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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Bought this last night on a bit of a whim - me and my mate played a bit and rather enjoyed it as we got into it! I've tried a bit of the Run mode online and that was enjoyable too, but looking forward to trying a few of us in local at some point.
  2. Spent a lot of the day just playing other peoples courses but just decided to give creation a spin - enjoyed it more then I was expecting! Don't know if I'll make it a habit though. Anyhow my second and first uploaded level - basic by name and basic by nature; 5DA4-0000-0022-829D
  3. The first stage I played wasn't too bad - fceb_0000-0010-312c This course code system is an absolute bleeding joke though. Is there seriously no easier way for me to do this except pulling up codes on my phone and then typing it into the game?
  4. My mate is so not interested. I did just play a 100 challenge - levels not as terrible as I was expecting, actually had some quite good ones IMO! Went for a large t_shirt for the bundle tho, worried it may have been a bad choice but... I made the right choice! Albeit not with my face in that photo.
  5. Just had a call from me ma that my package has arrived from Yodel @Serrbii I just raised it as an issue on the order/item through the store. Didn't send anything today as the yodel tracking was local'd up. Not updated to delivered yet and still saying 12th but men - it's there now ! Just gotta swing by on my way home to grab it!
  6. Excellent cheers! I'm working til like 9 and my mate's coming over shortly after so hoping I can get it somewhat up and ready before he arrives - he might be completely nonplussed but would like to show it off if I can! I don't know if/when I'll get round to designing anything - I'm buying mostly for other people's creations!
  7. Did anyone ever make much use of the L-3 Nozzlenose? I recall getting on it when I was first getting properly into the Ranked battles and finding it not too shabby(though I think mainly on TC) so possibly interested in this new one. Felt it was certainly a bit underused/underrated given I didn't see others using it much, but it may have been a bit specific for its points of excellence(ie TC and the disruptors).
  8. Keep jumping on this for 'just a bit' most days and I end up on it for ages. Checked my progression wheel last night and I'm actually on about 13% already despite doing probably less than 10 main missions so far. Been enjoying taking on the side stuff - again mostly enjoying the gang hideouts and criminal convoys(was shit at crimes last night though, kept alerting people). Think I managed about 2/3 gang hideouts though(the one I struggled with before was suddenly a doddle...no stealth just drove a nice car through that bad boy!) and another ctOS backdoor thingy, then thought about checking these skill points I apparently keep earning - had about 10 to spend! Obvs I've got Destiny on the way, and still TLoU to play - trying to think whether to soldier through with this before touching anything else or to hope if I go to something else that I'll still come back to this. I think for a tenner I definitely haven't gone too wrong though!
  9. Rummy


    Stuck the demo on to download last night - but it turns out when I got to my PC(at 2am, after tearing myself off the PS4) that SimplyGames had e-mailed to say my proper copy's been shipped! Will try to crack into this by maybe Monday or so, and hopefully be jamming with you guys in a week or two(depending how I get on with it)
  10. Room to complain? I'd certainly expect better from Amazon if I had Prime. My own delivery worries seem to be somewhat availed - despite my worries the parcel met my local service center around 7 this morning and is currently out for delivery as of 20 minutes ago! The only two problems are that this is still Yodel, and I don't think anyone's in at the delivery address(whilst ironically, I am still at my place). Back to the game though - how long does it take to sort of setup and get going? Like if I put it in the WiiU how long am I looking until I can be playing the levels from online? And dicks. Always dicks.
  11. God it doesn't sound too great so far...one of my big worries was just ending up with a crapload of crap levels! Is it easy to find 'good' levels outside of the randoming? Also in my own Mario Maker news...the parcel that was despatched yesterday and ready for collection this morning was picked up aaaat...19.57pm. What is with their bizarre charging/shipping times?? My Yodel estimated delivery is currently Sat 12th September, I may well pre-emptively follow up on that Nintendo e-mail in teh morn... (amusingly SimplyGames e-mailed today to say that Destiny TTK had shipped, I am going to ragelol if that somehow arrives before this considering it isn't due to be out until next week!)
  12. BUT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY WEEKEND, ASHLEY?! PLAY MY PS4?! GO OUTSIDE?!?!? I jest. I'm mostly over the rage, as I wanted the game today really. I just really hope it does actually arrive tomorrow, because I would like to have it for Saturday(and I would like to show it to my mate tomorrow night, but we'll survive without if must). This is the first game I've really really anticipated in a long while, so it's a bit gutting to not have it after all this. Hell, I think my excitement for this half rubbed off on my PS4 excitement/buying decision.
