How did you interpret the series of events that way?
Eddage's point was quite clear I thought - several people post negative views regarding certain aspects of Horizon Zero Dawn, and nobody is on their case defending the game by countering each and every point as if their very life depends on it. People post negative views of aspects of Zelda and here you are again, overzealously defending Nintendo games for some reason or another. I've honestly no clue why you do it. If anything it is a bit sad and I genuinely think you take it a bit too seriously.
The snarky comments Eddage mentioned do indeed seem to emanate from a large number of your posts. Often there is literally no argument at all going on but you'll find a way to start one by using ridicule or playing a victim. I just...have no idea what you are looking to get out of this place. It's like you are trying to make people hate you.