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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Also there's about 20 lines of text maximum in Zelda games - that's counting all the "..." as well.
  2. I wasn't saying I wanted cheering, I was saying I wanted awkward yet eccentric Japanese people delivering meme-worthy lines. I believe they can do it.
  3. Who wouldn't want this?
  4. Do they expect it to sell more at launch? Wii U came off the back of the Wii so people had a lot more faith in it.
  5. Never understood this, surely better to order somewhere that doesn't take a deposit? I remember getting my Wii and 3DS early this way too.
  6. Why do you need to be such a defensive fanboy all the time; who even brought up the PS4?
  7. I think you guys were a bit off with your age of ports...here's a 2013 game being ported.
  8. Sheikah


    Yeah could be, this sounds really odd to be honest.
  9. Sheikah


    None at all.
  10. FFXIII-2 is a great game. With regards to the music, I really loved Noel's Theme. Sad as fook. The multiple endings made me think of Chrono Trigger and was rather well done I thought.
  11. That's the wrong question. The real question is, how is Ashley such a saint that Ronnie wasn't banned after 5 posts?
  12. I disagree. For instance, I think that the PS4 is giving people a high number of quality experiences; a large part of this I believe is due to the online aspect of many games and third party support for a variety of fresh ideas. And as a result of these quality experiences, the system sells. People want to share these quality experiences with their friends. Have you played Overwatch, for instance? It is leagues ahead of anything Nintendo have done recently in terms of freshness and social fun, and it perfectly encapsulates that fresh-game, exciting feeling that I used to get from Nintendo's games. And no surprise, it has sold very, very well. Come off it, people aren't daft. They can form opinions based on footage, opinions of friends, and playing it at other people's houses. You can't say that Nintendo's system might be the perfect package but a lot of people just don't know this because they don't have it. A lot of people have bought these games in past generations and don't see enough value in buying another system just to play similar Nintendo sequels. For the semi-casual gamer for instance, who might have Mario Kart on the Wii, it may be that they don't see the value in buying a Wii U to play MK Wii U. Your argument that shit can also sell well is not without merit. But generally speaking, if the Wii U is packed full of games that are the cream of the crop and exciting/must-haves, it should really be selling a lot more. Sure, something that is great might be overlooked, but a whole console of these 'top games'? Clearly the system doesn't have something. In my opinion, they haven't produced many exciting or fresh games and that is ultimately why I haven't enjoyed their content as much.
  13. But what does that even mean? Quality? Isn't a game quality if it elicits enjoyment from the user - isn't that what entertainment is for, after all? And if a game does produce a high level of enjoyment, don't you think it's going to help sell that system? So when I play Destiny with 5 other friends, blowing the lid off a raid in an experience I've simply never had anything close to before, wouldn't you say that that's a quality experience? I would go so far as to say that Nintendo are prioritising all the wrong things if they're more concerned with technical quality above new and exciting experiences. And even that, in my view, that doesn't necessarily constitute a 'quality' game or experience.
  14. For christ's sake man, come on. Even you're not believing what you're typing. The system was the cheapest of the lot, has been for a while. X1 was pitched like total horse shit and has done far better than the Wii U could have ever hoped to have. Marketing and price cannot continue to be the reasons that the staple Nintendo loyalist fall back on time after time to justify the Wii U's poor system sales. Why? Because if it has the games everyone really wants, that they think are the best games worth having, then everyone would want to buy the system. Wii Sports sold the Wii. Minecraft sold god knows how many consoles and PCs. You might want to believe that Nintendo make the games everyone thinks are the best, but I can assure you no amount of reviews are going to change reality. My opinion? Nintendo's games now on the Wii U aren't great. Not by a long shot. What I mean by that is that they're not exciting. I've seen and done most of what they continue to do many times before. Worst of all, I think there's a massive lack of diversity. For instance, I reckon a lot of people who bought SM3DW also bought Mario Kart. I don't think they have enough different kinds of games to draw in other kinds of people who wouldn't buy some of their other games. They make highly polished, structurally and technically sound games that are essentially impossible to score low. You could make a NSM3DW sequel following the exact same formula they used last time with different levels and I can almost guarantee it will score in the top 5-10% of games every time. Yet every time, I would find that game boring.
