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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Same...I don't think it really pulls it off, having three colours. The grey makes it look like a proper piece of kit.
  2. I am actually stunned you didn't opt for a colourful version to begin with tbh.
  3. I can't tell, are you saying that the third party showing was indeed good?
  4. Yeah how did you come to know a lot would be shown from third parties Serebii? That is literally the exact opposite of what happened lol.
  5. To be honest I'm hoping the subscription is even less than that, 10-15 quid at most (actual value I can get it at rather than RRP). I pay about 31 or so for a year of PSN by comparison. If you're only getting 1 game and only for a month, and voice chat is done through your phone, I can't such the value in it being much more.
  6. I don't think it's that simple. For one, like Rummy says, many people will begrudgingly put up with a service they acknowledge isn't great for the obvious reason of a monopoly (if you want Nintendo games, you need the system). You could say 'vote with your wallet', but then you'd miss out on some pretty cool games. Ultimately whichever choice you make, you're losing out. Then there's also the issue of debating on this forum. Many people discuss Nintendo here because they care about where it's going and how it might affect them, not because they think Nintendo pays notice to what they post (both positive and negative). In the case of the advice 'buy it months after launch', this could have the deleterious effect of causing another Wii U situation in which third parties rapidly flee the console due to the poor console uptake - making the Switch less enticing later down the line. That, again, is another line of discussion. Most of all though, I think people genuinely care about the future of Nintendo and like discussing their actions - both positive and negative. Much like we enjoy discussing many things in life, even though most discussions will never amount to any meaningful changes. It's a shame when people do press others about negativity or expression of opinion on here because that is almost always the cause of derailment.
  7. 1. It's not exactly like PS Plus, you get a lot more games with Plus, not just one. 2. It's confirmed: Now do you see people's grievance? Seems like you were disagreeing without the full facts.
  8. No, you said "it's launching properly in Q4", to which I said "It (i.e. the thing you just mentioned) should be launching day 1".
  9. But then it's not free after a bit. Can you not see the problem with people buying into something now that later down the line has an undisclosed fee attached to it? Given the offering we know of so far, the fee might well not be viewed as worth it if similar in price to the competition.
  10. Yes because 1. it should be launching when the console launches (again, parity - the other consoles had their online features ready at launch) and 2. people don't have sufficient information to know whether the 280 pounds they are paying for the system around now is going to be backed up by a decent online setup. It's pretty poor. Obviously people will still buy it for Nintendo games, but this is a blow for people expecting Nintendo to step up to the plate with regards to online. It all feels very rushed.
  11. Voice chat is through an app, and 1 game a month (I think) that gets taken away from you after a month. It sounds an awful lot worse than what the competition is doing and people wanted parity. If they came out and said 15 pounds a year then people might be ok with it, but they haven't.
  12. I actually think they have started listening already with the extra launch games being announced.
  13. I don't think it is. People complained about X1, they changed it before sales could even happen. Even if people go on to buy it, complaining should be listened to if Nintendo want to make money.
  14. This is a pointless argument btw. :p
  15. No, not the suggesting people not buy it at launch, it was his second comment which very much suggested that people shouldn't be complaining (as it was pointless). It was for all intents and purposes, a suggested shutdown of the complaints.
  16. A counter to this, bob was suggesting people shouldn't bother complaining (a thing we have seen time and time again around here). Shutting down shutdowns is literally the only acceptable use of shutdowns.
  17. Complaining does an awful lot, actually. Bear in mind that Nintendo have made zero sales on the Switch so far, just like Microsoft had made zero sales of the X1 when it reacted to the complaining after its reveal. Already more Switch games seem to have been announced for launch which feels like a reaction to the launch lineup complaints. So in short, be quiet. No, you asked for an apology if Nintendo do announce online features in a direct prior to launch since this would prove him wrong and you right. So, if Nintendo don't announce these features prior to launch, you will admit you were wrong, right?
  18. And will he expect an apology if they don't?
  19. This is ludicrous. You want people to preorder and buy your console, you explain what they're getting. It's as simple as that.
  20. Nah man, just that I've seen you argue both sides to suit your argument.
  21. No time required on that one. Quite simply, no.
  22. And how do you know they are? Like I said, best to wait for proper comparisons before passing judgement. They don't look like the same time of day to me. The Wii U version sunset seems further along. It would also benefit Nintendo to show the Switch off in a slightly more favourable light (ba-dum-tish) since they obviously want the Switch to sell, and this literally is the only game that is selling it at launch.
  23. Better to wait for the proper comparisons though before passing judgement. The lighting looks quite different between shots and there's the obvious difference in development stage they were taken so it's hard to tell anything from that.
  24. Haha, you got him there.
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