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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Man I had the GB or SNES one and all I remember is that it was so damn hard I never really got anywhere in it. Cool news though.
  2. Glen miss something? That’s impossible, he never misses anything like that there is a Wedding Amiibo Mario that was in a three pack with Peach and Bowser for a Smash theme night 😝
  3. None of that means a thing when Mario Kartma is out in full force (or you’re playing on Baby Park). But I guess the nerds will make use of it lol
  4. I think I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. R.O.B and Poochie. This is the only right choice. We’ll probably end up getting Baby Toad and Baby Paulina 😂
  5. Has anyone watched any of the latest series yet? Have to say after the first two episodes I'm a little disappointed as neither have really stood up to any of the previous episodes and series. First was OK, but I found the second could have been a run of the mill horror film. I don't know if it's because of the shift to it being a Netflix show but I haven't really enjoyed them. They don't feel like the old episodes which you could see as being set in their own world and connected. So far, and especially the second episode, they just feel like they are set in this world (doesn't help that Netflix cram in their name or as in ep 1 a streaming service that is pretty much just them). I'll give the rest a go to see if any are better. Just glad I don't subscribe to watch these.
  6. Good set of new tracks there, looks like a good lot of shortcut opportunities too. As always great close racing, and shenanigans throughout.
  7. Does this have any continuity with any of the previous Godzilla films?
  8. Great matches. I won as Sora in stamina so that means I won the night, right? Also I can’t believe that I got @Glen-i with the same tactic and throws three times in a row in that one match. If any one finds it in the stream I’d love to watch it again.
  9. To be fair the only reason I was driving so casually like that was cause I had given up on winning and settled for second only to be greeted with 1st when I crossed the line.
  10. Custom items can really mix the race up. Some great close races tonight. They should have added the feature a long time ago.
  11. Jigglypuff x 4 will never be beaten as best Smash moment.
  12. I think I broke ExciteBike arena one lol. The previous races seemed fine but being on phone data again it seemed to mess up there. From my end I took off from the line and everyone else just stayed there. I got double coins from the first box and was way out in front before people moved. Then it just went funky at the end and we all did like two victory laps then I got disconnected. I’ll be back to normal next week.
  13. Glad my circumstances made for a fun night. I actually didn’t think it would go that smoothly for running the Switch through a 4G phone network. And beat of all it used around 350mb for the two hour session. I think it was the first ever 4 way between Simon (not me the other one) but I still got to say “I did it”
  14. Come on R.O.B!! He needs to make a comeback.
  15. Ok. Quickly testing switch online using Mario Kart for a couple races and my phones hot spot. it ran surprisingly smoothly didnt seem laggy and held up. Also two races and getting connected used like 40mb So I think I’ll attempt to join a little after 8 so that we know if it’s me that kicks the games out.
  16. I may or may not be available this Saturday. Going away on holiday but I may try to use the phone as a hotspot to see if I can get on and play for 30 minutes or so depending on how good a connection it is. So if I can get on but just get disconnected, then know it was my fault and I'll just see you all next week.
  17. That was the most mediocre week for me in a long time. Would just like to add that I may not be here for next weeks games. Going away on holiday this weekend.
  18. Players Choice tonight at 8pm (just in case @Glen-i can't make it I'll be hosting)
  19. I might pick this up, I really loved the first game but don't think I ever really could get into the second one so may be a good time to go back. I think it will all depend on how much I enjoy Pikmin 4.
  20. I’m sure they said there will be physical releases later in the year.
  21. Late game spoilers above Definitely getting the Amiibo. On DLC. I would have no issue either way if they added or didn’t. But I think it would really need to be an extension of the story and not just some tacked on side quests. I really think this has been one of the better stories a Zelda game has had for some time and don’t feel it needs any additional stuff.
  22. Was my exact thought too. It does look like it could be hilarious though.
  23. Come on F-Zero and some mention of Sora Amiibo.
  24. @nekunando For me the answer is a big No. I’m still putting in two hour sessions + at a time and always finding something to do. The past few days I’ve completed the Dragons tears memories and all the Gazette/stable quests with Penn. Which gives a great clothing reward. I’ve been doing side quests to make my way around the world and trying to find as many caves as I can. Even doing all that I still have many incomplete side quests and always seem to find new ones. Today I’ve ventured back over to Gerudo, as I’ve not been back there and have done a few quests there and unlocked more new ones too. I’ll probably find the same if I venture back to the fish people (the name has completely escaped me right now) so will have more to do there too. Then there is the depths which I’ve read there is a lot more to do under there too.
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