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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Giving a wee bump having seen this story come up today - interest if any folks have PoVs to offer? I have a few myself but I'll explain a bit later why I'm holding off. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/family-of-man-who-died-in-custody-condemn-disproportionate-use-of-restraints-b921150.html Kevin Clarke.
  2. Don't have sex with your PS5! Excuse you mate its a brand new console and I'm not sure if I'm gonna trust you over the professionals I read the very clear disclaimer and saw nothing of the sort; I think it's safe to say this will be absolutely fine. #SexierThanXBox
  3. Somewhere a Hero of Time just stirred... OK actually just watched this. Felt slightly sexy. Madness how much is being put into the cooling side - the machine must be running some beast stuff. A lot of on board/chip stuff but the spacing and knowledge its parallel chips(did they actually say 448 Gbps??) is interesting. My only concern is if things go wrong(tho those easy dust collectors and absolute madness of a heatsink is crazy cool...no pun :p) and also did they say the hard drive was an on board chip so if so what's the deal about the suggestion of previous about aftermarker hard drives and where do they go? In the noted expansion slot??
  4. Its all just such a madness my only hope lies with the judicial branch in the traditional three pillars balance of power. Obvs saw the Michigan thing - bloody good the FBI are on it and not too corrupted by trump administration that they kept her safe but you REALLY have to consider how that even began to came about in the minds of what should be law-abiding citizens alongside Trump's calls to take back Michigan etc. When you are President words have power - Trump knows this. It goes both ways though. Also as much as I can criticise the US shitshow right now the exact same sort of approach has been exported over to here in the UK. We are in for some seriously dark times - I just hope the lights of humanity don't quite 'go out' yet....
  5. The Absolute Armchair Lawyer in me read Pannick's art 50 arguments read the illegal proroguement of uk parliament read the uk 'russia report' but also I read all 440+ pages of the Mueller report(as well as watching some of the 'impeachment hearings' particularly Sondland's testiominies) and so I come with this...; There's a few subtle and also not so subtle intricacies to this piece I am linking(and tbh in the face of national security/me not understand all the jusitifications of redactions i cannlt be sure) but this is gonna be fucking hilarious if they crack ANYTHING with it - even unredacting parts of Mueller as it will incriminate Trump further ideally but also if not I feel White House will argue Twitter is not legit as a Presidential expression - hopefully then it'll give twitter and social media companied grounds to shut Trump up. My legal is obvs self-taught and rocky so only just reading this and considering implications but its gonna be hilarious if he is hoisted by his own petard. Let it hopefully be a lesson people - do not give too much of absolute power to your leaders; it may become a double edged sword against themselves AND you the people(tho again I don't think judiciary will risk national security - but i dont know exactly what s302 redactions encompass yet...) https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/court-filing-demands-completely-unredacted-mueller-witness-interviews-cites-trumps-tweets-declassifying-any-and-all-russia-docs/
  6. Not looked at this at all yet but veru curious is it not? Wasn't the PS4 and XBone basically constructed with more of an off-the-shelf parts model? Curious but good Sony have gone the other way into pushing custom tech and boundary edges with it - for the faults many would have with Nintendo they were always very much into squeezing tech with their approaches it seemed(sadly often just had gaps and often left a lot of gaps/security vulnerabilities in their consoles though).
  7. Ironically I realised the same dilemma re: mafia side talk - I think generally folks tended to setup throwaway .tk forums and stuff back in the day I think? I'm not sure whats still out there but I'm thinking surely a discord can be worked out? I've only really joined Discords so far but surely a protected discussion can be made?
  8. Are you actually fucking kidding me. And people ask me why I got depressed and stopped working for the fucking NHS. Saw all this shit coming. Literally that is such a basic overisght I even would have known to catch it when I was 17. Who are these jokers and why are they getting our money. They don't know an arse from an elbow anymore. God save this country, Jesus.
  9. Obvs I'm v. passionate about the series - will love to hear your thoughts as you go along mate; I may not comment too mich til you finish whole trinity tho.
