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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. But, but I wanna hear UFA smack talking when she beats you up with Rosalina LOL Yeah I'll be in the general VC channel anyway then just in case you can join.
  2. Loving all the nods in that new clip. You can play it a few times and see something new every time. Love the NES cartridge joke in there. This film is going to be one that you see something new every time you watch it.
  3. Great races, great set of new tracks, Berlin Byways, Peach Gardens stand outs for me. Boo Lake, whose idea was that insanely sharp corner though? Right, when's going to be the first explosive GP, bombs and Blue Shells only!!!
  4. I have thought of that. I'll have to see how funds are this weekend. It doesn't seem that it ever sells out anywhere, so I can always wait if I have to for the next discount on it.
  5. Damn that is tempting but I kinda wanna use Lego site just because I'm saving up VIP points so I can get money off the Titanic set. And it's a double points weekend on Lego too. But £100 cheaper on Amazon is serious discount.
  6. Love me a new track night. Also I know many will be playing them tonight, but as always I'll be going in blind tomorrow night, hopefully on voice chat to chat about them as we play.
  7. Finally we get custom items and not just the silly "mushrooms only", "coins only" stuff. Seeing a lot of silly but fun suggestions already. Baby Park, Bullet Bills only. Lighting only races. Blue shells and Bullet Bills. The possibilities are endless.
  8. How very dull, I think I'll stick to our Saturday Smash games where anything can happen, and usually does. But good luck to anyone that does have a go.
  9. Great games and thanks for joining @S.C.G Hope to see you back again. As always lots of close matches and some not so close. I have to share this early match between Samus (me) and Lucas (@Ike) Watch out for the game of catch in the last stock and the unexpected (but if you know our games) expected win.
  10. @Ike You still up for some games? Can play from 8 for normal two hours or as long as you want.
  11. I think the initial reports were greatly exaggerated and many people just wanted it to fail because it was Elon Musk. It seems to me that there has been no difference in usage. I'm keeping my as I use it for Switch photos and videos to share with people here.
  12. Mario Kart was not liking me tonight. So many times I got bombarded on lap one and couldn't come back. and also @S.C.G was doing stuff like this...
  13. Yeah no worries, was still fairly even matches and everyone won a few, except Dcubed, he kept getting knocked out first 😆
  14. After all the initial problems that was some very fun games. Thanks for sticking it out and Fun Times!
  15. Actually I was only out for Mario Kart and Mario Party. I'm back now for Smash tonight.
  16. I've picked up a few of these, Have Nabbit too and my girlfriend recently picked me up 6 of them as she saw a 6 for £25, so I said grab me some.
  17. I feel like this is way too late. May give it a go to see if they are worth getting a few of us together for a round or two.
  18. Awesome stuff, can't wait for this to drop and the usual MKNE GetTogether that week.
  19. Wanted this set for a while and I picked it up when there was a recent double points event on. Just got around to building it this past week. Absolutely love this, Not shown but there is a Flux Capacitor in there that has a light brick behind it that looks awesome. I went with Part 3 design as I love the circuit board and think the Mr Fusion looks better than the lightning rod. Mr Fusion has a banana and a drinks can in there to power it. Best part is the mechanic that moves the wheels to the flying position. It's just simple but an amazing effect. and yes, the gull wing doors do open up.
  20. Put me down for Mario again, he seems to be doing well for me and that second place.
  21. That final match was very cagey and tactical at the end there. I guess I'm the better Chrom. Great matches all night, and way too many cars hitting people.
  22. Well that was typical for me. Leading going into the last few rounds with 2 stars and I have them both stolen from me. I still managed to come second though.
  23. I use it pretty much exclusively for uploading my Switch photos and videos. I follow some accounts but I don't sit and scroll through my feed to see what's happening. I'm sure we will get another way to upload our Switch files if it goes under. I don't care either way what happens to it as I don't use it for anything other than this.
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