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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Yeah don’t forget @martinist let’s all tag him 😂 Ill be playing as Wedding Mario for @Glen-i 😂
  2. Great games. Now and forever onwards I will always be using Wedding Mario just to remind @Glen-i of his failure in tonights planning.
  3. I knew there was a wedding one. But it wasn't until @Dcubed picked him and @Glen-i said no that I saw him on my shelf and saif wait a minute. He came in a three pack with Wedding Peach and Bowser
  4. someone had to. OK, I'm sure you have a room title but may I suggest "Beat up Sam!!!!!!!"
  5. Speaking of me not deserving it. There was that one race I did deserve what I got. I think it was Maple Treeway, I was constantly getting a red shell in second, but every time I had one I had to keep it as a shield because I was getting red shells fired at me. I just wanted to hit @Glen-i. But then on the very last straight Glen gets hit by a good ol' Spikey Shell and I actually managed to win that race.
  6. One of the funniest nights on voice chat I remember. Some close races all throughout. Also @S.C.G you will face my wrath in Smash for that despicable display in the final race of GP4 for not letting me pass to beat @Glen-i by coming second. I thought we had a deal? Anyway time for funnies.
  7. Need them. Hope to be able to grab a pack at retail when they go up for preorder. We must be close now to all Smash Amiibo released.
  8. Found the moment I mentioned that you said you didn't see on the Pikmin stage @Glen-i. 29.43 start. 15 seconds in I throw @Ike off to the left and as he is recovering I shoot a missile that explodes on the platform above him cause him to fall.
  9. After last nights Pokemon Stadium and Mario Kart 64, I not sure we have any stamina left
  10. But oh what fun did we have. No one attempted to do the short cut on Wario course by agreement but I would so have done the Rainbow Road one if we played that.
  11. For me anything spoilery would be a major plot point that's given away or hinted at. Like if Zelda dies. Something that hasn't been part of previous stories and not something you'd guess at. Any major new mechanics, though I guess some have been shown so not too sure on that. Though I still don't know much about them cause I haven't been paying attention. Any late game stuff that is not normal in a Zelda game, so I know there will always be Gannon and likely Zelda will help kill him, but I don't want to know what forms he takes or how the battle is possibly going to be. I don't want to know how we get there, I know it'll most likely be through Hyrule Castle but if that's not the case then don't tell us. New characters that are going to be integral to the plot. Son't make it clear that they are but I don't mind if they are shown in a glancing shot. It can be hard to draw a line on what is a spoiler as everyone has a different take, but to me, if I got to that point and it would have been a shock, or been an emotional moment in the game, then I want to find that out on my own and not know it's coming. I don't mind a fly over of town that we may not have seen before as long as you leave it at that. Let us then discover it if its going to be a bit part of the game.
  12. Some of my worst finishes in MK history there. Was great fun teaming up to thwart @Glen-i on the forth GP, just not enough @Dcubed @S.C.G I was so pleased with that win I forgot to get the recording right after.
  13. I was going to avoid it but read that it wasn't really spoiler heavy. It wasn't spoilery at all, in my opinion anyway. Wow what a trailer, that's film blockbuster worthy trailer. Best trailer I've seen in a long time. Can't wait for this, have this preordered along with the new Link Amiibo.
  14. For anyone still collecting these the new Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Link Amiibo is up on Nintendo store for preorder now.
  15. It seems that Bowser's song has been gaining quite a bit of traction. The official video on YouTube has had nearly 4 million views in its first day and was trending near the top. Talk about it being put up for nomination for best original song at the Oscars (though not sure they would). Here's the video, in spoilers of course.
  16. Ive read this take elsewhere. It does seem like a couple minutes of them talking could have added a bit to that scene and cemented a bit more of a bond between them. Oh well.
  17. No quickie for us then. Great night though. Think that may have been one of my best nights in the win column. And we proved once and for all that Samus does always win.
  18. Sometimes you just need some silly moments in wrestling. Case in point Sami Zayn vs Johnny Knoxville at last years WrestleMania.
  19. I did surprisingly well in that first Battle, and it all went downhill from then. We don't talk about my score in Shine Thief.
  20. Saw it yesterday and enjoyed it very much. My girlfriend even told me that she wasn't too sure going in but knew I wanted to see it and came out having enjoyed it.
  21. Saw this today too, they are not exactly merging it with UFC. It's more that the two brands will be run under the Endeavour company, from that I've read anyway. As of now it seems that its business as normal and no major changes to how things are being run though. Anyone else watch WrestleMania. Possibly one of the best in recent years even with a couple of wrong depictions in my opinion.
  22. I don't remember winning a single match last night. I got into a SD with @Glen-i but that seemed to be the best I did. Someone correct me if I was wrong. Great games though, lots of stealing KO's last night all round and some great games by @S.C.G
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