is beyond me. But hey, you probably know more than them, right?
  2. Far weaker. Smash is basically the title with wide appeal, and maybe Bayonetta will do pretty well. On the other formats you have Destiny, AC Unity, Drive Club, Dragon Age, LBP3...then remastered games like TLOU and GTAV. Wii Sports is pretty much dead, and I don't see Hyrule Warriors particularly storming it. It's essentially a Dynasty Warriors game. Also the comment about Wii U having more exclusives isn't true; you can consider games like Destiny exclusive purely because they're not coming to Wii U. It doesn't matter that they're coming to both next gen consoles because most people are only likely to buy one. So for many people these games are excellent reasons to pick up a next gen console of choice and continue to buy games for it. Let's also not forget 'exclusives' like Rayman Legends. How are you so far in denial of the truth? Aside from MK8 which had a very high attach rate, PS4 and X1 sales have been dominating the charts and they have been out only a fraction of the time the Wii U has. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the PS4 and X1 formats are many times more lucrative than the Wii U. Not only that, the Wii U is simply not going to be your average gamer's format of choice for FIFA. People would probably rather buy it on their old 360 or PS3 and have a decent controller and online infrastructure (and their friends) to play it with than play it on Wii U.
  3. You see, if it's very small I wouldn't really call it a turn around. To turn around this situation you need a lot to happen. Once MK8's effect goes, what then? Aside from Smash this year the lineup is very weak.
  4. Completely agree. I fully completed the game and while there were several areas that showed promise, it wouldn't be unfair to say this is one of the worst RPGs I have ever played. And I have played an awful lot. The battle and job system is one of the stronger points, but I agree with whoever said the ridiculous amount of stacking you have to do of commands before actions happen really bogs it down. The story is absurd. I won't spoil, but it utilises a very cheap story mechanic and totally ruins any enjoyment you might have otherwise had from the story. A complete disappointment, and a total waste of time. Towns are barren. There is literally nothing to explore when there could have been loads. You mostly just visit the same weapon and item shops, which you don't even enter. Compare this to something like FFIX, where there is so much going on. The main crystal sanctuaries are cloned from one another. The characters are all pretty boring and there is no real depth to them. You don't really know much about their past and I honestly felt like if one of them died, I wouldn't have cared less. Again, a total contrast to something like PS1 Final Fantasy games. Crystals. Minus a million points. Fuck, such a disappointment.
  5. I like that and think the black is needed on the controller to create some contrast. It still doesn't look as good as some of these unofficial ones. Damn, I would kill for these: Love the PS4 design. It looks oh so very cool.
  6. So this game looks to be shaping up great then, eh? Looks like I'll definitely be getting it sooner rather than later then.
  7. I've always liked playing Munckin. Easy to play and bags of fun.
  8. You can't say that having more staff or taking more overall time to release a game actually means more effort was put into it. I would be incredibly surprised if more effort was put into making NSMBU, a game in a well established series, than Galaxy. In terms of NSMBU, the format is already laid down and there is next to no originality on show; it's pretty much the same thing we've seen before but with Miiverse integration. It wouldn't surprise me that more staff are used these days, though, as that often seems to be the case. I'm going to pull this out because I very much disagree. Nobody continues to like 3D games because they're conditioned to (I've no idea where you got that from); they continue to like them because I think a lot of people genuinely prefer them, in most settings. 3D knocks down the limitations imposed by 2D; it's allows for a more true level of exploration and helps massively with the sense of immersion you can have with a game. Not only that, 3D benefits far more greatly from graphical improvement; when people buy a new next gen console, they want to see their purchases justified with games heavily improved from the previous generations. When the N64 hit, people hadn't really played 3D games before and couldn't really be classed as conditioned, yet they lapped up 3D games. Not just because of novelty, as people very much enjoyed 3D games from that point, and continued to like them. Contrast this to something like the Wii motion controls - they were popular in the generation they were released but inarguably haven't really stuck so well. I believe that for something to stick it has to actually continue to be demanded for or be liked by people. I'd also argue from a personal point of view that 3D actually enhanced Nintendo's games. To me, both 3D Mario platfotmer and kart games as well as Zelda titles benefited immensely from 3D and helped bring their their respective worlds to life. While there are many 2D games I like, I can't really deny that a good number of 3D titles do excite me greatly and I would like to see a tipping of the balance the other way from Nintendo.
