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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Ngl Overwatch has ofc as you know done very similar for me and its gonna be pretty big a factor to to help convince me to purchase a PS5 - I'm just wondering where is my limit? I have a Switch now but I didn't buy it and still not sure I could/would pay that retail price. Then tho...£500 for a console+game I may alone get 1500+ hours out of? It sure is a nice way to break it down to convince oneself the purchase
  2. I think keeping hardware as low as possible whilst it doesn't bring immediate money to their own pockets but gets the system out and about is really what they need to do. I've always been curious about why more console makers don't attempt to make more of their own 'launch bundles' - pack a load of stuff together and share some of the margin losses but it means you could get publishers on boards and also give them sales directly tied to your own?
  3. Lockdowns helping money in for video games atm! On which note I am completely unneccessarily getting angsty for something new to play and discard after an hour or two - cant make my mind up! Contemplating NiNoKuni 2 but worried I'll lose focus quick - anyone who's played give a quick rundown of major differences between 1 and 2?
  4. Randomly came across Bill Burr narrating a classic shoot with Antonio Ionoki and some fat Antonio and its made me rather interested in shoot side of stuff; anyone got recommendations for any good classics/watches? seen a few already. also my mate/wrestling gog to go gave me a few good Dark Side of the Ring episodes to watch - Brawl for All and New Jack. Fuck me. On both fronts.
  5. ohhhh didnt realise it was alting wondered if it was related to changes lol. On a serious note with that; how do you think you feel offering any personal experiences and views in a bit more depth? Also to check with current regular participants - would anyone mind if I added for now and see how it goes an (and discrimination?) to the topic title. Whilst we've had a bit of a weak debate around the meta idea of 'intersectional issues' over the last couple pages that have buried the actual idea being even recognised or discussed - I think i would say given convos so far and the contributions of various folks its moving more into the generality of how discrimination as a whole macro idea applies and manifests down in these little micro issues? Just my thoughts atm.
  6. is that a soag?
  7. What point of view are YOU coming from and what are you after? So far most of it imo was people giving their own stories and discussing and reflecting from there. I wanted to avoid this becoming some sort of 'source wars' on the internet. I think it is obvious why; though I will quote a man I actually consider really quite very wise in these matters; " Isaac Asimov, I, Robot (Robot, #0.1) Tags: epistemology" Now. This is not JUST a quote for the sake of the current matter but Asimov wrote some very, very, very good stories. Most will know the film I, Robot(based on his works but not a specific) and also Bicentennial Man(starring Robin Williams as an 'robot'/android). His collection of short robot stories are collected into 'The Complete Robot' and I recommend it to anyone who can read with a fine eye - he utilises stories of robots(in varying positions/situations) to highlight the basic prejudices and discriminations in society - almost showing them to be inavoidable. In writing his stories with 'robots'(a term half attributed to him iirc and from the czech for slave?) he often has people judgemental sympathetic empathetic etc towards the robots of the stories and highlights the different interactions and prejudices around 'others'. I believe in doing so he waa able to critique a society that woulf no way have tolerated it at the time had the prejudices been written against other humans - but being stories or robots judging humans some who saw robots as nothing of consequence never saw themselves in the stories as the judgemental ones.
  8. I think this; given Nicktendo's open im the response to me - highlights exactly the flaws in his approach. Throwing around loosely defined things from a lofty approach. Not offense @Nicktendo but you try to open a critique against my post suggesting I am arguing ad hominem whilst literally throwing an ad hominmen at me stopped me in my tracks in giving the rest of your post any merit. Is ResetEra some well-recognised and well-defined term here that Beast could not even google a definition? Or are you continuing to try and present yourself in some lofty, holier-than-thou, more-knowledgeable-than-thou position. I explained already it was a meta critique of your argument style thus far. Not something against you. Yet you continue to do so - my motivation in raising it is a variety of reasons; The attitude overlaps with those denying many of the issues being discussed in this thread. Whilst typical of the usual style of discussion/argument on the internet it has been noted repeatedly within this thread by more than one poster how despite this being a sensitive topic its had been and continues to be a pretty good discussion - I'm trying to say I think your biases here are bringing something into the thread that hasn't been present so far - ie most people have been discussing back and forth whereas when you have been critiqued you have tended to gloss over and ignore the very valid criticisms being levelled at you by others. Where this has seemingly happened elsewhere in the thread(ie me will beast jonnas all coming from different points of view) we've seemed to display a bit more of engagement with each other that seems to show we are listening. Just trying to gently explain to you that so far your own engagement with the thread seems otherwise compared to most of the others. You seem quick to dismiss and label or judge(see your comments on intersectionality and this bizarre ResetEra referefence). How can you dismiss intersectionality even? I won't even make an argument here whwn others can do better I've seen you already utilised Triggernometry as a source so why not take on of their videos and listen to a muslim comedian break down homosexuality within that community and then tell me how much you think things happen the same for homosexuals in non-muslim communities compared?
