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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Bullshit. No real adult with responsibilities can still be asleep at 2am in the morning. (im high on druuuuuuuuugs. or was. then.)
  2. Why must we apply reform to old ideas in attempts to arrange history though? Why can we not do the work to move forward and enrich the words and terms themselves again? Do WE not have a responsibility to uphold legacies? Iirc there was a caller David before me(again calling in is weird cos you arent even fully engaged due to the distraction of engaging which is completely counterproductive) who did suggest changing the 'e' to 'Excellence' which I'd actually be far more down with. I think though these are far more ancient legacies than we are giving them worth for and we need to be careful with them and changing too hard original forms/symbology. Also re: Land of Hope and Glory you see my quote above. I have explained already I am actually quite a martial man - in mind body spirit and soul. I can tell you many things about war and conflict but I shant - my surname Singh has an ancient connection just the same to Simba of the Lion King and it means Lion too - it is a mark of belonging to the ancient Indic Varna of the Kshatriya - I will not preach her but those who wish to look further can do so. Tell me this with the above last point - why are there Three Lions on your English native pride? Can you show me the history or the evidence of the time that Lions were ever even present upon this geographical piece of land we now call Britain? If no - then do tell me please. Why is my namesake a symbol of YOUR national pride when you have never even truly experienced it?
  3. Haha yeah some callers are absolute mentalists. JOB and Maj are great hosts(i genuinely only pay attention if/when my friends or my mum tell me). Mum says JoB will only ever let Maajid sit in for him if he's off too(for ref btw I had to read 'Face' by Benjamin Zephaniah in school but he is also an amazingly smart and talented orator - VERY deserving of honours). Next - its weird calling in(and the cut is diff to the reality; but de minimis). Also less than a minute before I was on my dad returned with my brother and I swear to God I was so scared he would walk into the dining room I was sitting in and rip a live fart of something on LBC and kill all my credibility I literally body-barricaded the room/door 🤣 Without getting hard into the first part again I wouldn't want to kill 'Empire' because I am a man as I said to Maajid - I have had to study to regain my stoleb culture. I do not want tit for tat erasure. The British for whatever they are or may be or may have been(and in fact because of this, because Knowledge is Power) sit upon a lot of riches of knowledge and tradition. This includes symbology and ideas and institutions associated very much with ideas of OBEs MBEs etc(and just take me on this unless I can get a more seeing man than me in this thread - these are not exclusively British things they are modelled on what they stole and even more ancient ideas of 'Order' and may even serve a positive purpose in ways of lineage). I can go into this specifically and generally both but it gets very...subjective? As I said to Maajid I really have had to study very many things(and I do, as some here may already know - my breadth and depth is beyond many people I tend to speak and converse with generally). To truly explain me would need a whole biography though - that's how complex it is and I only have that complexity due to my skin and heritage. Just...don't be arrogant enough to believe that this whole world was 'white-built' just because 'whites' conquered the 'power structures'. I reffed Dave's "Black"; "Black is...telling us we used to be Barbaric we had actual Queens....Studying for ages, appreciatin' the chance you got 'Cause black is in your blood, and you ain't even got the heart to stop....Black is strugglin' to find your history or trace the shit, You don't know the truth about your race 'cause they erasin' it...And standin' by your children when you haven't proven karma wrong...Black is my Ghanaian**** brother readin' into scriptures Doin' research on his lineage, findin' out that he's Egyptian" Trust me brother - I can preach to the Heavens and to the Hells; but sometimes people mistake my restraint for ignorance or weakness over the ideas of mercy and grace - and I can tell you some deepers bits of analysis I could make of Maajid too and his reponses to me(especially the heritage question) that probably glossed much past most - tho that's more about him than anything generally. He's a very good skeptic(dont @ me I learnt my parapsych module under THE Prof. Chris French I know skeptics and can teach a thing or two too :p) As for the proms? Hmm. Not not my thing at all @Will. However if the above didn't already imply - yes I very much followed it. A load of fluff and bluster over nothing. Left hand distractions. Find me and point me to an actual real person who cared and then give me the totals of actual real persons who cared. I have a most perfect quote for it you may have already seen around it - but if not I think it's an apt sign off to this post(dont worry tho - I am still well here for this convo ) ***got a fee Ghanain brothers and sisters. I am NOT ghanain tho. Ghana is NOT Guyana - despite what all the western folks insist to me after insisting on asking where I am from from
  4. Gonna be a total old man but I've been laid up at my parents for the past week and my mum is a bit of an LBC fan via J-O'B and also Maajid Nawaaz. The last hour today was about the idea of taking the 'E' out of the OBE MBE etcetc because of the ills of the 'Empire' and whether this should be done? One guy who rang in was honestly so in affinity and agreement with myself you would almost believe it was me. https://www.globalplayer.com/catchup/lbc/uk/b8FPiKG/ https://vocaroo.com/1d0OoccNA8J1
