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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I thought we were going Mario theme with the courses and then Tokyo snuck in there. Good theme would have been great with a set kart like the some street racer kart. Anyway fun night of races here are the highlights, and one very lowlight lol And the lowlight of the night.
  2. Me too on the battery I have the one full one and one bit. But its done me for what I need at the moment. I love finding
  3. It’s still funny. And it gets funnier every time.
  4. Fantastic night. Great matches. And @Glen-i. I would do that 100% again. And I would laugh about it every time.
  5. Thanks for waiting the extra week for the theme night @Glen-i.
  6. Some really fun races tonight. Close ones too and some runaway wins. Plus I got two GP wins tonight.
  7. But isn’t that what a Mario game is? People wanted a deep story but we were never going to get that. This was always going to be a fun film and not some deep epic.
  8. Just sat and watched the stream, thanks @S.C.G. some great matches in there and some very funny moments. I'll see you all on the battlefield this coming weekend.
  9. 2 dungeons down. Time to go exploring for the next 3 days before continuing the main quest. My only gripe so far is that these enemies, even early game, are so powerful. I have 7 hearts and I’m being 1 hit killed. I’m not wanting easy guys to beat but I dread to think what Lynels are going to be like. Other than that I’m enjoying it.
  10. Mario Kartma was on point tonight. A few from me, some really fun races last night.
  11. As I mentioned over VC after Mario Kart, I won't be available this Saturday for Smash.
  12. It does seem that getting rupees is not as easy as before. I find the best way at the moment is just selling gem stones.
  13. So I’ve just found another new collectathon type thing.
  14. Yup. Was a triple Rosalina match. @Ugh first aid would have been in heaven lol
  15. Sometimes even my plank and four wheels doesn’t work lol
  16. Great games, thanks @S.C.G for stepping in and setting up, took a few games to get the rules all right but we got there. Some close matches tonight and some fun endings. That triple bomb walk across MK stage was funny.
  17. Fair enough. I assumed it was longer. No worries.
  18. Timed matches would require one more with same setups but just a time limit. Glen would need to confirm the time he uses, it must be around 5 minutes per match. Up that time limit on stamina. We use 3 stocks on that too. Otherwise it’s just sudden death with one stock. So you’ll want 3 stock 10 minutes. I think. @S.C.G
  19. I always felt the items were not as frequent as when I play games myself, this explains it. How would people feel to a theme night were items are set to the highest? @Ike @S.C.G Maybe tweak which items appear. But I know sometimes we do get manic moments in games when so much is happening that it causes cracking up over VC. Imagine a bunch of Pokémon and assist trophies all fighting for us.
  20. Well looks like my game won’t be here until tomorrow. My Amiibo came but it seems the game wasn’t sent at the same time. Either Nintendo’s fault for not sending early enough or Royal Mail for not getting it sorted quicker. First time an order from the official Nintendo store has not arrived on release day.
  21. Feel free to host, I usually do but you can this week. Just to add I think @Glen-i adds a time limit to the matches too, but it's usually 10 minutes and the games never go that long anyway. Also might be a good idea to take that giant Palutena level out of rotation too. It can be too big sometimes, Everything else is fair game though. I think items are set to normal frequency too. Oh and item wise take out that flag thing that gives you an extra life. That's no fun in stamina, 3 stock. Yes make sure it's 3 stock.
  22. No sign of either the game nor the new Link Amiibo here. Don’t let me down Nintendo, your store said all games will be delivered on release day.
  23. Waiting for my copy, it should arrive today from Nintendo store as they usually do. I will probably not be looking in the thread even though I know spoiler tags willl be in effect, so happy Zeldaing and enjoy the game everyone. I will be playing all weekend except for Smash. break on Saturday evening.
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