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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. Tyson

    De Blob

    Looks well tasty. I'd put in my pre-order right now if it were possible.
  2. No and no. They'll struggle to get even Saturn games on. Oh, and to Cube, I have Prime but not Fusion, it annoys me that they make you buy all that stuff.
  3. If someone did a 3D space air hockey it'd be amazing. I can't see anything making it impossible to achieve, except laziness.
  4. I only found out that you don't recieve %'s with cloak the other week. All those yesrs of wasted opportunity...
  5. I've had Megaman III on the Gameboy since I was a baby, and I think it's brilliant. I have an urge to buy this one, and I'm still waiting ever-so patiently for all the Metroids, as I've never played any pre-Prime's except 2 on the Gameboy.
  6. Four letter limits are great. They force you to improvise. Melee is the game that forced into ingeniusly calling myself "Tyso".
  7. I hope this doesn't rule out Mii's as playable characters. I think Mii fights would be awesome.
  8. I can't wait to hear the rest of the medley. Dead tasty. Your avatar haunts me.
  9. What happened to Offerman anyway? I miss the yearly wank thread.
  10. Robotnik sounds less childish? I wouldn't say so. You can't make songs like "I am the Eggman! That's what I am" or other such amazing beats like that with Robotnik.
  11. After the advice Flunk threw upon us, and the reluctant response of the board members in this news and game draught that's eating at everybody, I thought "what better way to relieve us of this uptight atmosphere than to talk about the very cause of it?" So, without further ado: WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSTEAD OF GAMING(on Wii) MATES?! Are you possibly playing other, non-Wii platforms? Having strenuous ammounts of boredom sex with with your aged neighbor? Maybe you happen to be complaining about the draught on internet forums, or you may not have noticed a draught at all. Your two cents?
  12. I'll just get it from a different part of Europe.
  13. What's brown and sticky?
  14. I saw that scene on day time TV the other week, it scared the shit out of me. I wondered channel was on. I haven't seen the film yet, but I hear it's set in Grimsby, or the boy's from Grimsby? What a place.
  15. I hope they allow custom soundtracks personally. As much as I utterly adore Nintendo compositions, which I do, listening to my own music in Excite truck added hours to the replayability I think. It just seems right for party games like this.
  16. Sure is strange they wouldn't give it a Wii release. Surely selling it as ISS would just be missing an opportunity for profits as the brand isn't as strong, and the normal Pro Evo player wouldn't know the fact that they're from the same devs, or thinking of it as a rip off of it. Lol.
  17. Next-gen is PS3, 360 and Wii until it is owned by me, then it's current gen.
  18. Five, all of which are in the town in Lincolnshire. Well, four, since I started at my dads house and ended once more at my dads house. The degree of change in my life is astounding.
  19. Bozon is awesomely fat. It's cute in some weird way.
  20. The fury of the Nettleton cows and sheep is building up to bursting point. Watch it, they may say something they regret.
  21. Wait, why am I offending Sega? All my favourite games are from them. Dreamcast 2!
  22. It wasn't a robot, so they obviously weren't thinking that. :p
  23. It's the same philosophy that killed them out of the console wars; graphics over anything else. If they can predict the demise of the Wii, why couldn't they do it for the Dreamcast.
  24. If they want a futuristic Zelda they should just make it a Metroid spin off, where it's Samus before she gets her suit and she has to go on an epic quest because her civilization is being destroyed, etc. Lol
  25. I got DKC 2 recently, and it's amazing. It's not as great as DKC from my childhood, which I sold for a tenner, though. And is it me or does it seem shorter? And there's no Ostrich?! Also, is DKC 3 worthwhile when it's released?
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