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Everything posted by Ollie

  1. Ooops, that'll teach me for not changing the file name first! You're right, it is the Wrath, and your right, I did nothing special, except download the Oddworld font, which isn't that special either. I like your sig, good size and nice colours and images, inspirational in fact, I think I'll redo mine! 8/10
  2. It seem's a bit random, and is that a screen shot from a magazine on the left? I can't decide if I like it? Sorry. Who can name the game?......
  3. Lol, erm, maybe an emo? Agreed, but finding a good picture of a waffle isn't easy, its surprising how many people actually take pictures of waffles tho! I'm working on it! It will be more like an avatar tho!? You're right! I was having a bad day so sorry for the attitude, anywho, sorry for the delay, been busy this bank holiday, finally got to lvl 50 on WoW (I know, SAD!but only 10 levels left!) Here we are: I wasn't sure what colour scheme to go with on the streetphire ones, so I did one based on the forums and one based on the homepage banner, let me know if you want something different!
  4. Ok, well seeing as everyones so great I won't bother in future.
  5. Ok, maybe I mis-understood. All of the links that have been posted just have tiny gifs in them. The one that sarka posted of the background pattern is just 2x2 pixels, so I thought that the style sheet just tiled it over and over?
  6. Here you go: Let me know if you want it in different colours, or if you have a better picture of a waffle!
  7. I see. So the back ground is made up of millions of little pictures that will tile down as more content is added. I would have thought that would take ages to render though? Does that mean (if we continue with the revo theme) that there are also lots of layers? From the way I see it there must be at least three layers, the dark background, then the white, and then each posting, which I assume is created using tables? EDIT: Also, why isn't revo centered in the browser?
  8. Not sure if anyone has said this already, but I thought I would anyway. I'm sure you have all seen the user bars floating around the net at the moment, and there are millions of them! But I thought some of you might like some personalised ones, so if you do, post here and I'll make you one. Here are a couple I made for examples: They don't have to be serious, maybe you want a funny one, like 'chicken eater' or something :awesome:
  9. Also, because of the way mac's are built, if you ran windows on a top end mac and a top end pc and compared them, the mac would out perform. This is because all the hardware inside is designed to work with each other, where as pc hardware is bottle necked with driver in-compatibilites etc. I can't remember the fine details, but Schpicks will, I remember a massive post he wrote ages ago going into the fine details of it.
  10. I have often considered buying a mac as a second PC, but have always been put off for various reasons. If I can get a 2 button scroll mouse and Windows on it, then I will definately have to reconsider!
  11. I like to think that I am quite good at various aspects of web design, html and the like, but I have a question I haven't managed to find a solution too. When you design a site, take for example revo-europe's home page, they designed the whole look and feel, probably with something like Photoshop. If you look at the home page on the right you have the updates section. When this was designed, it must have been made so that it didn't matter what they put into it, it would always 'stretch' so that it is always the right size for all the articles, without having to always re-do the back ground imagry, but how? Is this done with tables or iframes or something? I thought tables were old fashioned in the HTML world?
  12. Sorry, I hate to go on about this, but I really really do love this design, where did you learn all of that stuff? I have been looking through the tutorials thread, but I can't find even basic stuff (I'm a total n00b). I have PhotoShop but haven't ever used it, just small things like making a rectangle with rounded corners and that cool 3D effect!
  13. I'm in! I'm going to make some and put them somewhere cool! Infact, that's what I am going to do easter weekend! I'll post the results!
  14. I agree. Send them for the chop! Their children (all 20 of them from different women) will be worse by about 10 times and then their 20 children (thats 400 now in only 2 generations*) will be 10 times worse and so it goes on! Trust me, stuff global warming and terrorism, we should be worried about problems closer to home! If the governement stopped giving them our money it would be a damn good start....oh god, you've got me started!!! *note: 2 chav generations are comparable to 1 normal generation due to the fact that they start reproducing when they are about 12/13.
  15. 1 - OMG, I thought I was the only person that wondered that! It is impossible to prove, so I guess we'll just have to wonder forever! 2 - Good question. And would it be so nice if we had it all year round instead of just at easter?
  16. I have finished the DVD, following Odwin's guide, it was pretty easy and I have a seemless DVD with all the scenes I want. Took a few hours but was well worth it! Cheers dude!
  17. I think it looks awesome! What have you made it with? the 'e' in the main 'Nintendo' title looks a bit deformed, and the font for 'Online' top right should be the same as the 'Home' font, but otherwise, I love the style and colour I think it's great! Good work.
  18. Agreed. The critical updates are extremely important. It's these holes in the OS security that the virus's are designed to attack!
  19. Mr Odwin seem's to know everything I think I'll break into song......"X-S-Orbit, X-S-Orbit....."!
  20. Avast ftw! get it here: http://www.avast.com/eng/programs.html
  21. I have two copies of Enter The Dragon on DVD. They have both been edited so that they are missing some of the more violent violence, but between them they are just about the full original movie. My question is, how do I cut them together to make one ubertastic dvd of violence and death? I would ideally like a timeline type interface so that I can cut the scene that is missing and paste it into the right place, like Sony Sound Forge for those of you that have used it. The only thing I don't want to do is lose quality, so any tips?
  22. s'all good, its fixed now anyway
  23. Ok then my bad, I put it in the questions thread initially, I guess that's why it was ignored.
  24. The board news & issues area is hard to use, I didn't know where to put this, I have already put it somewhere else but I'll put it here too. For some reason I can't subscribe to threads anymore, the drop down menu where you choose it from won't drop down.
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