  9. This might be a slightly long-winded response, but particularly the problem I see is thus: If you are much better than the competition online, you will likely often win anyway. By that, I mean that if you get trounced by a couple of items in the starting furore, you can likely pull it back to a 3rd or above finish. My problem is that you can essentially be walloped into the bottom positions at the very beginning through chance and the items are so disproportionately weak that if there are at least 3-4 players of the same skill levels as you, or even not too far below you in skill, it will be incredibly hard to catch up or overtake them under most circumstances. The way the game has always been is that lower positions afford ridiculously powerful items, with the objective of that setup being to get you back to the higher positions you were unfortunately knocked from. They have to be powerful, because the bottom positions are incredibly dangerous to remain in in due to the increased numbers of damaging items floating about in those positions. Advancing maybe one position or so with a star (which is even a challenge without a shortcut) just doesn't cut it. It has never mattered that items get you back up to say 3rd from 9th, since once you get to that position it then is mostly about skill due to the weakening of items. So to summarise, If you're playing against people who are around your level or not too far below, you can be brutally pegged at the start but there are no similar items to pull you back out of the mess. That's what my issue is, really. The people at the back should be getting awesomesauce items. Everyone shouldn't be getting crappy stuff. :p
  10. 100% SNES games naturally worked when it was the SNES era (not that the Wii U is 100%, but you get my point). SNES-like games still work now, but there's no doubt if you're producing too much of it and not enough 3D games then people won't be happy if we're talking about a modern console capable of doing much more. 3D games are generally perceived as the ones pushing the boundaries and the ones that affirm people's decisions to jump onto the next generation (as in, why is new hardware necessary to run 2D games). Nintendo need less 2D and more 3D games.
  11. Felt the exact same last night online. Them stars I was getting after being knocked back were just laughable really.
  12. Per ler ling, PWAH!
  13. I think modern gamers are becoming overly sensitive about issues like these. So what if all the players are male? Ultimately these characters are not supposed to represent ourselves; they're players we control to murder other people. Calling out for better representation in a game because it's now 2014 I also find a little ironic, given these games are set far in the past. Their justification sounds bogus, but I don't agree with the need to push 'diversity' when designing characters in nearly every game these days.
  14. Hell yeah. I'm in.
  15. Really happy with the new Zelda look. It'll be cool if it's really properly open world like Skyrim or Red Dead. For me, Zelda has been lagging for a while with its continual use of a similar format. Maybe this is a sign of modernising?
  16. Win situation - never design the bloody thing. *prepares plans for a time machine*
  17. Which is really what a company should do. Why risk putting games out on a console that isn't doing well, to help another company prosper? They are in it to make money and until it becomes an more attractive console for them they would do right to avoid it.
  18. @Clownferret why is it Ubi's job to help sell Nintendo's consoles?
  19. Hardly. The only thing that looks great on the X1 to me is Sunset Overdrive; could literally not care any less about Halo remakes, and that's coming from someone who invested tons of time into Halo PC. Halo is so last decade. Most of the best games on PS3 last gen were third party, because like Nintendo, you can't expect one company to be responsible for so many great games. You need good support, which the console definitely seems to have. I'm interested in what Nintendo can come up with, but we know what support for them is going to be like. While there's a lot more coming next year than this year, the amount of games that are coming to the PS4 is colossal. I literally can't wait. In the meantime I'll play the few first party and many third party games that will release this year.
  20. Where is the "if you just press X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y...you will be sucked". I want cringe worthy but awesomely entertaining stuff.
  21. Happy Birthday laaad.
  22. But what has changed from the year before for the 20% drop? Literally all I can think of is the failed Vita and the decline of last gen consoles. Vita is their fault for not supporting it enough, but also due to app gaming. The last gen decline is just bound to happen, really. Even with top exclusives like The Last of Us, they don't do as well in the US. And now they are beating the X1 with their new console, but still we see a 20% drop. I can't explain it, other than to say the 360 was too strong in USA on account of people wanting to stick to their machine to play with their existing friends who also have 360s.
  23. It's his decision to take Nintendo down this path. It could have been his decision to do something like bring in an American like Mark Cerny to design their console (seeing as it's quite clear their hardware is lacking these days). Even if he needs support for the ideas, he can push for them. It's really sad how you will never concede and always back up Nintendo, man. Even when they're so clearly in the wrong. It's funny (and I'm not sure if you realise it) but many of the Nintendo-related arguments on these forums go on for pages because you deliver comments that are frankly absurd, to the point where we all question whether you even believe yourself what you are saying. The kind of comments like telling people Nintendo have proper online accounts, when probably the entire rest of the forum disagrees, could unleash a backlash where several people comment in disagreement of your post. In short, your overly defensive attitude to anything Nintendo fuels much of the anti-negative discussion about these parts.
  24. Yeah. It's not like he's in charge of the company and direction they take or anything.
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