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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Been out of thanks since yesterday; but I'm pretty much with you on this too. Feel rather despondent right now really. I know we expected them to fuck up, but it's still annoying when they actually do still fuck up. I feel sorry for Nintendo - they seem hugely out of touch with the West and are creating things people aren't really bothered about. Need to have more solid foundations than that imo. I'm still watching the conference but I really don't think anything else is going to change my mind(just at the 3rd parties bit).
  2. I'm with you man - I'm still catching up on the whole thing as I fell asleep again but the price/vagueness about online and the suggestion we have to run that through our own smart device really doesn't sell it to me. £280 with zelda at £60 is just too hard on the consumer, especially right now. I see this ending up as another Wii U. If I had a choice between this at that price, or an alternative product - I think I'd be going for the an alternative tbh.
  3. If I was Nintendo - I'd aim for that £200 mark. As you say - it's perfect instabuy territory. I was just saying to a few of the OW folk that at £200 I'd pick it up on release and definitely keep it forever - at £250 I'd be on the fence and consider selling it on after a bit if I don't like it or it doesn't do what I'm after. Getting the thing into hands and homes is the most important thing imo - they can/surely will make more than £20-50 off of a system in its lifetime. For me if I got a Switch I'd definitely get Splatoon despite being a remake, XCX if it's re-made, Mario, and probably as I have the Switch I'd get Zelda too. Sadly I see the pound is still tanking and I think due to that we won't get the £200 price that we might have last year or before; they'll be thinking(if sensible) of future-proofing against further potential falls in GBP; especially with Brexit deadlines looming. I expect we'll see a equivalence with VAT-exclusive US price(ie $250 without tax in US, £250 in UK). It's a shame, cos that £50 window and response to it feels really really variable to me. Tbh if the Switch got games on par with the others, and had online functionality on par with the others, I'd always opt for the Switch version. The portability potential in addition to having what the others have would nail it for me every single time. IF they can get themselves on par with competition I honestly think they could clean up. Yet, for some reason, Nintendo cannot or simply just will not. Tis a shame imo. Personally I'm hoping they'll partner up with wifi hotspots like they tried with DS and NintendoZone stuff etc. The fact I could be waiting for my mates in the pub yet could fire up my switch, plug my headset in, and have a game of Splatoon and quick chuckle and chat with Hero or Kav whilst they're at home in their living room/out and about themselves would be amazing. What if my other mate who has a Switch turns up before anyone else, and then he can get involved too? That level of connectivity and social would be absolutely sick for me!
  4. Just catching up on the thread myself - think I'm gonna be looking into this when I get home and advising my friends of the same!!
  5. Wouldn't you expect someone like Nintendo to be far more experienced and prepared for these issues and to stop putting on a performance like it's amateur hour, though? THAT'S my real big issue about it. Whatever excuses can be made - so much of this was/is in the hands and control of Nintendo. They CAN manage these things - they just choose not to. Their 'deadline' is also their own setting - nobody else is ultimately choosing when to release The Switch but them at the end of the day. I think the Switch, Mario and Zelda launch are really gonna make or break them. I want this, and I want Switch(lets see what Friday holds) but I'm just apprehensive because they make themselves look so shoddy sometimes.
  6. Rummy


    Shoulda known you'd all be damn dirty grownups. Not that I can really point any/many fingers. Nonetheless I think I'm pretty much gonna be on OW/PS4 chat and stuff all day tomorrow. Probs won't get the 12 man going but if you see me on and wanna join or chat then do feel free to message or do so! May be in a 6-man team as a prior warning(got a noob just xmasing up) but if not then happy for folks to get involved!
  7. Rummy


    What are folks up to on Boxing Day(I'm recovering, I presume) - wondering if we might get a few 12 man custom games going for the festive period? Do I have any takers??