  9. Not gonna pick you apart by arghument Nicktendo but seeing a lot of disingenousness grom you throughout the thread. Lots and lots og wrguments stats etc put out by you and your instant 'nope im out!' at literally two words shows something I see in a lot of people who don't have much interest in *actually* progressing things. You're obviously intelligent(even if you insist on being foolish ) but many of your arguments are riddled with flaws such as false equivalences or assuming perfect impartiality/exclusivity etc. When these gaping flaws have been pointed out to you you have merely just rambled off a load of other stuff. Lets for example take the idea of oppurtunity and how any black person(let alone the intersectional issues of a black female) can become president(of US). Or even that a female could become prime minister(of UK). Why has this throughout ALL the presidents and prime ministers only netted us to date Margaret Thatcher Theresa May and Barack Obama with no black Prime Ministers and no female Presidents so far. Are you really going to tell me that is all pure chance? Or are black people or women people simply just incapable? You cannot have it both ways. The bias definitely exists - and whilst people post here and articulate themselves to explain why your claims are incorrect you often ignore them and simply ramble some other stuff afterwards; implying because you have lots of stats videos claims etc. that they are therefore objectively more truthful powerful and correct. They are not. Again I won't redo the work of multiple others here but take that as the meta-critique of your work so far. I don't have an issue with your conservative views but it seems to have an impact upon your engagement and certain respect for certain people - and given the whole nature of this topic here and the idea of a blindness contributing to all this in society it's worth considering - even earlier when will' pointed out the racist nature of something you actually typed you took it to read he was saying YOU were a racist - I don't think others here were reading it the same. @Beast post so huge hard to quote but the reason I was raising 'inter-racial racism' (ie me and indians just as an example) as it were was again not for a point; but to tell the story. Some here may never have known or seen it. Has anyone other than me and Will watched The School That Tried to End Racism on 4od yet?? It should basically be like the recommended reading for this thread tbh
  10. dropping in super quick as this has popped back up on youtube - documentary by daryl davis a legendary blues musician who befriended and managed to obtain the robes of a number of Klansmen, very interesting guy;
  11. Did anyone manage to catch this btw? Year 7 kids. Both episodes on 4od/All4 catchup. The School That Tried to End Racism - highly highly recommend it for any and all skin colours! Seeing both white and non-white kids in the same situations essentially was quite curious. It isn't Brown Eyes Blue Eyes and definitely a VERY different tone from Jane Elliott but it was a great watch; felt quite hopeful after it too. Did give @MoogleViper a shout about it dunno if he watched yet tho...
  12. Ronnie you remain the fool you always insist on being. BLM is about highlighting systemic biases. The economic system is one if the most fundamental in the world and has a clear bias. Suggesting we help blacl businesses etc. by putting money in their pockets(ie the money that makes the world go round) given they are constantly robbed and disadvantaged by the system is not a bad thing. Unless you're white and suddenly scared Black People are getting power in one of its rawest forms in society especially in a time of pretty dire global economic positions - the power of money. Can't say I expect less of you though. You basically came in here and tried to 'All Lives Matter' the convo. So I think on that front here with you I am done. Also enjoy YOU being the one who thinks he has the write to decide what black folk may or may not find condescending...rather than letting them tell you themselves... Back to earlier stuff @Jonnas appreciate much of your response - but to clarify I was talking a bit lightly(no indians have really about faced me after finding out :p) and I had framed a lot of my post lightly conversationally to aim it towards @will' in part but also for other 'privileged white folk who feel they dont understand/see it'(as it were :p) - I imagine the bits of subtle racism both within and between ethnicities may not be something often seen/experienced by those in such a position.
