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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Though exactly what I posted in my post was Sony's officially line and even when I posted it you ignored it to suggest a full reset. Sure thing Ronnie. You weren't wrong at all despite so many coming out to call you on it in this thread. Keep on keeping on talking about what you don't know. After all, that's just it, you THINK you understand, and yet when challenged you backed it with nothing. Still waiting to hear how that guy re-initialized his ps4 without safe mode, as you understand so much more than me and everyone else here. Schooled, or Educated if you cannot understand the anology, as I said. Rudeness is dismissing someone as not understanding then showing a more prevelance ignorance than them, imo.
  2. Rummy

    Diablo 3

    Tbh I'm kinda the same as I double TV my living room. I wondered if you'd even noticed that I jumped on with you the other day! Me and Psychick play sometimes not even talking tbh, it's nice and 'mindless' as I said. I've never played a Diablo before but generally liked the style, I'm enjoying the whole season idea/thingy. I'd just about gone hit 70+ with my first char and made another then the season happened; it's spurred me on to try and get challenges done and completion etc. which has actually been great for a newb like me to learn about some of the vast aspects of the game. It is a bit vast/overwhelming but a few Googles or simple trial and error have helped me through in places. I find many aspects of the game incredibly intriguing and well designed, there's clearly a lot of thought gone in before to almost offer all the different 'levels' of the game throughout. (Apparently I wrote the above in July and the editor still saved my biz) ------------------------- Is anyone still playing? I just started up again for season 15 like last week and I've been rinsing to an extent that I'm level 400+ as wizard - such a ridiculously powerful little char I'm just loving it.
  3. On that I was online for a lot of last night and did notice a few friendslist issues(as did a few of the OW guys) but the network itself wasn't too bad for me. I was mostly in Diablo but finding lots of online games to jump into with only one being laggy to a point of noticing (like a solid second to two between button press and cast at times) so I'm wondering if it was more the friendlist side of things than anything else or if certain games are not vulnerable to these things than others etc.
  4. "That's just it, from what you understand." You wanna sort out your glaring hypocrisy here @Ronnie, I didn't even realise everyone else would come in to school you, let alone an admission from yourself of undertaking the same criticism made to others. Maybe despite how much it pains you to realise it you may in future accept the points made by myself and others before trotting out claims you can't even back up with any logical process?
  5. Now, my post already addressed this and suggested the database rebuild over the full restore - so stop playing the fool. In addition they has been reinforced by others offering you graphic evidence of it being option 5 - so stop misrepresenting the situation that you're clearly unable to understand even when it's being pointed out to you. In addition to which however I'll offer some personal experience and counter @Shorty - I've done a few rebuilds due to issues with my ps4 over last few years(as well as full backup and restore due to drive upgrade) and whilst I've heard that the rebuild CAN take a while - I don't believe any of mine have broken anything more than 5-10 minutes. Can you explain to me how someone re-initialized their ps4 without getting into safe mode btw? Or how/why they couldn't get into it? As far as i understand(and ofc, it's just what I understand even though demonstrated the same thing Sony have officially stated prior to you stating otherwise) - there is not a way for users to re-initialize a ps4 other than through safe mode. Ofc, it's just from what I understand and you surely know more - if you can find that solution and provide it to me I'll be happy to agree with your criticisms @Ronnie but if you can't then that supposed claim holds no water.
  6. I rarely buy games on Day 1, and so often end up playing them months or even years after everyone else. This normally leads to me having intimate discussions with myself in otherwise eerily quiet threads. See the LA Noire thread, the Titanfall 2 thread, the Witcher 3 thread etc. Maybe you need to play some Friday the 13th
  7. Tbh I feel like that sometimes with the old games I love that nobody posts about here - why don't we ever get proper seshes together from the community for all those good online psn games! I need to check far more of them out but I can rarely back arsed by myself
  8. Tbh it isn't actually so much a psn issue I imagine but rather more a system software hole left that leaves some overflow vulnerability or something. It's bad that the system can be 'broken' like this but it is something that comes with more dynamic systems. We should take some solace in the fact they've not yet so far been discovered to have released easily hard hackable hardware such as the launch Switches and it's vulnerability (especially in comparison to it's far less robust online structure that could leave more regular players exposed to abuse of said hack) but I think we both know where that conversation is going to go. That's no doubt a far harder problem for them to patch(and if offer evidence of the original BootMii and Wii as an example of this when they had to revise the hardware). Also take into account that if your console DOES somehow get bricked by this vulnerability you do still have easy home solutions to the problem even if it IS a full restore - again far more than what is offered on a similar front from Nintendo for a similar issue afaik. You could argue it being something similar to a lack of foresight by Sony on the PSN names issue tho. On the side of it for anyone who does recieve it - apparently if it DOES brick the PS4 and you can't get back in even if you do delete the message somehow - it's worth trying the recovery/safe mode database rebuild before going hard at a full restore - I recall reading some who weren't able to fix it with just the delete had success with both.
  9. I'm imaging the base tags will all stay taken and not overwritten, and the 'change' being something sort of on top/patched in but some old code or infrastructure can't neccessarily follow it. Personally not got any intention to change but if I did I'd probably want to wait it out and be sure it's all working ok before I did - but I guess for some that might forego them the jump on the name they really want.
  10. I think I've weirdly morally sworn off of D2 - I paid and adopted and launch and they treated me like a cunt. Fuck them now.
  11. I agree it is pretty ridiculous to consider the takings of it, but is it not just a symptom of the increasingly available global market all adding up on a small scale to a notable total?
  12. Rummy