  15. No I'm asking a simple question. If Wii U had the best games, as in games that most people genuinely people thought were the best (as counter to Serebii's comment about Ashley being an outlier), then why did few people pick the system up to play these games? Can you answer this question?
  16. Can you explain to me why, if the Wii U had the best games ever, why so few people picked the system up? It's something I have trouble wrapping my head around. So far nobody has provided me with a decent answer. I don't know about you, but I've noticed that things that are pretty fucking rad do shift units. I mean, Final Fantasy VII pretty much sold the PS1. And Wii U was a decent price, right? It had a Pro controller option for traditional gamers. Even X1 has sold reasonably well after an initial god-awful pitching of their product so I don't think we can say it's just down to that. Funny that people weren't all clamouring to buy the system when the next predictable and safe sequel released. I've said it before, but Nintendo are a shadow of their former self.
  17. Everyone loved Wii U games, that's why Wii U systems just flew off the shelves.
  18. Not Nintendo's choice, more Nintendo's fault. Do you really think the PS4 ticked many boxes for developers through chance? When developing a console you've got to talk to the developers to make sure it has the features they want. We can only hope Nintendo did a lot of that for the Switch.
  19. The point I made was simple. It has nothing to do with being able to play those specific, exact games I mentioned on today's consoles - it is to show that we had third party games on Nintendo consoles in the past, they were great, and so we can be annoyed if third party support might not be coming this time round. Whether we have a PS4 or not is completely irrelevant. There's no guarantee that every game will always go to our PS4s instead, or even see the light of day. Some games of old felt particularly suited to certain platforms and it's pretty clear without a helping hand from Nintendo, some wouldn't have been what they were. No, you don't. And word to the wise, by talking to people like that you achieve nothing more than coming across as condescending. I was commenting on this: Why would it 'surely' be for Nintendo games only? Again...that assumption that for PS4 owners, we should be fine with only Nintendo games on a Nintendo console. Why? It's this mindset that some people have bought into that almost makes me think people deserve paltry console support. It's what they expect, right?
  20. No my statement was counter to something I found flawed about your reasoning. The idea that "Nintendo console is only for Nintendo games" and that PS4 owners shouldn't be annoyed baffled me - says who? When has that ever been in the past? I even remember many good exclusive third party titles (or timed exclusives). Remember how cool Resi 4 was? Doubt we'd have seen that if the gamecube was still basically an N64. Is it just generally accepted now that you get less for your money with Nintendo and that we have no right to be annoyed if we have another console? As you say, bizarre...
  21. So you never enjoyed Tales of Symphonia, Eternal Darkness, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure Battle 2, Baiten Kaitos, Resident Evil 4, Turok or Harvest Moon? I have to say...I find that "bizarre". (Honestly though, the world knows no end to how many things you find "bizarre")
  22. Spoken like a man who never played Tales of Legendia. Honestly though, I think nearly all the Tales games are pretty mundane, throwaway experiences with plots seemingly aimed at the teenage demographic.
  23. Yeah so often you see people mistaking coincidence for causation. Past consoles didn't sell the most became they were low power, they did so because of something else. Saying 'they happened to be the lowest power' does not imply that another low spec console will be safe. Nobody is actively seeking a low power console.
  24. I will drink the tears.
  25. I had my bingo card ready with my marker pen raised slightly above "lightning in a bottle", as soon as I saw King V's post about the Wii. You are definitely right, and it's why comparisons to the Wii never really work. I mean, Wii U pretty much was trying to do the Wii thing again with the lower power spec but without dat gimmick it didn't stand a chance. It's concerning that the Switch GPU runs at only 40% power when in handheld mode versus docked. I can see games being capped in terms of design and graphics to ensure smooth running on the handheld version, which translates over to the docked experience (even factoring in the 720p to 1080p jump when docking, I'm not sure that will cover it). Either that or have separate optimised versions for both docked and handheld. This is basically shaping up to be a handheld experience as the home console one seems basically a little more than a Wii U again.
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