  13. Ahhh what a great convo! Been enjoying it. Not got a lot of time to reply proper right now but theres something I think called 'The school that tried to end racism' on C4 tonight at 9pm(actual live TV alololol what a square). I saw one ad earlier in the week; looked mildly Jane Elliott style but not really - but it could be curious. I think they seperate white and non-white kids then get them to reflect on things of their heritage culture etc(primary age or close into early secondary it seemed). Poss worth a watch. I shall try to catch it. Also gonna post up some replies to some of the above later too hopefully! EDIT: Mate. This is SO on point of what we need right now. Honestly make sure you guys watch this - the light of hope is within our youth.
  14. Excellent, excellent! I think excercise like this are genuinely a useful thing for moving forwards. I often don't manage to form too much judgement of 'white' people but I do ofc very much just as you do often still try and 'judge' people and those of ethnic origins as to what they might be. Why do we do it? I am british born(saaaf eest landan). My accent came to me more from the streets; and maybe having to fit in in the SE of england where UKIP BNP NF etcetc along with all the old paramilitaries that would have existed all the way up to essex and whatnot in the 90s. Luckily I was just about young enough to miss major violences but obvs had my own share and plenty or racisms. Rummy isn't actually a given name per se - again it was given to me by the streets places and people I used to hang with - at 15 I smashed some bacardi steeet drinking and a 15 year old on hard spirits without a tolerance built very quickly led to a hospital visit My actual name is an exceptionally Christian one but not many people know of it nor use it(called by Rummy or Singh). The surname Singh! Now this is a once. Aye often used by Sikh men(middle name technically) - but apparently a number of Sikhs used it for surname when emigrated or the old systems got fed up with so many Singhs they just started to allow then all or something lol(dunno if too many foreign surnames to process too). My heritage tho? My parents are both Indian Guyanese(of british guyana, tip of south america and considered by of West Indies/Carribean by some British measures). I don't have a lot of family history to hand my the British stole my people and relocated them to labour in their colony of British Guyana and here I am. I most likely have some black in me somewhere apparently a bit of chinese and pretty sure buck runs in my dad's side family too - so I am for myself a curious entity. Mostly tho everything DOES look indian - and my surname does not help. Which brings me back to what I was gonna raise with @Jonnas earlier. What for this I guess is 'non-white' racism which often confuses me - racism or discrimination within groups of people of colour or ethnicity who then as still despite oft no doubt suffering discrimination themselves - discriminated against others. A classic example for me is when I get chatting to people actually from India ans Asia by more recent roots - theres often amongst some a bit of a dropped 'Oh.' tone when I tell them I am guyanese. Many indians I have met love to know where other indian seeming folks are from - but some have often seemed almost hugely disappointed that I'm not as close to the mainland and convo fizzles. It doesn't bother me tons too much but I have found it curious enough to note amongst some of the more Indian folks.