    Forgive me bumping such an old topic that is almost a year dead - did we ever get any new adopters of Overwatch? Fair few of us on ps4 in a not secret society of online folks - do feel free to give us a shout if you're still playing!
  13. Is it possible to lose with a ps4-exclusive these days really? Btw if anything needs still plays/fancies hunts I'm still stuck behind Tempered Kirin but I'm getting tempted to get back into the game as a ps4 friend plays and also did a bit last week with my mate in Japan - just let me know somewhere here or on ps4!
  14. Great thoughts @Mr-Paul, as I've gotten older I've fallen off with not just gaming but also a few things associated with it(such as following all the news, posting actively here etc). I can't quite tell what it is exactly, myself. Yet having said that - I do still game it's just a lot more...narrow? I'm still playing OW(500+ hours now maybe?) all these years later since launch(as do a lot of N-E guys) and a few other games of the ilk. Games I can jump in and out of because I 'don't want to commit to a long thing' yet I sat on my ps4 for 10ish straight hours on Sunday! That's a thing I get from the ps4 tho - I woke up at 6am knowing I had not much sleep left in me, and chanced my ps4. My mate was online in Japan given the time difference and one small quick party chat basically led to us being on for most of the day gassing I know it's an old discussion, on which my and many thoughts have long been expressed, but that's the irony of what my games have become now. They're almost a second place sideshow to the premium I'm getting from my consoles - interaction with friends in an adult world where it's proving tricky to synchronise otherwise. I realise ofc we're here in Nintendo - but the idea of Nintendo's online implementations are a big reason I couldn't plunge the price on Switch. I talk about sitting on a console for 10 hours but then I could do it too with Nintendo with the right infrastructure - not sure iirc but I believe @Cube and @Goron_3 may recall when Moray towers landed on Splatoon 1 - a few of us has places to be but basically sat playing Splatoon for far too much of the day on Skype instead. Twas a good day !
  15. I'm deffo with you on this, thinking back to wee Rummy having a cart from Dixon's and trying hard to obvs not die often yet saving a lot! It's been so many years I wouldn't be wholly sure, but if my saves added to my count then I'm sure it would have been higher than I expected! I wish I had a bit of time to contemplate busting this out, who knows how September ends...
  16. Is it also at GAME?? Any word if the rumoured Diablo is October's plus? Got it back in June so slightly irked but also totally happy cos it's a great little game to sit back and chill with. Do recommend it! Tried the two budget offerings of this month - Foul Play and Sparkle. The former isn't too bad, nice and short/punchy with some replayability. Reminds me slightly of the side-scrolling aspects of Henry Hatsworth with maybe a bit more Castle Crashers to it. Sparkle 2 or whatever it is is a very basic sort of bubble-shooter match 3 puzzle without too much depth but again kinda nice and simple for itself that it's a chill enough game.
  17. So buff I could play it in my sleep! At least that's how I assume I'm doing it...
  18. Rummy


    What if someone, such as say...Sony, are binding their hands behind the scenes with legal restrictions/contracts/NDAs etc. You ask me here it's Sony getting all big bollocks again because they're topping the market. They're using that leverage. Sure, it is business, but things should have their limits in certain circumstances. For me it's all irrelevant, I don't play much(want to tho) and it'll likely only ever be on ps4 and I doubt I'll buy the packs etc. anytime soon, so it doesn't bother me. A mate of mine did mention it in passing, tbh I was so clueless at the time I didn't really understand what he was saying and glossed past it. I can see it both ways but I do think Sony could be better here. Though if you want to argue Epic buried the fuck out of PUBG by doing Fortnite (I'm not, I don't know much at all about PUBG and Fortnite does continue to provide content) then you could also argue this as slight karma for Epic - but it doesn't seem to be doing too many favours for consumers either way.
  19. Rummy

