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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Pre-ordered for the cheap price of £22.88.
  2. Why are people blaming ports for not being up to scratch, then using the gamecube to show that a hardcore audience was there? It really is NOT due to porting issues that nobody bought them on Wii U. Why focus on a specific and almost irrelevant aspect while ignoring the truth? It wouldn't matter if the ports of ACIII or anything else were exactly as good as PS3 and 360 versions. The latter two consoles were LAST gen and people already had the machines to play them, or could pick them up cheap. Who in their right mind would pay £300 for a new console to play a game at the same level as their current consoles? It is NOT down to porting issues, @Serebii. If Nintendo hadn't fucked up and gimped their consoles, ACIII could have been as definitive to the PS3/360 versions as ACIV was on PS4 compared to the other consoles. Which I'll bet you're not going to argue is much, but at 1080p there is a definite reason to upgrade there (and I can tell you, it looks a whole lot nicer on my PS4 than it did on the PS3). Second, the gamecube had a core audience but you could easily argue that since then the other consoles have developed their online infrastructures and OS features so far ahead that now Nintendo doesn't stand a chance. People know where the meat is these days.
  3. Aww yeah. Chrono Trigger.
  4. I'm positive something would help convince you of that last one... What, though...WHAT?!
  5. Now who is doing the poor comparisons? World of Warcraft IS the game that he played AND the organisation that recognised him. If George Clooney played at Wimbledon, that would be the organisation that recognised him too. Except, in your comparison he hasn't played at Wimbledon. This is really beyond the point that I was making anyway. Speak for yourself. You could very easily argue that such an important figure playing and endorsing a game makes players of that game aware of his connection. I'm pretty sure players of WoW wanted some kind of tribute, much like people asked Nintendo. Also, do you even play WoW? If you don't it would seem odd that you're arguing how close he seems linked to the game, if you're not even that involved with the game yourself. This is exactly what we've come to realise, isn't it? I haven't slagged off Nintendo because they can choose to remember him how they want. Likewise, people are also assuming that companies paying tribute are heartless machines and that every keyboard stroke is made with the pure intention of profit.
  6. It wasn't a flawed argument. He was a player of World of Warcraft, just as a tennis player could have played at Wimbledon. It doesn't matter if one is more experienced in their associated 'game' than the other, because at the end of the day it's the thought that counts coming from an organisation with a link to that person. I was using the tennis analogy to point out that absolutely nobody would think 'it's too soon' or 'attention-seeking', if a planned silence or tweet performed at Wimbledon was then reported in the news. Then again, you also have to remember that on a forum of rampant Nintendo fanboys, it's not uncommon for people to make arguments out of essentially nothing if it relates to the counter position to whatever Nintendo have done.
  7. And yet, your comparison was directly applicable to the brand that I proposed, which is why I rendered your comparison invalid. The kinds of brands you touched on (e.g. 'Nike') have different ways of advertising their product to a company like Blizzard. Even though Blizzard advertise, they're not just putting out their name or logo like Nike do with tick marks. That's why if this was an advertisement then it would be pretty meaningless. With something like Nike, they want their brand and logo plastered across every surface or piece of clothing that they possibly can. With WoW, it's about getting across their message: what it is, and what you're getting. Of course I suspect that you are in troll mode so I'll leave it there. The main problem here is that you think any form of public engagement is necessarily intended to serve as advertising. Well, that, and that you're clearly lacking common sense. This way of thinking is wrong on a number of levels since it essentially strips the humanity from the event organisers of the game, who like RW just as much as anyone else. To take the definition of advertising at face value in order to counter my point is also pretty facile. Because you could very easily apply that definition to this, too: ^ Courtesy of Eurogamer and various other websites. So, tell me, is this also advertising? For it certainly drew attention to the brand and product. Suddenly, you might then realise - just because something is widely reported through the media, doesn't mean that they were intending to advertise their fucking game. Geez. The only way you can that is to make the link in your head out of choice. Of course their username will link to what their game is about; it's their official twitter account. It doesn't mean that the message was posted as a way to hook people in who were searching for RW but had never tried WoW. if it was, that seems like a really obscure way to go about advertising. These accounts are often manned by 1 or 2 low level staff anyway who are unlikely to be posting this at the orders of marketing. C'maan.
  8. Nope, it's definitely just a case of you who is jaded :p (and almost certainly wrong, lest you can provide evidence this would boost their income in any significant way). Also like for like comparing Blizzard to brands like Nike is pretty silly. Blizzard aren't trying to be a 'cool' and relevant brand like Nike, they're not making clothes people want to be seen in or trying to assert a statement. Their business model requires people to know about their game and to want to play it. This would be one of the most arbitrary and ridiculous ways to get people to know about their game. Enough so that I'm saying that that's not what they were trying to do. Their best way of advertising has always been to make an MMORPG that is better than every other MMORPG, and everyone with even a passing interest in the genre has come to know it for that reason. Even if better MMORPGs have come along, the mechanics and standards they introduced have been replicated and they have rightly claimed the MMORPG crown through making a great game. Apparently the event organisers of WoW are humans. Humans who, I have on good authority, may have on time to time watched the odd film and maybe even come to like the actors in them...
  9. Who cares? The link is still very definitely there, and they're making a tribute to him because of the respect they had for him. I literally have no idea how this is being interpreted as selfish since it really isn't going to translate through to profit. The folk on here who are finding fault with that are coming across as very jaded.
  10. Minecraft for PS4/Vita is supposed to be this month too.
  11. I would be honoured if my father had such a profound effect on people that tributes were made within games. Especially if I knew my dad was already renowned in gaming circles. No different to how if a famous tennis player died and Wimbledon was on, they might immediately hold a minute's silence the same day at the beginning of a match or maybe a day after it happened.
  12. Do you guys honestly think that Blizzard are cashing in on his death? That level of cynicism among you is actually pretty depressing. It's a bit sad that people are defaulting to this point of view. =/ I see it as paying tribute to someone who a lot of people held dear. I really don't see how paying tribute to RW is going to translate to profit. I mean, do you guys actually have evidence of that being the case?
  13. Think of it as punctuation. Just like the exclamation mark it serves a purpose and conveys something to many even if doesn't to you. It all comes down to whether you assign meaning or value to it.
  14. There's that game and watch level where if you're pikachu you could grab people and send them backwards for an insta-kill. That was fun.
  15. Brawl wasn't a patch on Melee, Melee felt fast and intense while Brawl just felt too floaty and you could trip up. I am a casual player but it doesn't take long to be reasonably good enough that you appreciate the pace when playing a similarly skilled friend.
  16. Yeah, when I saw that it made me think she was pretty shallow and self-absorbed. Seems like a really silly thing to say to someone else on a dating website, probably they're an attention seeker and not worth the trouble.
  17. lol, lit up like a Christmas tree. Great post.
  18. No way are we letting this one slide. Not considering how you went on at me for doing the exact same thing: Amazing that so soon after you would destroy your own argument.
  19. You play Pokemon and that's turn-based.
  20. Sheikah

    Drive Club

    I think you only get to play the tracks from one country in the Plus version, probably some other stuff missing like cars too.
  21. Where did Pikachu touch you? Show me on the doll.
  22. Yeah Steamworld Dig is great.
  23. Nope, even when you do that in DW, very few enemies still hit you (plus you can't do this for a while as it scales up enemy attack damage such that low level characters would die quick).
  24. Oh man. As an RPG goes it's one of the very best.
  25. That's a good deal, very good headset.
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