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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. I don't see why you put calculations in quote marks, nobody said 'calculations'. It's fact? Not a matter of opinion? It is absolutely 100% fact, not disprovable in any way? Do you honestly believe there is no room to be wrong here? That's what causes these problems in my view, people being too sure of stuff and not aware that they could actually be wrong. People like that tend to believe they need to force their views on everyone else and convert them to their way of thinking, but is there no way you can accept he thinks differently to you? Also, can you please link me to some hard evidence of these facts and proofs you're claiming? I'd be quite interested to read them.
  2. Aren't words like nigger and paki in the dictionary though? I'd imagine words that get used enough get put in the dictionary, no matter what their origin. I know the stereotype you're talking about, with black people being 'cooler' than white people, though I think it's died down a bit now. I remember before chavs were chavs, we used to call them pikeys, but before that people called them rudeboys and stuff(from round my way anyway) and it was sort of tied to alot of 'black' culture I think, only not many people really know about it. Other than the general sort of stereotypes, I was thinking more along the lines of actual sort of racial abuse towards whites. I just can't really recall ever seeing it happen in my life or hearing much about it.
  3. You've studied psychology? Just to put this back on topic, and I would actually quite like to hear of some examples.
  4. That is pretty interesting, it's like a whole new faith/religion was born! I find it even more ironic how that christian guy looks down upon it. I kind of agree with Jonwah's post(he makes very good posts!), everybody seems completely unable to accept the other point of view here. Do any creationists even consider evolution to be a viable theory, or any evolutionists consider creationism to be a viable theory? Thats what really annoyed me about Kirk Cameron(thewayofthemaster thing I posted) the fact that they were so closedminded to any theories other than creationism, not that they believed in creationism.
  5. lol at the games workshop bit. The screwdriver thing is a good point actually, but my point was this was due to the guy's mentality. Maybe he didn't intend to kill that policeman, but did intend to kill his girlfriend(he not only stabbed her with a sword, he then proceeded to get in his car and run her down). Who's to say the policeman wasn't wearing any sort of protection, forcing the guy to stab him somewhere less lethal? Of course again, with a sword I can imagine any intentional blow being fairly lethal. I'd like to ask people here, if there was a sword in your household, or if you actually owned it, do you think you'd end up injuring someone with it intentionally? Yes? No? Why/Why not?
  6. Interesting question. I'd like to say I don't have a problem with licensed gun ownership, because overall I don't. However, that would mean that guns are about and could end up in circulation, someone may be licensed to own their guns, then may get robbed and then theres guns on the streets. Maybe they end up falling into debt and decide to sell their guns on the black market to make some fast money, then theres guns on the market. Why am I more bothered about guns than swords? Smaller guns are a more feasible weapon, they're easier to conceal, they're more deadly(smaller, faster, more powerful, easier to use), I don't think it takes as much bottle to pull a trigger as it does to stick a sword in someone. Of course, if these scenarios did arise, it'd turn out this responsible gun licensed person wasn't so responsible after all. Guns however are already a big problem, swords are not. I think it is silly to ban them because I don't think the amount of sword related crime is significant, though I fully understand some people's points in here, I'm not disputing you have valid reasons, I just don't agree with them as justfying it enough. Criminalization of drugs? Another very interesting question. Even responsible people who take drugs can end up in all sorts of bother, especially if they're licensed gun owners! I agree with it because it is damaging to our health and society, were all drugs legal the country would be in a terrible state. Drugs have too many bad effects, and whilst I do sometimes wish cannabis was legal, I can understand why it isn't. I'm of two minds on the drugs debate, I can think of some reasons for, some against, and I'm just not sure sometimes. EDIT: I'd like to just mention, the guy who was in the link Fields originally posted, not only killed his girlfriend with a sword, but had previously stabbed a policeman with a screwdriver. Just read through the links from BlueStar(thanks for those), I do find it interesting that out of 8, harm was inflicted with the sword in only 3. A crutch was used to actually hit a man, an axe to threaten(as the swords were mainly used), and in the majority of the cases nobody was actually hurt. Of course, the flipside is that these incidents may not have occured the same if these swords were not available, but I won't go so far as to say they wouldn't have happened at all.
  7. Now if you had been reading the posts in this thread, and the very same link you posted, you would know the answer to that already. Also, you said you posted links, but I can only see one link you posted? BlueStar does post some good evidence though, I was quite unaware of how much it goes on, but I still stand by the fact that I don't think they should be banned because of some irresponsible people.
  8. I thought you meant as in terms of memory, as you mentioned memory, and there are actually only 12 channel spaces per 'page' if memory serves me rightly, not 15. I think at the moment though, there are only 3 pages, so thats like 36 spaces for stuff. I imagine if it comes down to it they'll release a system update to make more space, or the wii will automatically add a new page to accomodate for it. In future, try and be a bit clearer with what you're asking please? I'd also recommend reading the instruction booklet too actually, I'm sure something like this would have been covered in there.
  9. Does that mean Freud's theories are not scientific theories? As far as I'm aware they aren't directly testable because it apparently all focuses on the unconscious and subconcious. I might be wrong, I didn't pay much attention to Freud stuff. Anyway, what happened to taking all this over to the creationism/evolution thread, thought the point of it was to take it away from here? As for this thread, can anyone give me some real life examples that they've experienced of racism towards a white person, that no one cared about? Because alot of people in this thread have mentioned that, but I never thought of it as an issue, and see it as just as bad as any racism.
  10. I don't think it's banning the owning of swords, just further distribution and what not, like production in the uk, importing in the uk and selling in the uk. Makes me wonder though, would there be a black market for them if it happened?
