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Everything posted by Ollie

  1. Yesterday my girlfriend of one year (last sunday) finished with me. I'm not really sure why I'm telling you guys as if you would care, I'm very sad, I really wanted it to work, I haven't had many girlfriends, but I don't want anyone else ever, I only want her. I feel like I'm mourning as if someone has died, I just don't know what to do with myself at all, everything I have come to love about my life over the past year has been taken from me smashed into small pieces and shoved through my heart, I can't stop crying, pathetic I know. Thanks for listening.
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE ZIM! My wow loving friend, you're great!
  3. Cheap PSU's are bad bad bad, however, I don't think it is the cause of your problems. Could you give us some examples of when it happens? Maybe under heavy cpu load or during frequent memory access's?
  4. Happy Birthday n-e! I also found my stats, not very exciting: Name: oliherst Posts: 601 Position: Nintendo Elite Date Registered: February 17th, 2003, 11:46pm So I have been kicking around for just over 3 years now, I usually read the crap you lot write but don't often say much myself! All the same, here's to another 3 years!
  5. Why would you need 2 controllers for zelda?
  6. IMO it's one thing to say that you don't like the site or you're not interested in the site, but its bang out of order to slag off the author. Imagine it was your site, you can see how much work it must be, and then some d**k comes along and urinates on your cornflakes ruining your hardwork!
  7. Thank god I'm not the only one who think's he is great! I think the first film I saw him in was Goldeneye which is a totally awesome film!
  8. I would imagine that a camera with an SD card takes digital images on to it and video onto DV tapes. I have never heard of a video camera that stores video on a flash card, whereas you do get cameras that will take pictures on to tape.
  9. I am heading back to Surrey Uni after working full time in my placement for a year. Start back on Monday doing the most boring comp science course you could possibly imagine! Live at home, which I think prefer, but uni for me =
  10. As far as Offspring are concerned, each to their own As for the LOL, that is habbit I have picked up from watching farrrr to many WoW videos But thanks for the feedback guys
  11. So I had the day off yesterday and thought I would make a quick movie. It took about 6 hours to do everything and all I used was my digital camera and windows movie maker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DvOcjpG9bk What do you think? You can be mean about it if you want, but I thought it was pretty good for my first ever movie
  12. What format is the CD? If it is a data disc you could put it in and then right click on your CD drive in My Computer and click 'Explore'. Sometimes if you do this before you put the disc in it will prompt you to put in a cd and then it works.
  13. Watched the Machinist for the second time last night. A very good film, keeps you wondering until the very end. Still not too sure about the camera effect it uses all the way through but I guess it adds to the effect. 7.5/10 which some people might not consider a good score, but would recommend, worth a watch!
  14. There is already a thread for this: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7850
  15. I have it on Region 1 DVD :awesome: Its shit.
  16. I don't think I have read a book since school. I had to read something for my GCSE English when I was 15/16, I'm 22 now, is that bad?
  17. I used Avast! for a while but it kept corrupting on me (on multiple machines) so I gave it up for AVG.
  18. I watched Kalifornia night before last, very good, I would recommend. 8/10
  19. That article may be a step in the right direction in that, it is likely that the problem outlined there is the problem that needs to be addressed, however, they are saying to use the recovery console, which in the past I have found to be too complicated and fairly problematic in itself. It doesn't do anything that a full windows repair can't do, although if it works, it is obviously quicker! However, feel free to give it a go, you might get on ok with it. Sounds to me like you are in the recovery console. You should press enter at that point and then it should show a list of hard drives/partions etc that are on your machine. At that point I think you can choose to repair the windows installation.
  20. Yes, make sure it is completely removed. Some anti virus programs require you to get a uninstall.exe from the website so that virus's can't uninstall your scanner. And make sure you reboot between taking the old one off and putting the new one on.
  21. Boot to your XP CD, then follow the on screen prompts. You don't want the repair console, you want to repair windows XP. Do this then let us know what happens as I think I have some other ideas you could try also.
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