  8. I'd dare suspect something rather opposite for @Hero\-of\-Time :p
  9. Ha, I was expecting the N-Ew year too! Unless Nintendo are cracking down on the ol' 'New' patents and we're trying to stay out of hot water Personally I've done close to fuck all this year. Secret Santa bought two days before deadline(smellies for a lady), called my brother and my sister and said let's just fuck off presents cos they're useless arbitrary exchanges we don't need to bother with - and it's so hard to buy for my parents cos they never actually use anything I get them that I'll just get them a bottle of wine. Other than that just part of one surprise group present which is probably the most exciting part of xmas for me. I feel so bah humbug about it all otherwise! Spending the afternoon at my mum and dad's with my brother and sister I think - interestingly my mum has bought the Pointless board game for xmas which might actually be quite a chuckle. Whenever I pop in on my mum's after work if the traffic's good we catch bits of Pointless/The Chase so I'm actually looking forward to playing(though think it was my brother's suggestion). We did Monopoly a few years back and I tore it apart - my brother clearly got bored/despondent halfway through when he realised he wasn't going to win like he always had done when we were kids and we called an early end to the game after I bankrupted him or mum and then counted up all my assets I dunno how they'll cope with me though. I'm quite a tabletopper and I'm tempted to maybe try taking a few of mine along to theirs - but my parents aren't the quickest off the mark for learning stuff like boardgames and neither's my sister much either but I'm tempted with some potential Codenames(sorry to my sister but she's the handicap extra :p) , maybe Dixit, and maybe something else. I'd like to try their hands at the more deceptive games - but I don't think it's a concept they'll take too too quickly; but I'd love to see just quite how sneaky they really are if they did! Who've we got as regular tabletoppers here other than @Cube? Is there any particular games you think of that you've tried more with parents/family that worked well/you enjoyed?
  10. How New Yearish? I get strapped from Xmas and the annual house stuff(Jan/Feb)+winter fuel which is always a bit wank for me until summer basically - but I like the idea and could certainly be tempted! I think technically next year's Meetup is actually the 10th one too so something a bit special wouldn't go amiss(correct me if I'm wrong @jayseven?) even if it means two meetups for the year! EDIT: I've totally had to square it up to 1810. Damn you Peeps! I'd definitely like to help out if this gets done again next year btw; I'd be able to run a lot more in the donations from people if I actually get involved too!
  11. Two things here - this is the Nintendo forum and not the PS4 forum. Also I see Ronnie pulled up on a number of things by a number of people, not specifically just who or what you're referring to in this moment. Not an argument on either side of a response to yours - just something I'm pointing out rather than getting into the meat of that. Secondly, and more importantly for me - I am both a member and a moderator. I moderate when I have to, but I'm still a member at the end of the day. I post generally as a member. My opinions on people or games or topics or discussions, I genuinely believe, do not impact on my ability to moderate when needed. I wonder sometimes as I think people get confused about that - and whilst I can't speak for everyone, I want to make that point very clear for myself. My posts as a member are not a reflection of my ability as a moderator.
  12. But this is a game? I mean yeah if you want to be so staggeringly simplistic and surface about it, but ideas and principles do scale you know.. (and much more so between games and consoles offered by the same developer than an app on the apple store and the 'selling of dodgy mortages' ) That's rather much me too tbh. I'm already annoyed it didn't come to the console it was promised for when it was promised and it's another TP style dual launch(two seperate issues). I've had Zelda in my life for for longer than many other things, many other friends - I worry simply that the same won't appeal to me as much as its predecessors following the trend of its predecessors and I think it's fine to be worried about that. Just because I'm mildy 'worried' for maybe a few seconds a day/week/month when I come to think or talk about it doesn't mean I'm in some crazy state of mental breakdown anxiety. I think it's perfectly fine as a consumer to worry whether the product you're vested in is going to be what you want it to be and do what you want it to do! Having said that I do think this game will be better than SS was for me, though I'm still worried and cautious, I reckon it'll be an interesting and exciting new experience as long as they nail the small things that give the series its character that I love. I still don't know if I'll get a Switch and get this though; or just get it on WiiU. Because one form of argument(Ashley,Kav) recognises the human nature and presents the 'fact' accounting for variability of opinions. The other form of argument(Serebii) presents the 'opinion' as an objective fact. It takes no account of and makes no reference to the humanity involved. I would highly recommend reading up about Veridicality for anyone who struggles to understand this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veridicality I must admit the idea of the Aliens guy but with 'GENRES' written on it came to mind. We've certainly trod this ground before though, amazed it's actually gone full circle. THIS PLACE MAN Btw I wasn't going to post because I thought about backlash but I've realised it's more on topic than what's been going on(including myself) and I just want to say - looking at the screenshot that Ronnie posted those big leaves look cack. I expected it to look much better considering its potential on Switch. Graphics tend to come last for me, but they still come somewhere; and other HD gaming may leave me feeling spoiled when it comes to playing this.