  11. A good topic. I believe it's just human nature, despite how perfect people like to believe themselves. When the shoe is on the other foot, everything looks and feels completely different to them they don't even realise it's exactly the same. We're all a bunch of hypocritical bastards, and I find the only way you can try and cope with it is to constantly remember that fact, and try your hardest to rise above doing the same, though it isn't easy As for the first few questions, yes I do to an extent and certain circumstances, but some things are beyond my control and I try not to let them bother me. I think understanding control is quite important too.
  12. I'd say it's not a comedy, but it isn't drama either because it's so over the top. It's closer to comedy than drama, but I prefer calling it a dramedy
  13. Are swords really easy to conceal in public or something? I was under the impression they aren't, but people here seem to be making me think otherwise?
  14. I thought so! I think it's because this week they changed the smilie into a bit more of an evil one, or something, I just remember seeing a > in it and it looking different, so I clicked it and just saw some stuff about OoT.
  15. you mean the internal 512MB? Well it's really quite very variable, some people have done calculations with average game sizes and that and worked out that it's probably alot, but I dunno how accurate those are. It also depends on what else is taking up your memory. If I'm not mistaken some of the new channels take up a fair chunk of space, save games take up a tiny amount, pictures and notes on the message board must take up memory too, so really I don't think it's easy to say.
  16. I as well disagree with you. Sunshine was made in the shadow of SM64, and whilst looking prettier, I felt it was a bit too different and not as satisfying. Maybe it was because of the whole paint and water thing, it was fun but just not as fun as SM64. Also, the whole blue coins thing in sunshine was stupid, I didn't have the patience for that malarky.
  17. lol, that just reminded me that when I first joined here I actually thought you'd taken your username from the very same Letty! Blitzball was kind of fun when you were winning, but after a while I got impatient with playing it whilst on my quest for the ultimate weapons and that, then just resorted to lots of team data resets.
  18. Those rabbit like things on the original soundtrack disc look cute. I think I may actually get this game later this year, probably in summer time along with excitetruck(if not end of next month), whats it like compared to X, both story wise and gameplay wise, and hows this new battle system?
  19. So why does it bother you, if the ignorance isn't imposed upon you directly? Aren't people entitled to their opinions? Can you actually disprove creationism? EDIT:For all creationists, evolutionists, whateverists, for everyone out there, here's Kirk Cameron a former child actor from america who has become very very religious and has some ideas which would class no less than CRAZY. Please watch all of this, it may take half hour of your life, and make you feel very angry if you are inclined to similar opinions of WeeYellowBloke, but I think it's amazing that someone thinks like this. http://www.wayofthemaster.com/ Let it load, then watch the 'intro'(or skip it) then go through the numbers in order, 1, 2, then 3. Be warned though, this is going to take away about an hour of your life, and you will probably want the time back because you'll be so outraged, so don't come complaining to me about that. (actually you can skip number 1 if you like, but click 2 then watch the videos for Evolution and Atheism that come up, no real need to bother with 3 from what I remember. I have also just discovered that each of these two videos are roughly half an hour each)
  20. I don't really know. I believe in evolution and disapprove of creationism as a theory but it doesn't mean it's wrong or right. Maybe both are, they can co exist, maybe neither is, and there's something beyond us(aliens!). Though I suppose if it was aliens it'd fall into creationism, now I'm in a dilemma! My main belief lies in evolution though, it makes sense and my mind can accept it due to this.
  21. Martial arts involving swords? Art of the sword? People who take pride in their swordmaking abilities? The weapon isn't dangerous, it's the person who uses it and how they use it. In fact, anything could be a weapon in the right hands. Also, like other people pointed out, when last did you hear about some sort of malicious sword related death, or even a non malicious one? Apologies Fields, I didn't read the whole thread and missed that completely, I take that comment back. Still stand by the first part though. In fact, having read that article about an incident from last may, I'm going to write to Tony Blair asking him to ban screwdrivers or at least set up a licensing system for them. Cars too.
  22. It didn't look like that to me, it looked very much to me like you were telling him he is wrong, not that you think what he thinks stinks, as you put it. It wasn't just you, you were both doing it. Maybe you didn't intend for it to come across like that, but to me, thats how it did. It also served to derail the thread, which is annoying. Mr Odwin, I think that's what is causing all the problems and disagreements when it comes to racism, people simply have different definitions, and theres nobody to say which is the 'correct' one. 1010101010 I like your style Jonwah, and I agree. On both your posts.
  23. I do believe that this arrive along with when super mario bros. arrived onto the VC console, and it updates every friday. This week it had stuff about OoT from what I saw at a glance, or was that something else?
  24. I put on my best singing voice, but I don't think it helped matters. Sorry for that. I'm gonna sign, because I one day want to buy a sword, and won't be able to if they go and ban them, I don't see the point of it anyway, I don't think I can ever recall hearing about any sort of sword wielding maniac going on a killing spree. *signs* EDIT: I am not recieving this email to confirm my signing of said petition.
  25. Baldy broke out his harmonica! There was a guy doing a crossword puzzle type thing, and he was well retarded at it, despite everyone shouting at him what to do, AND baldy giving him clues telling him he didnt think what he'd done was right. EDIT: Seeing them credits roll for some reason reminded me that they made some crystal maze books! I don't remember them much, but I think it was like those create your own adventure books(pick this option go to page..., pick that option go to page...), I just remember there being some books. I think when I was in primary school our class had one, and EVERYONE wanted to read it when we had our reading time. There were books right? Please someone else tell me you know what I'm talking about?
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