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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. That would have taken win of the night if you didn't get saved. And TBF that was pure desperation on my part as I didn't know if it would fire with me being in mid air. I just tried it.
  2. Get games guys. Glad @RedShell got the idea for the last match of the night to change to Hero for the menu fight. And a great stage for it too.
  3. Theme night already, that came around quick. I’ll be waiting excitedly for the next “@Glen-i left out these characters from previous theme nights” theme where we’ll see those he missed this time. 😜
  4. Looks like we have an evening gaming session to get set up,then.
  5. Did anyone else pick this up? I've just finished what I would guess would be the second of the end game parts. Spoilers for what I mean. So anyway, I've thoroughly enjoyed the game, and full try that last bit. but I don't hold much hope for now. Have to say it starts out simple, only having a small number of pikmin in your squad until you get Flarlic makes it seem harder at first. But by then end of it when you are commanding 100 and Oachi is fully upgraded you feel like you are unstoppable. Oachi can take out some of the smaller enemies in one bite. Great game and I\m glad I went for it.
  6. I am proud to be a part of that history making moment, and yes that other death was funnier, killed by a kart.
  7. If @RedShell is joining will there be some extra time after for custom stages?
  8. I've not heard from any other sources and never heard of this site but Possible Animal Crossing sets coming. If this is true I expect the biggest set to be Nooks store, then possibly your house. The smaller sets I imagine will be based on characters with small scenery. OK a few other sites are starting to post the same thing. Although they all say the same thing. No one has solid proof and it's just from leakers.
  9. I miss using that Silver Arrow. The noise it makes is music. Anyway, after that joint first place in GP1, it just went down hill fast.
  10. Nice theme. Shame it means Baby Park has to wait till stay-if-you-like GP4.
  11. I think I’m finding this a lot easier than the previous games too. I’ve now 100% another area and only had to use the help thing on one Dandori challenge which I just couldn’t seem to do after three goes. I’ve even managed to get full items on one of them on my first go too. Currently taking on some night missions as I have a hoard of Leaflings lying on the ground at base 😆 I’m enjoying those too. Spend a minute grabbing as many pieces to increase glow Pikmin, assign Oachie to a base then just attack the monsters.
  12. I feel why this is why I like this more than the others too. Whilst there is the day time limits they seem to allow you to do loads anyway, I've 100% 4 areas now and am enjoying the game.
  13. I think @S.C.G has the setups ready so I’ll wait to hear if I’m needed to host tonight for this. I think stock follows timed.
  14. Started off terribly for me. Last places. Glad no one saw it. LOL Great finish there @S.C.G I think those coins I picked up, was enough for me to stay ahead.
  15. Possibly just me amd @S.C.G Tonight. Though Lost does turn up. Any chance of others?
  16. I don’t normally collect a lot of these things but this would be an exception lol. I can hear that song again.
  17. It’s definitely a display piece more than a play piece. There are a few Easter eggs in it though and a few hidden areas. I enjoyed the build.
  18. @EEVILMURRAY that was released in 2021, you only just seen it? I have it and it’s an awesome set. I picked up the Lord of the Rings BrickHeadz sets recently. Fun little figures at a nice cheap price.
  19. Man I've missed that. OK, so yeah I agree with what's been said here. Whilst that was hilarious and had us in stitches, a full night of that can't be done each and every week. I loved throwing everyone into the barrels with Isabelle and winning by over 10 points but I also understand that that should be a very limited thing. I enjoy the custom stages and the fun they bring, but I also enjoy a good old fashioned Smash fight on a regular stage to see who's the best. (or who just doesn't mess up the most). I'd be OK with whatever is decided, be it half an hour before for custom, only selecting custom stages which are not like the barrel stage, there are some good regular custom stages in the mix. Maybe the last half hour for custom stages. Maybe if we are having 5/6 of us playing, the custom stage could be picked when @Ike is the one spectating? Moment of the night was Sudden Death on the tennis stage. Perfect.
  20. Ah, The return of @RedShells stages. Some fun, some wield but 99% plain stupid. And we love them. Death balls that trap you, a square box you can’t get out of and everyone is at 900% damage, can’t wait.
  21. If you think you’ll play a lot of the N64 games, I highly recommended getting one of the new N64 controllers for Switch. They make the games so much easier to play. And the rumble on them is amazing.
  22. Great to have you back @RedShell, guess you'll be joining us on a Saturday for Smash too? Anyway funnies from me. Everyone laugh at @Glen-i in the first clip.
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