  15. Me either. I will make this point tho - he is a shit rapper. He should not have to be in that and he maybe is because he is black. He is a fantastic poet. A brilliant artist. His rap is shit. Shit rapper. Now though @will' before I turn to Jonnas and my point there I'm gonna ask you a question that may cause an immediate lurch in your heart and you will tell yourself there is a trick and not to tell me the truthful and honest answer - overcome and do not do that. My name is Rummy. Rummy Singh if you know it. If you did not know it - what image of me as an ethnic person existed in your mind? Has my name just changed that form? What is it now? Nobody here of worth will judge you; nor will you be held to your honesty as a flaw. My personal guarantee. Tell any bitch who tries to go see Papa Rum and to sit the fuck down shut the fuck up and start listening because in 4 seconds a teacher will begin to speak; and I will deliver then a fresh fine lyrical beatdown with an education attached for good measure
  16. Now you see maybe where I am coming from(not to suggest you didnt before this has been a MOST excellent conversation so far and I thank you foe it) about the longer term nature of this struggle and how it is bigger than your lifetime. It came before you and it will continue after you. It is one of the factors as to why the racists often win small battles - the field is tilted in their favour. The war however? That is a different story. Yes you think you are not guilty and of course you are not - but yes you are benefitting off land soil food and riches nourished by the literal blood sweat and tears of my ancestors. You DO owe us - the challenge and solution or reparation is to start paying back(and with interest). The British however have committed so many crimes and atrocities in their time however that their actual reckoning in front of Truth terrifies them. Admitting even one crime is a very dangerous precedent for them - as all the others mau subsequently come out and be tried. And they know they done a whooolle lot of wrong. Look even right now in the news - why will we not return the Elgin(alol) Marbles? Why is our kohinoor, the cursed diamond, still within your crown jewels? They say it was stolen originally as one of the eyes of a motger goddess statue; adorned with rarity wnd beauty in tribute. It was not a point of wealth or money - not until the British came. However stories of lead to gold immortality and the ability to gain such only if you do not seek to profit is a whole other story with its own whole line. /rwnt I've seen that quite literal race video before; very powerful. Iirc at the time I had some issues with it but still found it powerful as an eye-opener. In some ways I guess it oversimplified things too much for *me*. Did you ever see Dave's performance of 'Black' at The Brits? I happened to be wathcing live for the first time in very very many years and had never heard of him even before that. He won some notable awards but for me his song and performance was pure hot fyah and I haven't quite been the same since;
  17. https://www.sciencealert.com/the-fda-just-approved-the-first-prescription-video-game-for-kids-with-adhd This article just whipped across my path and as a gamer naturally piqued my interest. Far more detail in the article - but any thoughts on the topic from folks here?
  18. Aye no worries! Do try the Jane Elliott stuff(but leave the British one til last). Being passively not racist as you say is not really enough. Individually if everyone starts being actively not racist however - even tho they are starting and working with themselves - is the very first step. So far for me I have had some confusions and will continue to have them. Firstly I was amazed at the passion of some white folk I know - yet early on one was going VERY hard om the issue and ACAB(soz coppers but yes ACAB regardless of you I will gladly explain to all who wish to know why it is so even if you think my sentiment echoes racism - it doesnt btw. because we get no choice of uniform beyond that with which we are born) but even so there was a bit where I almost wanted to tell a white person to 'Calm Down' and stop 'Virtue Signalling' and then I realised even *I*, a brown man, was indoctrinated in a system that itself discourages race complainaints. I quickly realised I was wrong and now I disregard that thought. Another funny...actually hold that thought I may just upload it some pics... (Sneaky shout to THE forum's Destiny man @DriftKaiser on this chuckle) But yeah. That's a weird thing. I have been called an 'ally' before but that was by folks of a rather liberal social group of genderqueer and sex workers etc. I did not really see the need for or lile it at the time - as if I would be anything less than an 'ally' to my fellow good hearted humans(and really some of these bunch have the richest hearts you will ever experience) - but I have to say this recent BLM rising has made me appteciate it more. I see the ones who fight, who stan, I see the ones who do not. I see the ones who wish to and have intent and do their best - and I see the ones who come to me and talk to me; as well as I see the ones who do not. This whole issue is barely even started - sure it has sent massive shockwaves but I agree somewhat with you and your sentiments will - there is a whole heap of shit yet to go. The current appearance of the world and the force of the recent BLM rising is in real essence barely a fracture line in the nut/skin of the fruit; no matter how much it seems to currently be a big deal. On a tangent from that - did you happen to see the video of the woman doing the monopoly analogy? her most powerful words for me(no doubt seized upon aa aggressive and violent etcetc) was that 'y'all' are lucky blacks are still out here only asking to be treated equal and not seeking revenge. If you did - how did it sit hearing it from the privileged white view(my apologies for steering this a bit already) @will'?
