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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Is Geist actually good then? I kept hearing it was crap.
  2. I was speaking with my bud, playing a bit of Smash when we brought up the prospect of missing out the awesome games that never quite made it into collections because of underhypage or because they just slipped our minds. Sadly, everytime we have this kind of conversion it slips my mind completely and I forget what I actually don't have. Pikmin 2 was one such game that slipped under my radar during the glory days of the Cube, and after playing this gem, I'm left wondering what little gems I'm missing. A better example of what kind of thing I'm looking for would be Wave Race Blue Storm, which I just bought recently. I'm looking for the kind of game you don't hear much about, weather you've personally played it or not. Any suggestions.
  3. My flirting pattern apparently consists of making a joke and saying "Wink wink, nudge nudge", holding for applause and slyly taking a sip of my strawberry Yazoo, then looking up to see my prey staring deeply into my eyes and arising with a glorious milk mustache. And yeah, Yazoo is my pub drink.
  4. Does that mean it's gonna sting our eyes something chronic.
  5. That's what I say to men I want to spend my life with.
  6. Everytime Rare tried games in Nintendo's field they bested them, and in my opinion this is the nth example of that.
  7. Makes you think they get up especially for it, eh?
  8. The Wii's problem is that it's not a DS. Why develop on something that isn't a DS?
  9. I've got Kirby's Ghost Trap on my Snes, and yes it is, except Mean Bean Machine was a bit better looking.
  10. I finished it. Decided to not enter this thread to avoid spoilers. I found killing three anti-guys at once to be quite fun after failing embaressingly on the door challenge. I found the game to be easy overall. I don't think I died once.
  11. Is it worth buying the PSP value pack at 128 pounds now then? I keep contemplating buying one just for Loco Roco.
  12. That news article begs for a dramatic reading, preferably from Bill Bailey.
  13. If it's as gratifying as pulling off Mario's Meteor smash move with perfect timing them awesome. If it's far too easy like Falco then gay.
  14. It looks more like a shell in Yoshi's Island too.
  15. It always scares me when animals have human-like hands in games. Minus the obligatory first finger of course. That's why Gorrillas scare the hell out of me.
  16. There isn't really that much to know about Smash. Calling people "noobs" is a bit wankerific/elitist too. I mean, you're looking down on people over what is essentially a party game.
  17. I think we'll always see atleast one magazine dedicated to Nintendo. Just look at the Amiga mags, they're still in-print, and it was quite a while before the Dreamcast Mags stopped production. There's actually still a few Dreamcast mags in my local Spar. I might go buy it, as I love the nostalgia of old mags, I was reading an N64 magazine the other week which I got before the N64 was released. Delicious nostalgia pie.
  18. Seriously, what's everyone looking at in the clouds? You really thing they could keep a convincing picture of Bowser in it while they animate?
  19. *In best nerdy voice* No, they ruin the Zelda magic experience. Right handed Link. Pfft.
  20. I was about to buy Street Fighter World Warrior, great timing. And I have the perfect amount of points to buy both Metroid and Street Figher. 1300.
  21. Isn't it Thursday today? Why no update?
  22. Ahhh yeah. I assumed you couldn't because of my trouble with the Cubetroller clashing with my Wiimote ion the VC.
  23. No, you do have something to say, but you've realised how much of a wanker you would look now they've pre-empted it. And yes, best game ever.
  24. It wouldn't work as the Wii only supports four controls, even with Gamecube controllers, and I doubt they'd go out of their way to do it online or with LAN.
  25. I'm sure they can make levels for non-players, especially since Animal Crossing and fighting would cause the universe implode.
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