  13. The mentalitlies are vastly different @dazzybee, due to the simple fact the situations are. I'm not saying I can't see what argument you're making or where you're coming from - just that it's not a very good or relevant argument at all and as such will not hold much water with many people. Guess what? It appears it didn't! If you're not familiar - the type of argument you're making could be classed as a Straw Man - you can read more about it here and why it isn't always a good type of argument to use - 'A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.'. I'd say a large part of your posts tend to follow this trend of moving the argument ever so slightly off into a different sphere, which can often lead to tensions in the debates as it starts to feel as if some sides of the argument are being completely ignored. Also interesting to see something I apparently said about you personally has been taken as an insult. Maybe a learning point to consider in future before you comment on people personally, too To the post - i've addressed lots of points but seeing as you seem to need it one at a time. To maybe realise this I'll go to my main one of you claiming people saying things they didn't say (though ironically I have a feeling you might in fact choose to ignore this part and not respond to it). How much of the arguments being made by people were actually saying that Freemium or IAP were good for the industry? I saw lots of points being made about the business side and consumer's expectations, I didn't see a majority of people making those points saying that they thought 'free to play and IAP is really great for the industry'. Those were your words, suggesting people were trying to make that point - yet I really didn't see many of the majority points being made actually saying f2p/freemium or IAP is great for the industry. Can you show me everywhere this was being done? Btw if you're really arguing 'the scalability' of an £8 app by Nintendo currently only on Apple's devices to that of a heavily regulated financial industry involved in securing loans in the forms of mortages against property and the consequences of irresponsible lending, overinflated property values and all sorts of terribly bad practise in said same sector - well, I think you're proving my own points quite well without me! I see very little in the parallel of ideas in selling a product for a value in a proprietary store to that of taking out loans against real estate. But hey, you've told me that ideas and principles scale, so maybe these intellectualised arguments shouldn't count for anything against that, right? To actually bring it back to topic - personally I've gone off the idea of this from seeing some of the reception here and elsewhere. I was 50/50 on the product but parts of the approach have certainly bugged me - kinda like delays on the consoles by time this comes to Android I don't know if it'll be in a form I even want let alone if I'd still want it. My threshold for mobile gaming is already pretty high but with the always online aspects plus what the content seems to be for the price I'm not sure it'd be fore me - especially if I'm gonna end up with a Switch and whatever the next Mario is to take with me places!
  14. Ooo rly? Do we know if that'll still be going on Xmas day? I don't think the surprisee has a PS+ account at all so that'd work grand! EDIT: Apparently only until 23/12/16 - Sony missing a fucking trick for the Xmas day folks though I guess online may be online and people will buy it either way. I think I'll stick with the cdkeys for now for the sake of a quid or two to ensure we get him online in time(mostly for me, and Overwatch )
  15. dazzy I'm amazed you manage to run your own companies and production stuff sometimes. Firstly - you've invoked Godwin's law which immediately discredits you. Secondly - people are talking about business. A product on a market being sold for a purpose. Brexit, Trump, Nazis, Women's right and gay marriage are very VERY vastly difference to a marketplace and frankly - completely irrelevant. How would anyone feel if they walked into a pound store and found something they liked then found out it wasn't a pound? It's not fully analogous but far more so than bringing up the Nazis and I'd dare say you'd find some people quite rightly confused/dissappointed/outraged when they get to the til and end up with something that's more than the pound they're used to from their pound store(not saying rightly so, but saying that it WOULD happen). By the way - if you don't realise - my above points ARE arguing and intellectualising(ie not just screaming NOPE NAZIS), even though I'm not actually saying that Freemium or IAP is really great for the industry tho btw(again, as you seem to have done before, I think you've put words into people's mouths when they weren't being said). Pricing is covered in my above point believing they're testing the waters with this. Kinda like trying to cook a jew at home to make sure you know what you're doing before you commit a huge genocide A 'dodgy mortgage' worth literally thousands(millions to billions en masse) that leads to a crash of the economy in addition to breaking of many regulations I think is very different to an £8 on the Apple Store I think you may have been asking rhetorically but just in case; Yes, it's much better.