  13. Given my own delay I decided to pre-emptively e-mail them about the estimated delivery date and the fact it's still 'awaiting collection' a few hours ago and amazingly they've actually replied already - just saying all items are despatched for Next day delivery and the courier is providing the 'latest possible date to customers'(though why this shouldn't/wouldn't actually be the 11th I dunno) and that if I don't receive the item before 17:00hrs tomorrow to contact them. Some slight re-assurance, but not a great deal of faith on my part given what Yodel have been like in the past(left my repaired 3DS next to a plant pot) - here's hoping though. Don't even know if anyone's going to be in when they deliver - do they do depot/local drop-offs now or just re-attempt delivery later on(or, again, just leave it somewhere random in the garden)?
  14. That is nothing to do with what I asked!! Besides I have it on PC already :p I played it a bit but maybe didn't get quite as into it as I could have and lost interest. I'll go back to it one day...
  15. Ahhh, I totes couldn't see your miiverse posts when I posted - making that a completely redundant question, sorry! I haven't done tons of gaming lately bar Watch Dogs- though I did play through Xeodrifter last week as one of this month's PS+ games on my shiny new PS4. Yet to attempt a platinum but it grew on me as I progressed. Very metroidesque, a bit tougher than I thought to start, but a fairly simple and small title that you can get through in a few hours. Can be frustrating at times as it isn't always 100% clear on where to go and you might end up doing a bit more backtracking than you'd like - but being as small as it is(only 4 'levels' essentially) it's kind of manageable. WatchDogs I'm just keeping on keeping on. Been taking it at a rather lazy pace and doing a lot of side stuff in the interim before I get bored and take on the main missions more.
  16. Obvs my DS4's brand new - but it certainly outlasts my Wii U gamepad so far! I'm tending to use rest most to just charge it up when I turn the PS4 off - though there's been a few occasions where I've needed to have a brief little break to juice it up a bit; but that's more because I was playing a lot. Some of you with two pads - other than the charging situation is there much need for a second? I contemplated getting one but I don't know if I'll use it for much except swapping out on the charge...
  17. Well colour me intrigued...! Looks like a very tempting concept, though it'll depend on the execution for me. Given it's freemium looking I'll no doubt check it out at least though.
  18. Mine's still awaiting bloody collection!
  19. So I got a notification e-mail at 8 this evening saying that it's been despatched and is on its way...with Yodel. Who are usually terrible. Thought they were using royal mail with this for some reason! Still says estimated delivery 14th September, on or before. Here's hoping it's with me by Friday, or at least Saturday for the weekend! Can't imagine what I'd be feeling if I was in the GAME issues crowd though, that's absolutely shocking behaviour there!
  20. I was hopeful but...nothing in my e-mail. Still says awaiting despatch on the site store too. Le sads
  21. If only I should be that lucky - they'll probably say the payment issue was my fault. I checked the status and it's still awaiting despatch annoyingly - I'm wondering if they do a single pay run thing per day for the preorders system, rather than as is(hence myself and Ike getting the e-mail last night). Speaking of @Ike - what does your order status say for estimated despatch? Because mine is actually Despatch Date Est. 11/09/2015 EDIT: It does look like they haven't even debited my credit card yet either. I'd probably get it faster if I bought a copy elsewhere right now.
  22. Excepting Cube, as it seems he has his somehow... and other than Mike and RedShell having review copies aren't most of us still waiting? The games out in two days! Was really hoping to have it by tomorrow though, so a little sad I won't. Does anyone know btw if there's anything in Nintendo's T&C about not getting a game on release date? I'm gonna be super pissed if it isn't attempted on Friday, because I've no idea if we even have a postie come by on Saturdays...
  23. Me and the online regulars(Pestneb, Are and DuD really) have had some varied runs - one time we beat a 4 man team as a tri squad, but we've equally been absolutely decimated too. I have to say that last night some of our tri battles were, whilst mostly lost, pretty good fun. Got a few more Tri-on-Tri than I was expecting -we even saw the same team twice! Prior to that we tried 2v1 privates just whilst everyone was getting together - again it's a really crap balance. I think even 4v3 would be a bad balance. I just don't understand why they didn't think to put some sort of balancing features in there. We tend to rule out super jumps for the majority team - though its impact is still limited depending on the game mode/map and it also requires us actually communicatiing with each other outside of the game - not a luxury we neccessarily have with everyone and an extra effort with it anyway.
  24. Had some not too terrible Tri with @DuD and @are1981 last night - but twins are definitely far superior. It's a shame they made such an oversight with the balancing when they've appeared to try so hard to make everything else so friendly - I find it quite deflating at times. Also not sure how the long rotations are feeling on me - I'm having fun still but getting a bit more and more tired of the lack of variety. Needs to be 3 stage rotations on a 2 hour basis - the ranked mode last too long too; and it's kinda taking the wind out of my sails for getting a proper sesh of it on with people given we start around the 7ish mark due to life etc. On that note though - does anyone know if the rotation time will shift with the clock changes? I'm presuming not, but I guess you never know. Maybe having a 10pm rotation will be a bit friendlier to me in future...
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