  10. Most of my deaths are usually physics related - I started to wonder could it be this is 60hz when most of us grew on 50hz? I don't know much about those things but a 5/6 ration aint exactly small - does it mean the game runs faster than we are used to? (totes sucked so hard this morning. dying first 5 like 5 times in a row....dont do drugs kids )
  11. yeah tbh as I'm just getting a ps5 because I'll eventually be getting a ps5 if just love it being mad good fast on loads and stuff over ps4. I got fed up playing some big games with long transition screens between.
  12. I'm gonna be honest I'm here just because I noticed changed title so I'm catching up and reading articles(i know little of the industry and ubisoft atm) but seeing a guy jump from a company during an apparently massive sex scandal? I presumed guilt. Maybe unfair(but hell what does my judgement do or affect him here so its just a ting) but I had presumed when all you guys were talking about him leaving you were implying his guilt as well lol
  13. Quick Q about chests and the logic without me having to delve through - where do the dice isles stand? or are all map/'charty' chests just all mixed in together? Also have they gone crazy enough to make it so(presuming people bother) that Fishman when shot gives a random or even a leading hint to a charted map section?
  14. Rummy

    Sadly me and my mum miased Maajid yesterday tho apparently he had good topics(family and health tings interrrupted) - if you do like a good radio listen tho we spent a bit if time listening to Lammy afterwards(didnt call in cos I didnt have enough context for discussion before it was done) but had some interesting calls we caught from listeners about Black History Month and ideas around it. Not enough to bump the topic myself cos I'd have to ask everyone to listen for contexf; but you might appreciate some of it(also shout to the woolwich gent who identifies as irish; bloody love the irish and woolwich is some more recent ends of mine);


  15. @Sméagol where you at with this? Not pushing but I gotta say it got my mind working again and I yesterday hit an idea I'd love to try - don't wanna take wind from ye sails and steal all the crew but if you want a bit of time and don't mind I've been scratching some ideas for one I might try running. Obvs loose and dynamic atm so not likely to start tmw(and I'ma probs do some more reachout to old mafia guys too see if they'll come back) and I suck on the creative side for writeups(as my theme will maybe illustrate lol) - but I don't wanna steal any pre-emptive thunder or burn folks out before this!
  16. ahh soz @Glen-i; i keep mugging you off bro dont mean to. think its safe to say i wont be about this now! i did a teeny bit of single yest to prep; just first world and a piece of second? how does online work re: saves? is it the host's? shared? ive imagined its pretty regular emulation and p2 is just a guest on your tings like they would be someone popping round your house?
  17. Now you can't say I didn't warn ya...:p Had been lols just reading - I was lookng at 'stats' (btw why isnt friend stuff easily viewable??) and enemies defeated and I did notice spinies and lakitus who I haven't even encountered at all yet - I mean hammer bros. is one thing but lakitus ans spinies are gonna be madness without koopas or fireflowers!