  5. First the Mario RPGs you've never played and now this?! I swear...
  6. Pew pew wizard hands, duh! Maybe I'm just a basic sucker for Pew Pew wizard things though. Go get Spellbreak!!
  7. I haven't watch any WW stuff yet but hit me with your BEST video content on that if you have(not neccessarily good game/seed/randomiser content but a good video - ima get one of my bois into this shit )
  8. Aye sorry. Ofc I hope its somewhat implied this thread will have content of a heavy nature(and I don't do trigger warnings much soz) but I'm with you. I think being not only west indian but Guyanese I've always been rather different/unique/slightly lonely island over my life growing without much of 'my own tribe' - again I kinda throw back to the Indians who recognise my heritage but drop/change tone and approach when they find I'm not recent mainland in heritage. As for music etc. I was 'in' with a pretty alt crowd but not really for the music. Thursday night 'rock nights' were a little commune of my ends for quite a few years - the legacy was pretty fairly all akin to the people themselves around the area and a few brave folks putting the events on for the crowd at the time - and ofc it worked well for the local pubs and establishments. I knew a fair few folks across the board(just kinda how I am) so was also lowkey involved in helping for bands and crowds when they were peeps I knew too(cos they take door money cuts so a good draw is good for them etc.) Given that - and its just a reflection for my ends - the 'brown' presence at such things was still fairly minimal. Now I didn't give too much of many shits for the music(see even still a 16 year old me with a walkman in my blazer pocket packed with Bob Marley or Pato Banton or just a weird old medly of those kinda 90s reggae pop tracks etc) but I'm all about the people and so I was always about there. It was curiously kinda the opposite to you - I'm in a 'tribe' or 'scene' unified by a musical taste and I don't particularly even care for it 😂 That kinda got me too. People being confused why I was there if I wasn't big into the music - as if the labels and tastes of musics should be the boundaries that should unite or divide us; more so than...uh...humanity and liking people's characters? (credit tho when diff promos died others came up a three local boys took up a pretty successful 'rock night' run for a few years at local venues with local bands etcetc. and one was brown one white and one...i dunno, never asked, but a mix with a lighter side look to him - but again that might just be metropolitan nature of london/my se ends)
  9. Not seen the event/fight probs won't catch it. But;
  10. Yeah its a brand new world to me too! Zeldas have been my focus so far - are there any particular ones you've enjoyed or any other games? I'll see if I can find stuff that'll marry with your interests. If you're OoT familiar it seems Good Old Days Gaming(again no particular affinity except it being the random channel that autoplayed up the vids) has a few diff OoT runs/seeds. As said I started my very own LttP randomiser yesterday with entrance/exits shuffled so its kinda cool even tho I have to track stuff (ie as i said if i walk into the blacksmith house overworld wise i actually end up in the building that is the library - and also then too instead of book of Mudora being on shelf it was the moon pearl - and ironically to get the pegasus boots i went thru to the dark world on DM and eventually entered a cave entrance that put me in the sick girls house and she gave me pegasus boots instead of bug catching net - yet i remained upon exit coming out exactly where i went in too etcetcetc blahblahblah). Anyhow here's the Good Old Days OoT playlist I just found; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGGFX-hnXvGp_15P1-gwia33ei_6zzOyb
  11. Rummy


    Hmm I kinda get this but again I'm fairly old school and don't really need 'top' tech. I was on a HP 255 until the fan died eventually last year and that I bought probably with my house - about £200-250 with ubuntu over windows(tho id like a windows option now just cos compatibility can be a bitch sometimes and i cant linux command line at all) and honestly if the fan hadnt gone I'd probs still use it. I think for many folks I'd agree on the buy better etc. - but if I'm buying cheap I kinda know what I'm getting(tho this is also why to date i have avoided SSDs - just because i dont want to get psychologically spoiled by lightning quick things :p)
  12. Rummy


    Hmmm I was thinking it was just me but yeah - either everything is super cheap and crap or expensive to be good with the inbetweens just...looking quite middling? Just not really up to where I thought things would be? Dunno if its OS prices or SSDs or what but nothing screams at me as fitting(hence I was just gonna go dirt cheap/bottom range and poss dual boot a light linux distro) - ironically enough in this my mate's just messaged saying they have an old laptop! Not fantastic but hey - not gonna turn my nose up. If it turns on and runs I'll see how I go with it with something light and maybe wait a bit before getting a full brand new one. Again I don't really follow much of industry anymore - does anyone know if there's effects with covid brexit etc. atm or if this is just what the market state is right now?