  16. I think we should set up a game company made up from N-E members and call it Nissan Tendon and become super successful and then we'd have to explain the name and nobody will really understand and it'll be glorious. I disagree that they believed it was 'the best way' for Mario run. I'm still convinced Nintendo are experimenting with their markets with low cost/low risk where possible. I find it hard to see Super Mario Run as anything much but that; given what its content is compared to its developer.
  17. Been organising a ps4 whipround surprise for someone for xmas - got the console and everything but after any good deals anyone can think of for a year's worth of ps+? Anything I could grab in store as delivery won't make it in time for xmas day. CDKeys are currently running at £34.89 which I guess will be nice and swift but still trying to squeeze the best out of our budget! Anyone seen da good stuff anywhere??
  18. Wow. I can't follow all this right now but it certainly feels very similar to them Wii U cracks showing through already. Obvs I say/take it with a pinch of salt, will read up more before I determine this to be as terrible as it may appear. If it's just rumour/speculation I see no reason to put it above the X2 speculation, but then as I said I haven't read any of the articles yet.
  19. No, it was definitely Marcamillian. I half expected him to do it and baited it, but it still annoyed me when he put it a penny or something over :p Didn't realise I'd witness it live!
  20. Sorry - for myself I just speaking about an example on Android; not at all linked to Mario Run at the moment but was considering it as a potential for when it comes to Android. Also unlike the iDevice parallels I do recall with the All4/4OD example you could get it to run if you restored to manufacturer ROM and re-locked the bootloader. Sounds like the iDevice thing isn't reversible fully like that, or somehow leaves a trace that can be detected? I don't know much/anything about them.
  21. Not quite the same but thinking of the Android side(for myself) I know All4/4OD used to not run on phones that had ever been modified or rooted. Even if you turned off root it'd look for the bootloader and not work(and not even fucking tell you, either) but they changed that eventually. It irked the fuck out of me at the time though because it's up to me how I use my device and if I root it and even then if I turned off the rooting(I can understand for security/permission concerns etc) that should have been enough but to fuck me over cos I chose to put different to factory firmware on my device is fucking ridiculous. EDIT: P.S...Fuck. Also soz for all that but I am very against practice like that.
  22. Rummy


    I've played a few times - but generally with friends and I mostly suck at it. Dunno if I'd be more frustrated in single player, but it's certainly a fun little mode! I think really I just need to adjust to it and use my abilities a bit more really.
  23. Oh Nintendo; that prize draw pic/ad is really fucking terrible. Way to fill me with faith for the Switch! Btw @Ashley can I close this thread so there's no more posts ever again? On my view the top post of the current last page is the Fleenuh meme pic
  24. Do you know about whether it'd keep the MK8 that was pre-installed on it though, @Dcubed? I'm curious just for myself here mind :p
  25. Thought I'd replied earlier to this one! I do agree that I think the games were good - some of the content on WiiU was excellent - but at the same time I've also not brought myself to fully explore them. It was the system letting me down rather than the games I think; some of what the Switch is doing might fix that for me(a decent online infrastructure will matter, even if it's just to be chatting whilst I'm playing) but the portability possibilities make it interesting. The other plus side - as the WiiU burnt me out I didn't get at least XCX - so having a Switch port may well work for me when it comes to it. Not sure what else I'd get on a port front(Splatoon as I've said needs some desperate fixes, but it's a good shout as a pack-in which I'm sort of not paying for again).
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