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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. It realy depends on how much the games cost. It would be awesome if you got some kind of credit system for online gaming tournements to get games.
  2. Probably since that was the original name of the Revolution. I wonder if N5 meant something, like 5 N words or refering to a feature of the console.
  3. Black Books, Blackadder and Nevermind the Buzzcocks are awesome while most American humor is based around sexual jokes, ie Friends, Will & Grace. British humor it is.
  4. Couldn't be that Dieter is the server could it?
  5. Gamesmaster was awesome. I suppose "When games Attack" is quite good. Does the BBC Scotland in Sky work for this? Last I checked it seemed like it was just BBC with the name Scotland.
  6. There's a 30 minute video with Cube mag, I don't like cube but it was hard to resist.
  7. Obviously fake, noone with common sense can make a a line like "A Revolution in Horror!" Edit; It's all quite smooth though.
  8. From what's been said, it would seem quite alot of people care. People like a story line that stays on track for a series like this.
  9. Tyson


    If it ever gets released on the Pc it will be good. I have it on Xbox, but FPS' are much better with WASD and mouse.
  10. Why? What made this sudden greaving-the-loss-ofness?
  11. If there is proof that it makes so much money in advertising, that seems a good enough reason.
  12. Taken up poetry yet? Seriously, you should lighten up. I'm no Mary Poppins...No, I'm not.
  13. And being on Earth instead of Mobius in Sonic adventure 1 & 2 isn't rubbish? I think Sonic Team has majorly screwed up the Sonic storyline and it isn't getting any better as time goes by.
  14. I'll post my round later tonight or tommorow night if that's okay with you?
  15. It says my computer blocked it, when it clearly didn't.
  16. Since when are thought altering substances the only sin? That and paracetamol. If that was right I am sinless, I swear.
  17. I don't mind, as most Gamecube games I like/want are Gamecube exclusive and any game that isn't is usualy PC.
  18. I'd prefer a cable charger ala GBA SP. I'd prefer to play while I charged.
  19. I took a picture of my nostrils today, and they look like stereotypical aliens. Or they toghether look like an alien.
  20. Delayed? Poopy. Oh, I live in the UK, don't I?
  21. I have 98. It was cool when Gmail swap was up. Yes, that was cool.
  22. Stop all the cockisms. Back on topic, the Kameo screens look awesome. Hopefully when my friend buys his Xbox 360 and Kameo I'll be able to play it.
  23. I use the Y button, mainly because I used the C up on the N64 version and got used to it.
  24. I think I'll take the Lion since it's probably just going to be the same as the tiger. Until now I thought all the creature AI's were the same.
  25. I always use the Y button to jump on SSB:M and I hate using the up button to jump, so I would never get used to it.
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