  19. You didn't listen to a single thing I said about shutting up listening to me not making it about you and stopping thinking YOU can fix it in a lifetime(although you CAN do a lot...what you just did is NOT it). Start with yourself and get that down to a T; the rest will follow. You yourself MAY once you have done this be someone with much power to undertake actions that bring big change - odds basis it is not likely from what I know or see. In that...just focus and work very hard on yourself...the rest will follow if you do it genuinely; and don't spend it looking to a future you cannot achieve in your lifetime as if you actually might. It will be your ego distracting you and failing in the fight to be useful. However you give me my reason to come to the most curious of the Jane Elliott videos. The reason too why I tagged @Pestneb. You may or may not notice it but something notably huge differs in this replication - and it is the British replication. It is ever so very curious to see(~47min);
  20. I mean actively and actually - its literally just talking to 'the other side'. Sorry I myself didnt mean to be so long and preachy but given public thread went at it - actively you will improve society by improving yourself. You can improve yourself with education; and that can be via conversation and stories of people which is far richer than books. It sounds simple; but it really is. You don't need to be a hero or a preacher; if you and everyone else in your position or your sense of feeling overcome it all personally and continue to do so - will it not then start to shrink and reduce in society? A problem is socities have longer lifetimes than average humans do at any point of their perspective and they can therefore be very bad at understanding that their contribution is longer term; longer term than their lifetime. You can't get instant gratifaction fighting this fight I'm afraid bro. You need a LOT of confidence and self-security if you wanna be a warrior in this battle - again Jane Elliott personifies it. And oh btw!! I ain't done with her yet. My final vid will be my driving point; but the whole journey valuable to also enrich that one. It's going to be the most curious of all; and once you have seen it you will know why I kicked this off as a topic to discuss.
  21. I was about to get smart on facebook then I realised what group I was trying to be smart in -.- image uploader
  22. Quote system annoys me on phone. *1 hahaha; you know I juat realised it was actually @Kav who shared some vid of older Jane Elliott on FB and I lost my shit on hearing that voice. I had to binge on her. This video even came up and it is perfect in some ways(~45seconds); *2. Well. This is awkward. Its real nice to hear but...barely anyone gave us a manual on how to navigate being black* in a mostly white world; let alone one on telling white people how to deal with black people in their white world!! My main advice - get some correct spirituality from the correct sort of people; but sadly your eye will probably not discern those people well right now. So what else to do? You say yourself to be white, privileged - in some ways naive. So you gotta educate yourself brother - and that means doing what we do every single day. Carrying on no matter how tiring it is. Have mpre conversations with every 'non-british' you can get your hands on AND 'non-white' or 'non-english' British people. Sure converse with them debate etc. but don't make the mistake(and it is an understandable one) of trying to always relate or defend a point that you feel attacks you because you do NOT relate. The real big point we have to make right now and oh my god it upsets so many fragile white egos because they're so unused to this basic fact of the moment; this basic fact of existence for a small temporary while for them - This. Is. NOT. About. YOU. You have all of currently written and taught history can we literally get just like ten minutes or so for a bit here please?? If you know you are ignorant why take then the arrogance of a position to argue with us as if you were not? You twat yourself off. Then we roll our eyes at 'just another white fool' and its the same cycle all over again. Stop expecting us to fix YOUR problems - we barely treading water and you're asking us to swim over and rescue you because you were privileged/ignorant enough to not know the dangers of the deep end. We will still rescue you, mind. But we will roll our eyes and think 'just another white fool'. Hopefully our token of love will change you; most likely it will for a but then you return to your ignorant white world and forget. There you have the same problem as us - you need to fit. Standing up for niggers ain't fitting. So in essence many know deep down what they need to or should do - but they are scared of the risk and loss to themselves(mentally too - admitting you've been passively racist and complicit in a timeless racial oppression when you dont believe you have a racist bone in your body can shock you hard and make you question a lot, if you are brave enough not to run). It's all in essence about having the righteous conviction, the passion, the belief and the understanding - all like what Jane Elliott has and never letting it go because you want to fit into your comfortable white society. For everything if I could give - I would name her as black* as if not even blacker* than us and give her every bit of love and welcome in our communities as a respected elder. Strive to be that if you're white. (also; talk to some LGBT+ or other margianilised groups too - find the similarities of prejudice and discrimination even between differences - so you can see and challenge/change it). /longrant *black; - i use this a few times. the honest truth is this whole convo is complex. it is NOT black and white - but for now, to start, it is neccessary to keep it simple whilst others do not understand. I am NOT 'black' by any traditional sense of genes heritages etc. however maybe it could be argued by many other lines that I am. However for now until we tell that, for these conversations and BLM etc. I'll be every bit the nigger haters want me to be and I will fight that fight. My heritage is a whole other chapter to this story and - don't worry; I am coming back to @Jonnas eventually too - it contains its own realms of racism that may be interesting to some here too. ***yes i dropped the n bomb. yes it is a violent word; but I guess the world made me a violent man through all of these things. I will not be told to cut my language here - unless someone with a good right/case asks me to. I do realise it IS offensive and I personally tend to not use it around certain people with black heritages but I do as of the last few years use it and I will do it in this debate too. If it makes people flinch just because it is forbidden and hurts their sensibilities - well again golly gosh try living every day of your life being black.
