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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I'm really hoping this has been done to gauge interest and we get a new F-Zero with the next console now.
  2. Announced in the direct. And there were some people here that said they wouldn't make him (cough @Glen-i cough) It was always going to happen. I suspect he maybe one of the most sought after though so hopefully I'll get him to complete my Smash collection (minus p2 variants)
  3. Game of the Year! That looks like the game you'd play after a drunken party with friends. If there is online too then I may get it for the laughs.
  4. 19 minutes in the video. Perfectly symmetrical Jigglypuff violence.
  5. Well there’s your problem. But yeah take out the stick destroying Mario Party games and I bet they’d still hold up today.
  6. Neat. That makes a little more sense as Bayonetta is in the same weight class as Peach and co that I would have thought.
  7. Yes, how do you go from near perfect controllers like the N64 and GC one to what we have now? I'm still on original N64 and GC controllers that have never had issues, yet people have had multiple joy cons in a few years. Although mine have never shown signs of drift.
  8. I would not have picked them as the lightest. I mean the obvious ones, yes, but Bayonetta lighter than Peach? Sephiroth Lighter than a lot not there? How are some of those heavier than a Dog and Bird? Isabelle, Villager? I'm not saying you're wrong as you're never wrong @Glen-i LOL, but it seems odd that some of those are lighter than I would have thought.
  9. Thanks for joining. We finally got to beat Shredder for the first time. It seems it may be easy (less chaotic) with just two or three players. But you can’t beat the mayhem of 4 or more using specials at the same time.
  10. Yet we didn't really capitalise on the shield break. Which yes they have, so I guess we are all getting dumber by holding our shield instead of dodging. Oooh, idea. Jigglypuff free for all, first to break their shield wins. LOL
  11. Absolute mental craziness. That is all. Really fun though and the choice of power ups at the end of a, er, level, does make for some interesting gameplay.
  12. I have enough in Gold coins (points, whatever) to get it using them. So I’m in.
  13. Well at least I got back for some races. Was visiting girlfriend and gave myself plenty time to get home. But the M25 and M1 didn’t want to play fair. Needed some of those Spiky Shells to clear the traffic.
  14. Loved Frasier, I hope this is half as good, but with none of the other cast returning I’m not sure what to think. I get it’s supposed to be a new part of his life but we will have to wait and see.
  15. Sad news on both accounts but Wyatt’s kinda hit harder. I had read that he had been cleared and was due to make a return soon.
  16. I never played Excitebike 64 so at least it’s new to me. Ok is it just me that keeps seeing the box art for Mario Party and thinking it’s for Mario Party 3 because of the dice under the title.
  17. I'm going to assume they have enough soundbites that they can use of him doing Mario for a time being in any upcoming games. If not, I guess they will either have an alternative VA already in the works that can imitate the voice, or Mario will suddenly change to using another random language or dialect in all games.
  18. Great matches, I think we sorted the custom stages debacle in the end afterwards @RedShell shame we couldn't get any in tonight. But those few on omega stages were fun,
  19. @Glen-i is potentially still missing tonight. @S.C.G should have the set up ready to go though. Time format, 3 stock and take out Palutenas Temple. If we are going after 10 for custom stages you will need to change the rules for the room at 10 to allow them.
  20. Players choice tonight, I’ll be hosting as @Glen-i isn’t able to make it. 8pm normal start time.
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