  13. Super Mario 64 can be quite easily done in a day imho. I recall many years ago when the DS was out heading up to Nottingham on a coach from London with Marcamillian - I suggested a SM64DS off and tbh had about 50 of the stars just in a few hours I've never tackled it in a 'speed' way other than that but I don't think theres more than maybe 15-20 actually difficult starts if even that? Bit dirtier than warps also are a few cannon tricks in places that can really get you about too.
  14. Well I've taken the plunge into an LttP randomiser ( https://alttpr.com/en/h/BwymdQzovK ) with a bit of madness - random (easy) enemies entrances and few other bits. So far following standard path Uncle had regular sword I got bombs a bottle with a golden bee just been through Kakariko picked up blue sword mitt and flippers; and the moon pearl is above the shelf in the library but that's actually now the blacksmith's house or something I think. The random enemies was a weird pick(ice dungeon skeltons dropping in overworld lol) and man I was having a hard time to start but the blue sword deffo upped that a bit with the easy enemies. Also as I'm going using a cheat engine to generate cheats just in case I need them along with a rewind/save state implementation. It's weirdly fun so far! Though I have yet to actually tackle any dungeons I am slowly on my way to the Eastern Palace if I don't get distracted - also if I ever need money I found a dude with 50 rupees in his pots every time in that bombable building in kakariko! This is kinda lols. RE: Mario tho - given what Glen was saying about metroid/lttp mixing that could be a weird/super curious was to do all-stars - somehow mash all the games together. Like you might go through a whole level in one game or even go through a door and end up in a level in another game. Not sure how difficult all the logicking would be though...
  15. Not at all! Seriously I'm just kinda getting into these - I had Good Old Days Gaming(think thats the guy its whoever hosts that vid I posted in OP) just randomly rolling through so I saw a fair bit of a couple MM runs(quite fun to watch given the nature of MM anyway) and then I think some OoT stuff. He did explain about a variety of options than can be toggled etc. and I did go to the sites to start trying to understand but I didn't delve into generating anything or looking into the backend logic stuff(but am aware of that cheetsheet idea that comes with the seed to help you solve it). I'll probs watch some vids of the LttP x SM ones to get an idea! EDIT:Just doing one from GODG and he's explaining they apparently managed it because of a bit offset?? I don't do computer stuff but I'm casually interest in logic and deep logic ideas(no duh) and that was really fucking cute to hear because I think I actually understand it! EDITEDIT: Getting srsly tempted to actually make me a custom LttP(no SM I don't know it good enough) and give it a run this weekend....
  16. Hello all - after advice! I haven't had a working laptop for a year or so now and thinking I should really get around to sorting that out now. However I am super out of touch with the market and where are good places to look buy etcetc! Anybody got recommendations? I'm not after anything particularly fancy(again I have been on a phone only for like a year or so now :p) but think I probably want something with Windows just for the sake of compatabilty; though I may put a linux dual boot on if I can - with that I think I'd probably want something with not too small a hard drive? I see SSDs seem to be quite standard now but I've little idea of how much crap Windows takes up etc. In terms of what I'd be using it for - tbh nothing too fancy. I'd like to be able to play a few steam things/maybe HDMI it out to TV from time to time(tho not a neccessity) but I don't imagine I'm going to be getting into any fancy gaming. I only just logged into Steam for the first time in years anyway I'll probs be trying to get into some machine learning practise and stuff but even that isn't going to need much fancyness, right? Not looking for a beast to process that will be just getting practical basics etc. Given all this I'm basically thinking atm - do I get a basic bottom of the range Win 10 PC and maybe invest in extra storage or get something a bit more mid-range? I know people say buy cheap buy twice but I'm thinking given I don't need it for anything too fancy I might go cheap now and then in 2-3 years get whatevers happening then - not sure how fast tech is moving these days and how quick things change?