  23. For the first - I did not know Jane Elliott's name before a few weeks back as #BLM was re-invigorating following George Floyd's murder, tho just before I had been looking at a few of the older US cases - Amadou Diallo being one. Maybe spurred by Ahmaud Aubery's murder I can't recall. Then someone posted about her and oh man. She is one badass white lady - if you wanna know how to be when you're white and privileged in all this?? Be lile Jane Elliott(random ~4mins ive pulled); I had NOT before Floyd's murder, in plain daylight, known she continued to replicated her experiment throughout her life(nor her name; i clocked her by voice in a video like the above). With adults and young adults too. Oh boy now THAT is even more interesting. This one is long; with a snippet of where she makes one participant cry to showcase it beforehand; but the full video follows and it is good to see again but now in a much more curious context as you are dealing with more 'matured' individuals; The full vid of the above(please watch; i have another to come too - the point is to note the differences in each of the experimental groups each time) at ~40min;
  24. @Jonnas I'd like to actually explore the cultural differences in racism with you in a bit but first I do wanna pop a couple things in here but particularly to @Pestneb: Convo isn't happy or easy bro; I get that. But please don't withdraw from it. We gotta work together to move forward - again as I said I got a lot of respect for you throughout your time as a member here and I wouldn't put you in any category that falls into the racist lines(tho you gotta admit irony in frustration of being labelled as something because of your ethnic origins ) ANYHOW. I think I posted this here before; maybe I did not. It is ~15 minutes and it is well worth a watch. PLEASE everybody do and reply - because ai have follow ups; but I wanna keep it dynamic too.
  25. Why don't they fall well if you are not racist? Why does it make you feel racist but not me? Why does it make you feel racist but not other British people I know? I was being tongue in cheek and trying to be careful with this as I think we've always got a long and had a healthy respect for each other in terms of posts opinions character on here etc and what not and I don't want to spoil it. Without doing that and trying to have a go at YOU(because as I said I would say I already know and have a good measure of you) but you saying it males YOU feel uncomfortable and - you may not like this one - you essentially rephrasing 'AllLivesMatter' 'NotAllMen' 'NotAllCops' 'NotAllBritishPeople' is a huge part of the problem when these issues are raised. Too often suddenly only now do you want to talk about your hurt emotions; but you gotta understand its really quite demeaning and makes folks wanna roll their eyes when they have spent lile every day of their life being brown. I understand you may have been able to avoid a lot of it - but you gotta realise trying to insist on this argument with me and that your line will have a merit of heavy worth is just very unlikely - and a part of some people when I say this is that because I am brown I am not 'british' enough to judge this situation compared to white critics - very much very much part of the problem. I'm probably in some if not even many ways even more British across a variety of measures than many people I even know. My experiences on top of this across a variety of fields also imo help me confidently say I am quite qualified to give my opinion on this with a level of authority - and no it isnt just by being brown. However I also don't like arguing from authority of trying to list my credentials as any sort of trump card. Less than even just 20 minutes ago I have told someone off for calling themselves not 'intelligent' enough to talk and engage with me explaining that some of the most educated people are also some of the dumbest fucks ever. Because all they do is wank themselves off in their credentials and people with similar in bubbles societies etc and just do not CARE to even think about other worlds. Again though - that is not you. Forgive the irony of the pun - but the point is that it really despite the topic at hand is NOT just black and white.
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