    Diablo 3

    Tbh I'm kinda the same as I double TV my living room. I wondered if you'd even noticed that I jumped on with you the other day! Me and Psychick play sometimes not even talking tbh, it's nice and 'mindless' as I said. I've never played a Diablo before but generally liked the style, I'm enjoying the whole season idea/thingy. I'd just about gone hit 70+ with my first char and made another then the season happened; it's spurred me on to try and get challenges done and completion etc. which has actually been great for a newb like me to learn about some of the vast aspects of the game. It is a bit vast/overwhelming but a few Googles or simple trial and error have helped me through in places. I find many aspects of the game incredibly intriguing and well designed, there's clearly a lot of thought gone in before to almost offer all the different 'levels' of the game throughout.
  20. Rummy

    Diablo 3

    I got into it last month, but I have absolutely no comparison to really make as I never played any of the others. Psychick liked it enough he bought it on multiple platforms, in addition to giving me some birthday monies I dropped on this. Co-op is pretty simple drop in drop out stuff but really it might be worth getting an opinion of someone who played the others. I've seen @somme on a few times since I've had it? This is often my pre/post OW kinda game in it's fairly quick in a d out and is a bit more 'mindless' in comparison.
  21. Didn't even mamage sneak up on me as I completely missed it! If anyone has recommendations of enjoyable runs to watch do suggest them! There was quite a few in the schedule I was interested in originally.
  22. Ok, I did expect to be able to have the conversation with you of all people on it Grazza. I put a lengthy explaination of a background to ask the last question of what made it racist before having to contextualise that later, but sorrry if I've offended you with that.
  23. Ok, let me get to this very quickly, albeit not succinctly. First general caveat - your opinions and views come second in my mind to your conduct, and whilst I understand sometimes people disagree with you and it doesn't feel great I will generally respect that conduct because who's right or wrong essentially isn't easily dichotomous. Having said that, let me come to an almost visceral reaction I had to the above - and that's basically the to say fuck you. But not to say fuck you personally, but fuck this idea, and fuck you for having it. Or even coming about of having it. I'm not blaming you for having it, but I take great issue with it. Have you ever been told you don't belong? Have you ever been monkey noised out of a crowd, or mocked otherwise for something that may not even have anything to do with you but the big crowd of folks decide upon despite seeing nothing but your skin, and deciding how they'll treat you from that? Have you ever been told to get out, or that you don't belong, or later on felt to feel like that, simply for having the audacity of having a differently pigmented skin? Now ofc, all of that is rhetorical. I'm not saying you won't ever have experienced racism nor discrimination, nor do I want to compete on that front. But I'm just saying, I've experienced it in a fair few forms and have identified a number of people who have too. Tell me here - where was the racism in monkey noises to Freeman's character? Consider what I've said and how much monkey noises might offend white folks compared to non-white folks, both on individual levels and collective average levels. I think it'd be much worse if they took some traditionally negative 'white stereotype' and used it, but they actually used the thing they've often been completely unfoundedly mocked for themselves, and turned it on itself in an incredibly parody that highlights the absurdity of its very own nature. More they highlighted the issue of collective majorities suppressing present minorities simply on a front of numbers, power, position and time. Please please don't flip unnecessary discussions of discrimination into a one-to-one false dichotomy, or do if you like, but I will call it. If you want me to get into the crux of why the argument never truly holds up is because X million people whose suffering over Y number of years really does not compare to <X million people suffering over <Y number of years really does not draw a fair immediate comparison. This gets info a far more logical/mathematical/philosophical/political realm and I also think we should have that discussion too! But I struggle to find a conclusion in an unbalanced logic. But let come back - 'is racism meant to be entertaining when it's against white people'? What made it racist in that context? (PS please do let me make the point again, I'm taking no personal objection here so please don't take it as such. Not taking or making/intending any personal aspects to the arguments)
  24. Quite happy to do so if everyone thinks it's sensible! Essentially in my head I was thinking best not to end up with a two thread system, thus the idea being that essentially every other thread should be spoiler free as the alternative is marked as such, generally because the spoiler E3 topic is pinned at top? Just the way I saw it, cos I'd like to encourage more smaller threads(imagine two megathreads and people who aren't fussed about certain titles missing content within) but I'm open to thoughts! Essentially I was thinking a general 'spoiler-free forum' on the whole with a 'all spoilers here' complimentary. Obvs back in the day the boards and new thread creation used to get shut down heavy, just thinking of something midground that isn't that but also still keeps the spoiler-averse safe! (Soz to the spoilers themselves but you have no safe place in nerdy society if you do not understand E3 on a message board and post them in other threads - you just get the one place for it )
  25. Just to say I've pinned this one to the top of the forum so that it can be seen easily throughout the E3 period and by posters coming to the forum especially when activity and many different topics may be springing up. Thanks for starting the topic @Hero of Time
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