  17. I thought it was!! In fact that may be where all this crazyness started for me... EDIT: re: warps - the amount of places I would just stand around in on SM64! It was a bit before I concluded not EVERY world has them either...
  18. Yeah I'm watching a SM64 run from some GDQx 2019 or something atm and it's kinda ok but it's a bit less fun seeming than the Zelda stuff in that it's a bit too 'random' compared. What ones have you guys played through recently and how did they go?
  19. This would be an absolute killer for me. I don't know how or when I became and inverted-Y player but I definitely became on old man because I sometimes actually start to feel weird with normal-y look; like physically. Or maybe it just hurts my head. Surprised it isn't a standard thing these days? Was the original a normal-y or inverted-y? Whilst I'm not getting this game I am living so hard through all of you replaying SM64 for all the stars SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT(and yeah, the wing cap's red coins was an arsebastard as a kid for me too - but really it's Mario Wings To the Sky that is the biggest of them all!) EDIT: Also don't forget your warps people! Super cool hidden warps out there - who knows them all? Even the one-way ones :p?
  20. I'm quite new to the idea/concept so only really followed a few Zelda ones so far - makes me wonder a bit how much you can 'randomise' the older marios in a closed loop logic way(ie only the logic changes, so new RNG/Mario Maker style levels aren't the same thing per se) but I'm gonna check out a few vids of more wider arching stuff today I think! Ofc sadly we'd never get these things for real from console makers etc. due to the risks of the gaps in logic - a broken game is difficult to patch and the permutations grow exponentially that you have to be absolutely super sure all your logic is airtight with absolutely no gaps - but with such a range of combinations there may still be one somewhere out there that causes something; even if it's just a bug/glitch in game code for some coinciding reason. Whilst at my parents I actually have a real computer I can use practically so also might even check one of two out myself - would still be interested to hear from you @Glen-i!
  21. I haven't really followed much of the community industry or anything in last year or few - I got my PS4 I got OW and I just kept hammering at that The idea just...well it did and didn't blow my mind(but like Srinivasa Ramanujan I have a passing interest in permutations and combinatrics) - and that's what's weird. I can understand them building it to be able to randomise in the logical sense(and I haven't looked deep into it at all though I know it's all there) but it's still so....weird watching games I traditionally played be weirdly unbrokenly broken. Despite knowing it's been made that EVERY seed/random permutation is still solvable - it's really weird to my mind cognitively to see the dissonance of disorder in the game. And I love it.
  22. Actually @Fierce_LiNk I know I said to you in your post on FB about video games and how they make me think about closed loop/systems logic and yes I know I also sent this to you too before; but the concept/idea is a great way to consider those sort of ideas....if you can overcome the mindfuckery of not being in 'order'
  23. OK. Weird title I know. But now in this big ol' internet of things v2.50 it seems pushing weird content on me is actually having an effect and reach - I meassged probs Flink and Sheikah about this when I found it a few weeks ago cos I didn't realise autoplay was on and it was....weird. To not make it too long or complex a matter - were people aware there are game logic 'randomisers' out there that basically take the logical flow of the game re-arrange it all into another still valid flow that you can play and complete the game?? When I saw it I really thought again it would be up @Dcubed's street if if he doesn't already know about it(and the crafty wizard probably already does :p) Also given my SMW code injection post in all-stars i'll tag also @drahkon @Will @Sckewi and @BowserBasher cos you may find *vvv THIS vvv* weird (warning: MM spoilers) So - I opened abstract; why? So I can just let the art speak for itself. This shit has been cracking me out lately. Goddamn YouTube autoplay finally got me.
  24. I must remark for all you are sometimes Ronnie - you manage to hold an eerily wonderful mirror of irony to your own self at others.
  25. How awesome all the Mario RPGs have been even since the very original on the SNES that we never got and that it awesome because despite being turn-based it was awesomely pioneering in making it less boring by giving bonuses to moves and damages if you timed button presses well to and so you kinda had the two simulataneous options to have a shit gameplay experience or a super awesome gameplay experience depending on your personal preferences EDIT: GGGGEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO. Get him in a game!
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