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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Exactly. @kav82 in our workplace we are not hamsters running in wheels and can browse forums or websites if we want. That said, there's no denying that people don't want to be seen as not working, so if you can hide a banner that blatantly displays you're not working then why the hell not? And yeah, a lot of Nintendo characters do look fucking babyish and in some professional environments it doesn't look good. Big deal? I still play my Nintendo games, so it's not like what Serebii is saying is even remotely true. Now let someone fill in the rest of the cartoon for the later years.
  2. Yes, and? Many of the characters are cartoony, and do not fit well in a professional environment. Without the banner the website looks almost like a grey excel spreadsheet. Absolute, complete bollocks. As proven by the fact that I hid the banner in a professional environment, while buying and playing the games and having no qualms doing so. What Serebii said is absolute nonsense, and in making posts like these you do nothing but encourage him. I suggest you read it again - he is claiming people are so insecure about being seen playing them. Tell me a scenario in which most people will pass up playing the games they want because they, somehow, worry they will be seen playing them! Ha! Now you've completely changed Serebii's point into something semi-believable, rather than what it was. That sums up your level of confidence regarding what he originally said!
  3. I like how this has to be explained to him. :p Why is it funny? Some of the characters do look pretty babyish, and having them on the banner isn't exactly the right image for work. I really don't get the comparison here at all. It doesn't mean that Serebii is right in saying people are worried about being 'seen' playing the games. Case in point, I hid the banner but play the games.
  4. Are you being fucking serious? Of course I'd want to hide the banner at work! The clue is in the name - I'm supposed to be working. And yeah, it being Nintendo with standout, sometimes babyish characters on it (can't remember what was on the banner at the time), it doesn't help with your professional image. Completely different argument to what Serebii is saying (note how he didn't reply, either, after I pretty much point pointed out how his words were in no way being twisted. This is pretty much what he always does when he's proven wrong). What Serebii said, though: ^ He is saying that people are too insecure to play or buy the 'kiddy' games because of how they'll look playing them in front of others. Tell me, in what way is not wanting to be seen at work browsing Nintendo forums the same as not buying or playing Nintendo games since I fear I'll be 'seen' (lol wut? through the window) playing them? How does the post you quoted confirm or strengthen Serebii's point, or somehow dispute mine? It clearly doesn't. And we know that the link you're trying to make is a slice of bollocks, because as everyone knows I've had every Nintendo console since the N64, including the Wii U, and I've got most hit Nintendo titles since.
  5. Yeah, it's brilliant. Love the tropical/exotic surroundings. The AC series excels in its environments, it's one of the reasons I didn't like ACIII.
  6. *Serebii plays the victim card* It's not very effective... Please explain to me how you didn't just say what you very definitely did just say. I want to know in what way it was twisted.
  7. It's exactly what you bloody said! Don't be so rude, telling me to learn English, when you can't remember what you just said! 'Being seen playing kiddy games' You're saying insecure people wouldn't want to be seen playing the games by others! Shit man, I'm not buying that Wii U, because I'm so insecure that someone might look through the window and see me playing it. I'd totally lose my street cred!
  8. So, so far from the truth it's unreal. You think people aren't buying the Wii U because they're afraid someone will look through their window and see them playing a game that might be considered 'kiddy'? You must know as soon as you typed that, that it couldn't possibly be true.
  9. DKC appeals to platformer fans who may have already bought the console for Mario and Rayman. Metroid appeals to old fans that may very well not have bought the console yet on account of there being no other such games to tempt them in yet.
  10. Sweet man, them games are all amazing. If you can, get Spelunky and (if it floats your boat) the FFX/FFX-2 remaster too. :p
  11. I recommend the £60 headset, the sound is really great and for the price you can't beat it.
  12. Yeah, it was stupid. "It's time to show third parties up, who insist that adult games don't sell on Nintendo systems" He completely misses the point that they're talking about multiplatform games where the Wii U version is almost always the weakest link. If this released on all consoles, it'd probably sell better on the other units too. And if this game does really well as a result of him getting people to buy it, that doesn't really prove anything. It could sell really well but I'd put that more down to it being a very good game you can't get anywhere else than it being because it's on a Nintendo console.
  13. Yeah, because fuck those third parties. Who needs them?
  14. The problem I find is that each one does not bring enough new to the table to be worth playing every single one. Since the storyline in Mario games is generally little more than a footnote (as opposed to something like Phoenix Wright which can make you want to buy the games to follow the story/dialogue) it's basically an entirely gameplay-motivated experience. Like Pokemon, changing too little leaves me very bored as I'm basically doing the same things I did before, with far too little variation in recurring themes and gameplay elements between the games. Something like Demon's and Dark Souls got it right, I'd say. 3 games around the same theme in which there wasn't too much of an in-your-face story (although still a story, just you had to piece it together), at which point they'd basically be outstaying their welcome so have gone with Bloodborne. Which so far seems to be incorporating the good stuff of Demon's but still looks substantially different.
  15. Fun times were had, thanks again to everyone who came.
  16. Ah, no worries. Might just head to the meet direct if you'll be there earlier. Although if you're still at that meeting spot at around 5 past 11, I'll see you there.
  17. If it helps, it's unlikely I'll be able to play much until early October. So see you then? :p
  18. Wow. @Fierce_LiNk, can't recommend these enough at this price. Make such a difference to gaming.
  19. I second this verification request. Srs bsns.
  20. Everyone knows Mario should be climbing the other side of the fence, then tapping it to knock the turtle off. :p
  21. I think Biochemistry must have combined the two for me. Either way, I hated it. I was glad in the second year when we could focus more on the stuff we actually wanted to learn.
  22. I hated biochemistry at uni. Absolutely detested it. I quite enjoyed microbiology though, there's a lot of bacterial structure diagrams to learn but eventually it'll click.
  23. Damn, what subject area is the exam you have to pass on? I'm a biology student, maybe I can throw some questions your way? :p
  24. It can impact gameplay. As evidenced by that AC Unity GIF, you could now have more enemies on screen, which would ultimately mean a more difficult game (if the designers chose to go that way). Power isn't just about graphics, it can result in significant changes in game and level design. While you can say "they could put as many enemies on screen if you had SNES graphics" - not if it was an FPS, since that wouldn't work in 2D. I guess you could then say "Wii U could do that many too if it went for N64 era graphics", but we all know that N64 graphics in an FPS these days would go down so badly that such a game would probably never be made. So yeah, we can pretty much say that it can change gameplay. :p
  25. The numbers themselves are evidence of the collective opinion of gamers on a multiformat gaming website. While it's no means rigorous, it is a reasonable gauge of whether a mixed gaming community generally viewed it as a dick move, or a decent interview. In the past EG comments have highlighted the disdain for Microsoft's policies, as well as Nintendo's lack of online features, as well as even when Sony outright rejected EA's subscription service (saying that it would have been nice to have a choice). Just because you have an opinion, it doesn't mean people can't challenge the things you're saying and provide a counter opinion. Of course you're free to voice your opinion, but ultimately what you're saying is "this is a bad interview and people would be mad to buy the console after this". My response has never been nothing more than "most people don't see it that way (reference to EG), and the interview actually worked out well for him". Everyone has the right to express their opinion, no matter what it is. Sometimes though, an opinion can be strikingly maligned with somebody's elses opinion, leading to those sorts of remarks. As long as you know that it's just a way for other people to express counter opinions then I don't really see the issue. Life would be boring if we started every rebuttal with "I disagree, here is my opinion instead:"
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