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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Tin box! What is this, 2009?
  2. £80! For an artbook and some cards. Crazy pricing!
  3. Oh yeah, I'd be interested in playing Rift Apart purely because it's supposed to be an amazing showcase for the PS5. Just not at 70 quid, mind.
  4. "The remake is one of the worst games in the series". You realise the irony of saying this and then telling me off for not having played the game and making comments about it, when clearly you didn't play the 2016 remake (as you didn't even know it was a remake of the original game). [emoji14] Based on Metacritic score the 2016 remake seems to be around the same mark as the other PS3 games, and to be honest I'd be surprised if the other games played so differently as to change my mind about the series. I'd have thought the gameplay and shooting will still be fairly similar between titles, which is something I took issue with.
  5. So I started playing the remake of the first Ratchet and Clank (the one they recently upgraded to 60 FPS for PS5). Honestly I don't think this series is for me. Everything about the game that I played in the first hour or so just felt so unremarkable. The combat is easy and imprecise, the plot and tone childish (like a Saturday morning cartoon), and the levels look cluttered (with obscene amounts of drops). I can imagine children would like this game but it felt to me like a complete load of nothing, the sort of game you'd play and forget in no time.
  6. So I finished this yesterday and share very similar feelings to@Zell.
  7. Have you tried it on a different TV?
  8. Is there any reason why this demo is restricted to PS5 owners only? Especially since it looks like a PS3 game.
  9. I just beat Garland and really enjoyed my time with the demo. The combat (and particularly the boss) was a joy, and learning his attack patterns and when to absorb them was really entertaining. The game looked terrible, and the allies were a liability (I'm not spending a potion reviving them), but the overall combat and game mechanics were a lot of fun. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking this one up somewhere down the line.
  10. I mean you could also say the same about £50 RRP games no longer making sense compared to Game Pass, yet Nintendo charge that. The reality is that you can charge what you want (within reason) so long as you have the goods, which both Sony and Nintendo do right now, while arguably Microsoft don't. I personally don't agree with paying £70 because you can just wait and get games cheaper, and I don't think games justify such an expensive price tag, but I'm sure Sony have done number crunching and figured out it still makes sense to increase the price. Enough people must presumably be buying the games at full price, while those who would have waited for a discount before are still going to wait now.
  11. Just waiting for a price drop in my case. I personally find it baffling that some people are throwing £70/£60 for these games when they will be less than half that within a year.
  12. The thing is, regardless of how we feel about it, there's simply no chance Labour would win an election right now. If they did hold one the Conservatives would win without issue.
  13. Yep, Nomura all over it. It's got that air of complete bollocks to it. The nonsense is so thick I can TASTE it.
  14. No it isn't. It's blue for me.
  15. I thought that game looked really quite shit. Uninspired combat with excruciatingly bad VA, and looked like it was made on a very small budget.
  16. I think a big problem for me with Microsoft is that their exclusives don't look particularly great or exciting. So much of Microsoft's angle is to emphasise the value of Game Pass. This is a big issue in my opinion as value only gets you so far. You can make something as cheap as you like but if they don't have the exclusives then it doesn't matter a thing.
  17. It unfortunately means that it will probably be riddled with microtransactions.
  18. If you're worried about games needing willpower to get through certain sections then this will absolutely not be the game for you.
  19. Sekiro is far more difficult than the Souls games, just so you know.
  20. I was a big fan (got the platinum trophy) but just didn't post much in here about it. It's a great game and challenging. There's a specific boss that you fight in a flashback that is really quite hard, and man, clearing it was such a great feeling. Can't recommend this game enough.
  21. Oh you're in profit. That's good at least!
  22. How much did you lose? So crazy that you bought one when there were no chance you would take to it. [emoji14]
  23. I think there's definitely things they could do to improve them. They could possibly make trophies like actual Smash Brothers trophies that you can rotate (although that would possibly put third party devs on the spot by giving them extra work to do). One thing that I've seen done, but only rarely, is to put downloadable rewards tied to trophies. For instance in Final Fantasy XIII, if you unlocked the platinum trophy you could download a unique PS3 theme from the disc. That's a much better way of rewarding content than tying it to purchasable amiibo, anyhow.
  24. I mean, it's basically the same thing (both stamps and trophies motivate players to do things they otherwise probably wouldn't have done), just the achievements can't be viewed without booting up the game again, which is kind of frustrating. There's also plenty of games where you can show off to friends, for instance in the form of high scores tables. Mario Oddyssey has this. So it's not like Nintendo are averse to letting people boast. My guess? They want to differentiate themselves from the competition, or they simply can't be bothered to put in the work.
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