I agree with Fierce Link. Probably for different reasons.
It just doesn't seem like it fits the theme, and I also think it looks a little tacky. Also, it would be like re-adding post counts-ish.
Revolution just seems awesome. I would have to say Revolution, using the controller as a sword is like a dream come true, the Revolution makes it legal.
A team of people have translated the Ocarina of time maps into halo as a Zelda FPS, and replaced vehicles with horses etc. Sounds cool to me.
I play Quake III online from time to time but Sega announced they were shutting down the last online servers for PSO (Europeon servers) but apparently they forgot. Last time I went on the servers there was 2 people besides me on PSO so I stopped going on it.
Powerstone II is still very playable. Awesome styleness.
I think that most swordy games won't need an expansion. I quite like the wires being there though, wires make me feel secure. (I do use a wavebird though.)