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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. What @Dcubed said. First thing I tried to do. I'm actually finding it OK to use the Pro controller though.
  2. I do agree with this. I have bought a few indie games on the Switch that I don't think have ever gotten a digital release. But these are far and few between for me to ever consider a full game digitally. The only time I have done that is with Let's Go and that was only cause I had around £50 in eShop vouchers that I had gotten one Christmas.
  3. What about Lizards? Or Dinosaurs? Whatever Bowser is? Anyway we all know everyone on the internet is a robot anyway.....or a cat, so we can all talk about it.
  4. Man we've been spoilt with better cameras in games lately. Started playing Banjo Kazooie and bloody hell that camera control is annoying. Having to use the Pro Controller as I still don't have a N64 one yet, I went to use the GC controller thinking that would be a good alternative, but there's no way to assign Z, so I can't even crouch in the game. But the Pro controller seems to hold it'w own and is decent enough to use. done the first world 100% and second world just missing one honeycomb. Onto the next. Still love the dialogue in the game, snarky from the get go an still funny.
  5. And this is why the whole move to digital games is a bad idea. I know you can still play all the games you have already bought, but the fact is digital is starting to be the desired mode. Even worse is some games are being released as "cloud" games meaning when they get taken down you can't even play the game you paid for. I will always take a physical game over a digital one. that was I have the item I paid for. It's similar to all the streaming sites now. You pay your fee but they decide what you can watch when they decide they no longer want that program on their service (or lose the rights). I know it's slightly different but I feel it is a similar thing. Maybe I've got it all wrong in the way I see it but it won't be long before a games company goes full digital only games and cloud based gaming, then what happens? Do you even own the games you purchase that are cloud based? All that money you pay for them when the service goes, you won't get that money back.
  6. think I got it to redeem the code and it said it's downloading the software. So I guess I'll get to check it out if I'm home within those 45 minute gaps.
  7. I think Vince still owns all the stuff for Dusty Rhodes, as NXT does the Dusty Classic Cup. Maybe Cody is wanting to get that trademark back in his family.
  8. The only reason I have seen that I think would work in his favour is getting the rights from McMahon for the Rhodes name, like fully to include his dads too. But why would Vince give that up so easily?
  9. This explains in perfectly thanks 😆 At least I knew that that was Wonder Woman as I saw that and enjoyed that one.
  10. As soon as this came out there are loads of "Cody back to WWE" rumours coming out. I don't think he will unless he's got something big out of it. Even then I just don't know.
  11. Glad that one isn't of interest to me. There's been a good few released that I want. 21057 - Architecture - Singapore 10294 - Titanic 21332 - The Globe 42141 - McLaren Formula 1™ Race Car 76956 - Jurassic Park T-Rex Breakout That doesn't include ones that have already been released for some time that I want. Including the Echo-1 and the Disney Frozen Castle
  12. So always been more Marvel that DC but I've decided to put on Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice tonight. And whilst it started off OK, I've just been losing interest in it. Think I have around 45 minutes left but I have no idea who is supposed to be the good guy and bad guy as throughout it seemed like both Batman and Superman are being portrayed as the bad guy. Maybe the rest will sort that out. Just seems like its dragging on now though. 3 hours and I'm ready for it to end, should have only bee around 2. I did enjoy The Suicide Squad though, Not sure if it's meant to be as tongue in cheek as I made it but that's how I felt it was. Apart from the big creature looking like something of a Video game boss rather then an alien, it was pretty fun.
  13. So a few news bits have come out today. Changes to points for shortened races Sprint races for this season and change in point structure
  14. This is true, Kapp'n's boat trips can take you to an island that is not set to the season your island is in. However it's random so you may have to take a few trips and I think it may only be one a day (or that's just for the Nook Miles achievement) either way you could possibly get to a summer island, and if you go at the right time of day you may see the one you need.
  15. I'd never heard of this either. But if it's games that have only been released on non Nintendo consoles and are not big names, I rarely take notice. I have only ever owned Nintendo consoles are not cared for the others.
  16. Thanks, I got it this morning. Two to go.
  17. Awesome pic @Sméagol, you even got an aurora going on. Got this pic of these two the other night.
  18. Yeah we weren't sure if that was on purpose or not so both @Glen-i said should we do it. Only fair. Some great fights again and a few moments had me and glen in stitches of laughter. I swear being on voice chat makes the game 100x better. The penultimate match probably had the best ending.
  19. Also damn @Ike Great first match between us to, very close
  20. I know many people weren't keen on the Jurassic World films, but I love them, I mean dinos running around civilised places eating people, what's not to love. This looks awesome though, that opening VoiceOver by Hammond, the return of Ellie and Alan. I can't wait for this one.
  21. Can't wait to see if these new cars make any difference, and if they do, how much of a gap will teams have over others at the start of the season. Will any teams have found a spec that just works and then outdoes the rest of the field. and will the rest be able to catch up. All I really hope is that the FIA sorted out the fiasco that happened at the end of last season, whether is was the right way or not to run that race (it was not) the sport has taken a hit and became a joke at the end of last season. they need to make sure this never happens again and they can promise that those involved have been reprimanded over it. Everyone says that the championship is won over the season and not just one race, but lets face it, that was one race that caused the controversy that we all got. I'm hoping for more close racing and not just the top two drivers of the top two teams. I want to see 4 guys in it at the end of the season all fighting for the championship. Who am I kidding, I want Hamilton to come out and dominate, showing the world he really is the top guy on the grid and Max only won by a technicality. Shame no one is allowed to show any pre-season testing on TV, but I'm sure we'll get some videos coming out. Roll on March and the new season.
  22. Nearly a week later but here's some stuff from last week. almost 8 minutes of stupid goings on. So many SD's and dumb tings
  23. Great Statue, Robust Statue and Rock-Head Statue. thanks.
  24. I know a few games that would fetch a lot in the state they are in. My Conkers Bad Fur Day is near perfect condition, goldenEye similar, then there's Beetle Adventure Racing which was mentioned that made me think of this. I'd probably find some in there I completely forgot about too. I've never kept them in the hopes to sell and make money. they are my childhood and many N64 games where the first that I actually were able to buy myself as it was when I started working and making money. If one day I'm in desperate shape then I may have to think of it, but for now they are staying with me. It's the same way that I have all my old Nintendo consoles still. NES, SNES, N64 (plus the Pikachu version), GC, Wii and Wii U. All with original boxes. A VB, GB, GBA, GBC, think I still have the GBA SP, the foldable one, and numerous DS models.
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