  18. Ahhh fair dos. Yeah trying atm not to 'hunt' for content just for completion but I know with Mario if I know something I'll end up doing it(still remember getting that full 96* on SMW almost all by myself as a kid cleaning up the remnant ends - now I can't avoid sekrits!!!) so I kinda wanna know but not know lol. Level stuff sounds kinda what I was forming. I think as things progress and the variety with it as you mention the 'meta' may start to change a bit. Its difficult to think in the moment of this(and ill be honest...my most played levels of my SMB career is 1-1 1-2 4-1 4-2 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 as I am sure is the case for many others) but a few good pipes or vines could be rather useful things to have awareness for as potential outs and escapes from an upcoming hoard of Bowsers or so. I found one in a level the other day - annoying I didn't know WHAT level it was to have a decent cue with which I could commit it to memory so I have to hope my old man brain just visually recognises the block next time 🤣 Honestly this is a really curiously crafted product and its surprised me more in what its doing than I expected. Its totally Mario yet absolutely NOT Mario. EDIT: wayooooo! finally just took my first win in standard 35 battle. Curiously did think to drahkons point(and with fire flowers potentially on hand at all times its a bit crazy) but also....I was on 1-4 maybe and I tells ya - getting a nice shell and clean run on some of these things is a killer play for time on clock and smashing other folks with stuff on their screens. I may actually start not killing koopas unless i have too.... (Also....I totes took a conviniently cheeky pipe out that probs saved me from a lot of crap in my final 2 man standoff 🤣)
  19. Haha yeah its curious the way it twists the PoV. I did exactly the same thing myself(been trying to 'select' hammer bro stages at the start so I can later kick them into others - as @drahkon mentioned it really is and always has even since 35 years ago been about dat fire flower game and Ima hype dat shit with. hammer bros and bowsers all over your screen!) in my earlier plays yesterday morn. Do hope after I get a step back reprieve into 1-1 or 1-2 tho cos when you packing you gonna get some heat back and those are manageable fields. I don't wanna lookup too much cos I'm enjoying teasing out strats and efficiency but I presume now the level 'variety' is essentially that when starting everyone picks a level - and the game then pools them into 35 and sticks them in some sort of order? The thing being atm most only pick 1-1 through like 1-4(probs because it doesnt seem at all explained what the pick does?) and so these levels seem to be flooding it? Basically I'm confused how 'the pick' works as well as how it decides you able/worth of unlocking 'new' levels to choose on the pick screen?
  20. I've had/seen a few long ones but the game seems to have a ramping mechanic that forces stuff(i mean me and p2 earlier were all fire flowers but me getting a legit castle bowser and him trying to firefight it himself to return it to me actually messed him up) but I have a feeling it may end up evening out as MMR algorithms steady themselves hopefully. Mostly I die to falling in holes tbh. Got super annoyed/mugged of with an earlier game in @RedShell's vein where I knew my clock was ticking when I was in 3rd just ticking ticking tickinh and I just *couldn't* kill enough - especially cos the others wouldnt target me! It's a strange game to me so far - not saying its super deep but it has edges to it that seem to balance it in nice ways sometimes(ie i didnt like to target 'least time' people because its gives them more time potentials? but when i was running dry in another game I did it hopefully just to draw their ire that they might 'attack their attacker' - and by golly gum it worked and i had more stuff to kill!)
  21. Awww yisss...after MUCH pitfalling I managed to survive to 1st in a special battle - which maybe means I'm very bad at Mario as I can't seem to take a 1st in the Normal Battle! Very playable so far; enjoying trying to squeeze out best plays and thinking about targets/targeters(i love focusing 'attackers' when like 5 people are on my case - just to add to all the potential pandemonium :p) - also tried to intentionally bait someone earlier because nobody was targetting me and my clock was super lol cos i didnt have enough things to kill
  22. Just grabbed it after seeing @Mokong posting on fb - had a few gos and enjoying it! Need to grtet used to the SMB1 mechanics - keep dying to a few stupid jumps! Played regular but then a bit of special more - highest I've managed so far seems to be 8th and no better. Interesting idea/concept and I can see little bits of depth in it(targetting your targetters; using R stick to hope to pick off some people - i imagine hitting 'most coins' before dropping a legit bowser may be a cool way to rob a guy!). Died a few times thinking I should have used more coins or more stupidly....fallen into a hole with 300+ seconds on my clock -.- Can deffo see myself persisting at least for a bit to try and get that 1st place! So difficult sometimes to decide between patience or progress though! edit:grr....error'd out when im pretty sure the other dude was gonna die! not sure quite how the level cycling works but I had a good run of just getting back to 1-1 and 1-2 with just a whiff of 1-3. Maybe it's cheap for now but gonna stick with the levels I know
  23. ahhh fair; makes me feel better they werent trying a digital grab by cashing in on desperate demand - and its just market forces. I'd agree same re: you to Bob's point - I doubt there's too many 'multiple' pre-orders causing problems and I imagine its a pretty kind of accounted for thing now in places.
  24. Do any folks reckon Sony might have underestimated disc-model demands?
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